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  1. Sojourner<><

    "Under God" should not be in the pledge.

    Considering that the phrase originates from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, I think it's entirely appropriate.
  2. Sojourner<><

    Think There's No Link Between Darwinism and Nazism?

    I agree with you at least in that it is an incomplete conclusion, but your points here aren't enough to show that that line of reasoning alone is irrational. It makes enough sense to allow a madman like Hitler to sway a society into doing horrible things. You can argue against it all you want...
  3. Sojourner<><

    Think There's No Link Between Darwinism and Nazism?

    Whoa there..... are you saying genocide isn't wrong??
  4. Sojourner<><

    Think There's No Link Between Darwinism and Nazism?

    Fair enough. I'll list my own conclusions beginning with Darwinism, and if you can show them to be irrational, I'll rest my case. Beginning with Darwinism itself, it proposes that species adapt over time through small changes in their genetic pool through propagation, mutation and selection...
  5. Sojourner<><

    Think There's No Link Between Darwinism and Nazism?

    Really? The impression that I got from Expelled was that it was comparing the actions of the scientific community to a totalitarian regime. I don't remember anything about a link between Darwinism and the holocaust being used as an actual argument against ToE. Besides, wasn't the focus of the...
  6. Sojourner<><

    Think There's No Link Between Darwinism and Nazism?

    That's obvious. But again, in regards to the OP, the question is more appropriately stated as: was Darwinism used to justify the murderous actions carried out by the nazis during the holocaust? The answer to this question says nothing about Darwinism other than whether or not it can be used to...
  7. Sojourner<><

    Gov't raid on polygamist sect: justifiable?

    This is why the authorities should have treated those families on a case by case basis without any talk about compounds or religious sects. Like it or not, they have rights that can't be thrown out without serious consequences.
  8. Sojourner<><

    Unbroken Apostolic Succession

    Talk about information overload... I leave the thread for a day and there's 40 posts!!! Whether or not Peter was the first pope is irrelevant. What reason is there to believe that God intended that the leadership of the church was to be composed of an unbroken line of apostles?
  9. Sojourner<><

    Unbroken Apostolic Succession

    Don't you think that shifting the burden of proof is a tad unfair?
  10. Sojourner<><

    Unbroken Apostolic Succession

    You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I'm really after the RCC's reasoning behind this belief.
  11. Sojourner<><

    Unbroken Apostolic Succession

    Can someone please explain to me the justification for this doctrine? Thanks in advance.
  12. Sojourner<><

    What is the life span of Christianity?

    Granted, the different sects of Christianity can sometimes have vast differences in the ways that they carry out their faith, but because most sects have a common origin, the majority holds to the vary same set of scriptures. Take the Roman Catholics for instance. IMHO, their major problem is...
  13. Sojourner<><

    What is the life span of Christianity?

    The scriptures clearly endorse "crying out at the gates for wisdom and understanding", respecting the ways of God over the ways of men and loving your neighbor as yourself, so I would say the complete opposite. Whether or not Christians actually follow what the scriptures teach is a completely...
  14. Sojourner<><

    The Reality of Masturbation

    uhm... going poo is also something that's not particularly edifying, or holy for that matter.... just thought I would 'unload' some of my deeply profound wisdom for all to smell... er share, whatever.
  15. Sojourner<><

    What is the life span of Christianity?

    You're certainly entitled to your own opinion, but I for one think it's a bit unfair to blame the whole of Christianity for bad behavior. Closed mindedness, dogmatism, and coerced conformity aren't inherent in Christian teachings.
  16. Sojourner<><

    Do you suffer from Infornography?

    Use google news and read the same story from as many different sources as you can.
  17. Sojourner<><

    What is the life span of Christianity?

    Ok, but, Christians don't exactly think in unison as if we all have the same political agendas, but sometimes we're encouraged to think we're supposed to. The truth is that the pulpit can be a very powerful platform for political control, and it's my opinion that it has been exploited from time...
  18. Sojourner<><

    What is the life span of Christianity?

    It sounds like there is a lot of confusion about what Christianity is exactly. From the outside, to those who don't share in its system of beliefs, I can understand why it might appear to be nothing more than an institution or a particular group of people. But from the inside, from a Christian's...
  19. Sojourner<><

    What is the life span of Christianity?

    What exactly are we talking about here? Are you referring to the philosophy and theology of Christianity, or the cultures that developed out of it?
  20. Sojourner<><

    Gov't raid on polygamist sect: justifiable?

    Judging doesn't have to be that complicated. I usually try to judge the truth, not the person. This is why I think its so important to demand facts and not insinuations when things like this happen. You have to think carefully about your judgements... are you judging the facts, or are you...