Search results

  1. TooCurious

    "My Friend..."

    Over the past few weeks, I've begun taking notice of a certain form of address, and really thinking about its implications. I've seen it used a few times by people here on these forums, and on the national stage in the American presidential campaign. It seems innocuous enough at first, but when...
  2. TooCurious

    Why the Ark?

  3. TooCurious

    Unequal Protection for Wiccan Veterans

    A few of my friends linked to this story in their LiveJournals, so I thought I'd check NCR to see if there was any discussion of it. Since I didn't find any threads, I thought I'd start one myself. Note to Mods: I figured this could either fit in NCR or Politics, but I thought NCR was the...
  4. TooCurious

    Evaluating internet sources

    One of my friends is currently going to grad school for library science, and she recently found this website, , which discusses how to evaluate the validity of online information sources. It's focused toward the use of sources in academic papers...
  5. TooCurious

    Are there any Jewish creationists?

    I was watching comedian Lewis Black's newest HBO special a little while ago, and one of the things he was discussing was creationism. He said something that made me wonder. The book of Genesis has been part of the Jewish scriptures for much longer than Christianity has existed, so it seems...
  6. TooCurious

    Post-Flood Distribution of Species?

    A question occurred to me while I was reading the "Human Disease" thread, and I thought I'd share it. I'm not entirely sure whether this belongs here in C&E, or over in GA, but I think it goes here. If I'm wrong, I hope the mods won't get too mad at me when they move it. :o Okay, here's the...
  7. TooCurious

    Literal Interpretations and Bats being Birds

    I noticed the Science category on this site, and I was thinking about things like evolution and "creationism" and the bible, and then I remembered something I read awhile ago on the Skeptics' Annotated Bible site. It occurred to me that some people take the bible word-for-word literally, and...