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  1. H

    frog rabbit sand

    Really weird flash vision in dream state. It came the way meaningful ones usually come, and stood out distinctly, but made no sense and carried no emotion. It was a tight frame, showing only sand flying. I had the sense that a rabbit was moving under it, and saw quick frog-like hinged leg...
  2. H

    Entering quickly from unexpected direction

    I had an odd flash of a dream the other night, that confused me. Maybe some of you will have ideas on whether it has significance or not. I was standing near the end of the driveway, at the border of two properties, and watched a car swerve past our mailbox and into the driveway. The car was...
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    Incorporating Churches

    I was looking up legalities this morning and ran across an interesting statement on church incorporation. I am curious how many people here know whether their church is incorporated or not, and why/why not. From : Rome persecuted the Christians not...
  4. H

    Unpaid interns

    I was recently put into contact with a start-up company that had listed several unpaid internships. These internships were highly responsible, so much that I questioned whether the owner hired anyone at all. Looking further into it, I found that they had started another business with this...
  5. H

    more on flying dreams

    We have had our threads here on flying dreams, but I have a little twist today. One of my few flying dreams (I confess, I am so dull and regimented), took place in a dark circusy gym, where I was involved in acrobatics and trampolines, etc... to the max. It was probably over a year ago, and I...
  6. H

    more on flying dreams

    We have had our threads here on flying dreams, but I have a little twist today. One of my few flying dreams (I confess, I am so dull and regimented), took place in a dark circusy gym, where I was involved in acrobatics and trampolines, etc... to the max. It was probably over a year ago, and I...
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    Infiltrating / Invasive

    May 9, 2011 Infiltrating / Invasive / Response I assumed this was a stress dream, but it didn't coincide with emotions I was having that day. It was, however, coinciding with news of the week. Then when I got up, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to write it out. Please don't debate over whether...
  8. H

    Stored Potential?

    -details removed- The fact that it was at the edge of my property seems that it was either a public project, or something God wanted me to treat as a tenth for Him/for others. ... God have given me an opportunity that I neglected to harvest or care for, one that would have benefited other...
  9. H

    Tornado Dreams?

    I just wondered if any of you who have had tornado dreams recently, found that they related to the real wave of tornadoes in the last month. We get so used to things being symbolic, sometimes we forget to take things literally.
  10. H

    Dream Confirmations

    I ran across an old dream in my files today, and had one of those grateful moments where I realized God had been with me on something all along. The week of the dream, I had a major decision to make. Since the dream, I went through with it and experienced an unusual void/dark time that I...
  11. H

    Oh Pat, Pat.

    Today Pat Robertson was asked what it means to dream about the devil. He as a visible Christian leader who welcomes prophetic healing on his show, and other Spirit-led ministry, chuckled, "Oh I don't know, it means you ate something bad for dinner." :doh: It's understandable when a...
  12. H


    If any of you give to media ministries, please join me in taking time to reflect on giving. TBN is currently celebrating Telethon week, teaching their usual faith seed concepts. Many of you have gained support and inspiration from preachers on the network. A few of you have given donations...
  13. H

    by Feb 26

    Hi, this is more of a prayer request than a vision. I was recalling something memorable on Feb 26, and heard a quick word that gave me the sense that the next few days would usher in the end of an era for me. My spirit has been troubled, as though I really need the support of others' prayers...
  14. H

    Deja vu, Deja entendu

    For at least 24 hours, I have had loads of deja thoughts. As I typed or spoke on the phone, I have heard someone say phrases right after I typed or spoke them. The coincidences have been unusual words that I don't usually hear or write about. It seems to be happening noticeably every half...
  15. H

    Hair Spray

    I had a spurt of a dream that keeps popping back into my mind, and would like some feedback on it. I reached back behind my head, and felt a large clump of hair solidified by hair spray. It was as though the back third of my hair (left side) was completely merged. I reacted with a...
  16. H

    Give A Fish

    Thank you!
  17. H


    Thanks for blessings!
  18. H

    Homework hours per course

    How many hours per week do you spend on homework for each course? Obviously, it will vary from subject to subject. But talk about a rough estimate of what you spend per week outside of class. You might also want to include whether you are on semesters or trimesters/quarters, and if some of the...
  19. H

    Feeling watched

    This isn't technically a dream or vision. But I wondered if anyone else has been getting the feeling of being watched. I know it's a sign of paranoia, and other medical oddities. But I am talking about moments in time, locations where I do not expect cameras to be. The increase of Google...
  20. H

    TV out

    A separate tag-along after a larger dream.... A quick vision of the zap-off of a (TV) screen. Black irregular squared hole in the center of a neutral plain screen, zig-zagging edges with the static noise. I knew it was completely off. Then nothing, and I woke up. At first I thought it was...