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  1. sniperelite7

    Bernie draws 17,500 at LA rally

    Well, I am actually really excited to see him run. While I cannot agree with much of his policies. A cursory over view of what he supports indicates to me that he is nuanced in his views and practical in his governance. Quite frankly, I feel that free trade agreements have gutted manufacturing...
  2. sniperelite7

    Dear White America:

    Deploying the concept of privilege as a social justice weapon and not as the analytical tool it was intended for is in error. The end result is that instead of increasing an awareness of any structural racism, it has bred people who see it as a devalued concept in the way it is used, because...
  3. sniperelite7

    Freedom Riders

    I actually lived in that town, now in the next one over. Though they are smushed together such that you could consider them all one place. I doubt they are racists. Just good people justifiably angry at the mess that is illegal immigration and taking it out on the closest thing that resembles...
  4. sniperelite7

    Democrats have a problem with science too

    Democrats Have a Problem With Science, Too - Tara Haelle - POLITICO Magazine "The point is that any science denialism exists on the left at all. If there is grime in my bathroom and grime in my kitchen, I don’t stand there and contemplate which one has more filth; my house won’t be clean...
  5. sniperelite7

    The US falling in line with the Communist Manifesto

    Keep insuring that the minimum wage remains fixed and stagnate is a darn good way to fulfill the predictions of Marx regarding the proletariat rising up as their conditions get worse.
  6. sniperelite7

    Do recent European elections signal trouble for US Liberals in upcoming elections?

    How is the US anti immigrant? Last I checked the bulk of such anger was directed at illegal immigration.
  7. sniperelite7

    Do Conservatives Have Any Empathy At All?

    Hash tags are annoying. Adults who use them even more so. Probably not a lack of empathy, most likely the sensibility to believe that its fake and dishonest to pretend you care when you actually don't and that hash tags and photo ops don't bring back innocent girls. A tragedy occurs every...
  8. sniperelite7

    Let's Talk Second Amendment

    I love this train of thought. Since the jack booted thugs out class militia in every way. Just roll over and make it easy for them. The gun control movement's inane rhetoric and warped idea of compromise has pushed the gun rights movement to be equally unyielding. Im in support for mental...
  9. sniperelite7

    What bothers you more? BLM vs Bundy

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Don't like it then cry about it. That the BLM utilizes anything more powerful than .38 revolver is the real problem. That and whatever fraud/tax evasion/etc started the whole mess
  10. sniperelite7

    Heard about North American Union? USA, Canada & Mexico Merged into 1 Super State!

    Oh look Alex Jones. You really know nothing about the EU do you? Granted I'd be wary of a union with Mexico. I'd rather this country not take on the complete cost of propping up and securing that ball of mess
  11. sniperelite7

    Religious Dress ban in Canada

    I thought Canada was the country that bragged about diversity...?
  12. sniperelite7

    The State and Coercion

    I can see some merit in your argument, but let me play the devils advocate here, and get deeper into this. But its my money, my private property. Therefore taking it by force of the state through taxation is immoral-coercion. Thanks for replying, but yes, it does indeed seem a bit arbitrary.
  13. sniperelite7

    Christians being Persecuted in North America?

    Well to me persecution is something along the lines of concentration camps and lions. Im articulating the view of the church I attend for arguments sake.
  14. sniperelite7

    Christians being Persecuted in North America?

    Are they and what examples can be provided of it? I've encountered several examples. The supreme court case regarding Catholic hospitals and providing abortions, but that seems to hinge on them accepting public funds, in which case I can see why issues have been raised. Our Canadian brothers...
  15. sniperelite7

    The State and Coercion

    So this past government shutdown has me butting heads with libertarians. Basically I disagree with the premise that it is immoral to use government to address issues such as poverty or bolstering the middle class because government is coercive and it is immoral to take ones private...
  16. sniperelite7

    What did the country learn from the Zimmerman trial?

    Essentially facebook. I was called a racist and a bigot for daring to suggest that race has become irrelevant, and that the attempts to label a hispanic as a white racist where the dying breathes of a group of people who have built up their identity as victims.
  17. sniperelite7

    Patriotism and the Nation-State

    I consider myself patriotic. But then again, I draw a distinction between patriotism and nationalism.
  18. sniperelite7

    What is Lust?

    I had found a great analogy a while back. Say you see your neighbor and his new car in the garage. You like the car, you want the car, you can see yourself driving around in the car and having a good time, you might go and compliment your neighbor. But that is as far as you go. Same situation...
  19. sniperelite7

    National Go-Topless Day

    The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad. -Nietzsche Perhaps if we stopped believing that the human body has special powers that turn people evil, we'll stop locking it away and eventually come too think nothing of nudity.
  20. sniperelite7

    Universal Healthcare is a Human Right

    I'm rather neutral on healthcare, so i'll just play devils advocate. A right to healthcare? So a right to force someone else to take care of you? All those verses are great for individual initiative, in which case, why not form private organizations whom there purpose is to provide healthcare...