Search results

  1. H

    What makes the green grass grow?

    says the drill sgt. to the soldiers preparing to go to Iraq. The soldiers scream back: "Blood. Blood. Blood makes the green grass grow." "What's the spirit of the bayonet?" the drill sergeant asks. The troops chant at the top of their lungs: "Kill. Kill. Kill without mercy." I recently...
  2. H

    Who is this guy? It doesn't sound like George W. Bush, but it sure looks like him. :scratch:
  3. H

    on judging, exposing, rebuking, warning and naming names

    This thread can be used as a reference and discussion about whether, when and how to judge false teachers, prophets, and false doctrine. It is not about any particular false teacher or any particular heretical doctrine, nor is it about any particular poster who warns, judges or discerns. Those...
  4. H

    Anti-semite was spiritual advisor to many American Presidents

    New York, NY, March 1, 2002 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called the anti-Semitic views the Rev. Billy Graham shared with President Richard Nixon "chilling and frightening even today, 30 years after the statements were made." ADL was shocked to learn from the just released tapes that...
  5. H

    Hagee's message: Jesus did not come to be nor claim to be the Messiah Why does Pastor Hagee make this nonsensical claim while calling the Catholic Church the "harlot of Babylon" and the "apostate church?" Jesus clearly claimed to be the Messiah (and Son of God). Jesus told the Samaritan woman that he is the Messiah...
  6. H

    Why you should not support Fred Thompson

    Thompson just complained (during the Fox debate) about the fact that Huckabee wants to close down Guantanimo and bring the "enemy combatants" here to the United States to "make their way through the court system." Excuse me, facist Thompson, but they are only "enemy combatants" because of...
  7. H

    Multi-level marketing schemes and the church

    There is an elder in a church I formerly attended when I lived in another city who is obsessed with a multi-level marketing scheme. I have seen him preach, and he can sing, and he seemed so passionate and on fire for the Lord. He and my husband were very involved in outreach to the homeless...
  8. H

    Do you support Rupert Murdoch's candidate..

    Hillary Clinton? Yes, the owner of Fox News and controlling shareholder of Newscorp held a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. Furthermore, Hillary attended a party celebrating the 10th anniversary of Fox News. But don't try to find it reported on Fox news. :pink...
  9. H

    Should women teach men in the church?

    Do you believe that women should be able to teach men in the church? If so, how do you square it with these verses: As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want...
  10. H

    God has responded to a lawsuit

    against Him for terrorism and causing hurricanes and other horrible stuff. After a state senator legislator sued God (and made a big todo about it), two answers appeared at the Clerk's office. One was mysterious, listing no attorney (God was representing himself pro se and signed the...
  11. H

    Where is BarbB?

    BarbB has not logged on for about a year. Does anyone know what has become of her? :confused:
  12. H

    Its about money!

    Following Christ is all about money. Money gives you peace according to Creflo Dollar. I have watched the aptly named Dollar's sermons, and the video excerpts in the link below do not misrepresent or constitute an exaggeration of his message. He delivers the same one week after week. Why...
  13. H

    Was the American Revolution of God?

    I don't know how to create a poll question, but I was just wondering what is the consensus of spirit-filled believers on this issue. Some of the founding fathers were Deists, some were Christians, and some of them are up for debate, but that is not the question. If you believe that God...
  14. H

    A doctor with unshakable faith

    A friend of my husband's, a Catholic, sent us this link, and I thought it might be of interest to the forum.
  15. H

    How do you get people off the phone, politely?

    Two days ago, from the moment I woke up until I laid my head down on my pillow, I was on the phone. People just kept calling and calling and calling me about these urgent and semi-urgent matters. I am self-employed. I no longer can afford a secretary and I have no buffer. I had no rest at...
  16. H

    You've all been very naughty!

    After months of relative calm, I see that the healing wars have commenced yet again! :eek: I can't believe it! Who on earth is responsible for these atrocities? Whom have these healing threads healed? Wouldn't our time be better served in the altar thread? What arguments have not...
  17. H

    How long can you last?

    I lasted over nine seconds on my 5th try.
  18. H

    The Secret Message of Jesus and Tolstoy

    I have a question for emergents, having read about 1/4 of McClarin's book, "The Secret Message of Jesus." I am simultaneously reading Leo Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God is Within You," written just before the dawn of the 20th century. While Tolstoy seems to abhor anything mystical or...
  19. H

    I can't do it anymore.

    The pastor of the church I recently extracted myself from has suddenly announced that he is a Prophet. He already calls himself a Bishop, which title was bestowed upon him by himself, in reality. I know about the "prophet" thing because my husband is still attending. Furthermore, he announced at...
  20. H

    To 501(c)(3) or not to 501(c)(3)?

    It is not necessary for a church to either incorporate or apply for 501(c)(3) status. Churches are tax-exempt and contributions to them are deductible automatically. Why should a church invite the IRS into its life? Why should it allow the government to dictate its organizational structure in...