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  1. M

    To The One I Love

    Somehow this day would come When the two of us would meet. A special time, your love and mine Would join as one heart beat. Not knowing when or how, Not knowing if I should speak, A simple word, a gentle word, Or a touch to your cheek. As time went on we grew, Walking side by side...
  2. M

    A Winter's Night Dream

    A Winter's Night Dream As the darkness embraced the land Weary eyes long for a night's sleep. Drifting into fantasy, Tiny crystals Lures them to the deep. Now blinded by the white Left a chilling fear of death. Feeling lost and alone Doubting visions with each breath. Stiff and...
  3. M

    A Winter's Night

    A Winter's Night It was't fit for man or beast A mighty blizzard paid us a call And leaving behind Smooth deep mounds With sculptured drifts Reminds me of the desert lands So bright and clean It lit the starless night Untouched showing no trace of path And a cold northwest wind...
  4. M

    A Glorious Night

    A Glorious Night It was a beautiful night indeed So clear and crisp was the midnight air As two weary travelers searched around Finding no vacancies, they looked elsewhere. A town's innkeeper got wind of their need His heart was deeply touched Seeing the mother so near to birth...
  5. M

    Left Behind

    Just image within a few minutes, to about a few hours of the first day after the rapture. I pray that we all get and be ready for the Lord's return. Knowing what's going to happen in the tribulations, I don't want to be around when things go from bad to worse. I heard the screams, as they...
  6. M

    Ark of the Covenant

    Do you know they actually found it? Yes, in 1982 by Ron Wyatt. I found this out and more info about what the Jews are doing to get ready for the third temple. The site is, ( search ) third temple youtube. You will find a lot of info there. To give you some info to get you...
  7. M

    It's time to shed some light on true events

    For the past two to three weeks I've been doing some research. In 2010 we were able to visit Isreal as a church group. We learned a saw a lot there. Just recently I went to and did a search on the third temple youtube. I found a lot of info that you don't hear or read about in...
  8. M

    A Friend

    What's in a friend you can trust? With burdens and cares of the heart. One in whom you can lean on, Is near and faithful from the start. What's in a friend who can help? With wisdom and truth that guides. One who will not mislead you, Who knows, sees and provides. What's in a friend...
  9. M

    The Arena

    Try to use some imagination, from a distance as a spectator and as one participating watching the sport. I wrote this poem on the way home after watching two games of this sport at the stadium in Maryland. Enjoy. Finally, peace and quiet As it waits for the big event. For they come...
  10. M


    Where are you going my child? Do you really know? I see you in your wanderings Making detours as you go. Do you not realize Where this path is taking you? Yet, I desire you to draw near to Me, In everything you do. Have you considered this other path? It's not difficult to know. It...
  11. M

    In His Resting Care

    As I lay here pondering what this day may bring, I've come to realize it's the uncertain things. For times like this I need to trust you Lord, to see this day through no matter what's in store. Life is sometimes funny, is wonderful, mysterious too. It makes our days so busy, that...
  12. M

    A New Day

    For this is a brand new day this I can very well see for all the problems, trials and tribulations can make the day unknown to me. This is why I can say; "I thank you Lord, for You know the things You know." This is why I can say; "I need you Lord, for I...
  13. M

    A Diverted Path

    As we tread upon the blacken tar, enticing us a path of granite stones and organic debris, it staggered our steps to an unknown journey. Exposing it's beauty and wisdom, inspired our eyes to wander and hearts to ponder. Unsure what lies ahead, we persevered each step watchful, each...
  14. M

    The Sounds of Summer

    Calypso music vibrating the afternoon air, while waves of laughter and splashing was the ultimate plan, plus chatter and clanging an interlude for events, we waited and prayed, God bless this day Scooters and motorcycles revved-up distorted notes, drowning the rhythmic beat for our feet...
  15. M

    On Bended Knees

    Happy Father's Day ( for fathers and their sons ) I stood amazed in wonder The complexity of the human form Seeing the resemblance of me in him Only God Himself could perform He carries my name to a new generation Forming a branch from the family tree So innocent and delicate Yet...
  16. M

    Daddy's Little Girl

    Happy Father's Day. ( for fathers and their little girls ) There's my little princess Waiting to bounce upon my knee Maybe she'll dance around the playroom Singing a new song to me I'm watching how she's growing up Studying hard along the way Practicing her piano Maybe a teacher or nurse...
  17. M

    The Sounds of Summer

    The Sounds of Summer Calypso music vibrating the afternoon air, while waves of laughter and splashing was the ultimate plan, plus chatter and clanging an unterlude for events, we waited and prayed, God bless this day Scooters and motorcycles revved-up distorted notes, drowning the rhythmic...
  18. M

    For Father's Day - On Bended Knees

    On Bended Knees I stood amazed in wonder The complexity of the human form Seeing the resemblance of me in him Only God Himself could perform He carries my name to a new generation Forming a branch from the family tree So innocent and delicate Yet needing love and guidance from me Someday...
  19. M

    For Father's Day - Daddy's Little Girl

    Daddy's Little Girl There's my little princess Waiting to bounce upon my knee Maybe she'll dance around the playroom Singing a new song to me I'm watching how she's growing up Studying hard along the way Practicing her piano Maybe a teacher or nurse someday Then comes those special...
  20. M

    Can You Imagine

    CAN YOU IMAGINE Can you imagine what Heaven is like, With its' Pearly Gates and streets of gold? As you stand waiting before the Book of Life An angel speaks and you are told. "Enter in, oh servant of the Lord, He's prepared a room for you." And the distant sounds of singing praise...