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    Glycemic index effects on fuel partitioning

    Obes Rev. 2006 May;7(2):219-26. Glycaemic index effects on fuel partitioning in humans. Diaz EO, Galgani JE, Aguirre CA. Laboratory of Energy Metabolism and Stable Isotopes, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile, Macul, Santiago, Chile. The purpose of this...
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    The truth about meal frequency

    Straight from the expert (minus a few edits on my part for profanity; Lyle is a vulgar guy to say the least).
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    Does anyone have...

    That picture of 'of Pandas and People' or whatever book it was where they clearly replaced 'Creationist' with 'Intelligent design', leaving the final product with such gems as 'creaIntelligent Designism' or something of the sort?
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    heh, I love this program.;jsessionid=15005094356B9C67B7B84019E65E1B1E.ba13?id=483048 Seriously.
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    I just realized...

    That my school sucks. This week we're having (from what I can gather from posters platered every where I look) an atheism vs theism debate, a seminar about how ID is so scientific it hurts, something about the divinci code and another seminar thingy about how christianity is correct. All in the...
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    Favorite lift?

    I added the clean and jerk to my routine today. Why? Who knows. It made me feel superior to everyone sitting around curling though (Just to be clear, I feel this way all the time), and I really liked it. So the question is twofold: 1) What is your favorite lift? Generally Oly squats are...
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    How do you squat?

    To parallel? Less? More? If everyone here squats similarly to how I see people at my gym squat, then most of you could probably benefit from going ass to grass. Most people I see doing it barely make parallel, and some don't even come close. The benefits of going below parallel include less...
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    What I believe about training

    Note: I did not write this, and I take no credit for it. It is from MESO-Rx forums, and it contains lots of good information. What I believe about training: Virtually everything you’ve ever read from a bodybuilding magazine is heresy and should be regarded as not worth the paper it was...
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    Creationists: Which is it?

    I want to know why creationists think that scientists miss all the evidence that points to creation. There seems to be only two options: A) Scientists are raging morons without posession of even the most basic scientific facts. B) There is a conspiracy against...
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    Are you looking to put on mass?

    This seems to be an unpopular notion on this forum, but I figured I'd save the few people who are interested the thousands of "no, you're not too skinny" or "God loves the way you look" replies because quite honestly, if you're 6' 140lbs, a fluffy kitten could break you in half. First, but...
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    Is there a way...

    to view more than 10 posts per page?
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    Young kids + C&E

    Is it just me, or are there a lot of 14-16 year olds who care altogether too much about this debate? When I was that age I didn't have a clue about what evolution was and the thought that Noah's ark was real had never even crossed my mind. It seems to me that kids should have much more important...
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    AnEmpiricalAgnostic spams too much.

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    Nasa sued for damaging comet. I hate people.
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    Dinosaurs didn't read...

    Now they're extinct. Coincidence? I think not.
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    Alright creationists, here's what's up

    No one is censoring your views. There is no conspiracy against you. You've been given chance after chance to demonstrate how ID or creationism is science and you fail with remarkable consistancy. Now quit crying about how the man is trying to keep you down and get out there and research. Quit...
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    Kitten Cannon!!#$ awesome.