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  1. R

    Gospel Atonement (3)

    Drotar wrote: "Believing in the five points of Calvinism doesn't save you. Faith in Christ does." I agree that believing in the five points of Calvinism doesn't save you. Doctrine does not save. Please see the article "Doctrinal Regeneration" at for a...
  2. R

    Gospel Atonement (3)

    (edited by staff) If a doctor knows a patient has a deadly disease and knows the cure, would it be loving for the doctor to tell the patient that everything's okay? Of course not. It is not unloving to tell people they are lost and to proclaim the gospel to them. It is their only hope. (removed...
  3. R

    Gospel Atonement (3)

    [Continued from GOSPEL ATONEMENT (2)] Now let us logically consider those who claim to believe in the efficacious atonement of Christ, who would say they agree that Christ only died for those who will be saved, yet who also believe that at least some universal atonement advocates are saved...
  4. R

    Gospel Atonement (2)

    [Continued from GOSPEL ATONEMENT (1)] The Atonement fully and perfectly accomplished complete, absolute, entire remission of all the sins of all the people for whom Christ died. To remit means to cancel, to forgive, to pardon, to take out of the way. Jesus Christ’s bloody death on the cross...
  5. R

    Gospel Atonement (1)

    GOSPEL ATONEMENT (From Outside the Camp, Vol. 7, No. 2) God says in Mark 16:16 that those who do not believe the gospel are unregenerate. He says in 1 Corinthians 15:3 that the gospel includes the truth "that Christ died for our sins, according to the...