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Search results

  1. T

    LDS why is the BOM in King James English

    If this thread is diverted to Ellen White, I will as OP request that it be closed and deleted.
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    Is Pluto A Planet?

    Goofy is also a dog in the cartoons. Together, he and Pluto have explored entire solar systems.
  3. T

    Is Pluto A Planet?

    Pluto was a dog in the cartoons.
  4. T


    Good stuff - I "I like "Jesus as a poet" and endless chiasms
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    Pavel, that article was interesting, and also somewhat over my head. I studied 4 semesters of Koine Greek, never any Hebrew or Aramaic. I think SteveCaruso May have been the Aramaic Big shot who shot down the ROPE jazz on a thread here long ago. I liked the Lamsa Bible, but never bought into...
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    Lukaris, that is why I am a "Loose Canon" - a pun indicating we should read all the books. I am a big Habakkuk fan. The Greek-only parts of Daniel have it that he was in the lion's den for a whole week, not just overnight! And Daniel was brought food by Habakkuk (who the Orthodox Study Bible's...
  7. T


    Thanks Pavel, I will check that out. Also, I have been erroneously saying 1769 instead of 1789 for revision of KJV I like the NAMES of the Magi in that tradition. I am Wesleyan Quadrilateral - Scripture, Reason, Tradition and Experience - rather than Sola Scriptura. The death of Antipas...
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    Christian Ethics - Freemasonry

    Scottish rite = any old supreme being will do York rite = specifically Christian Any truth to this?
  9. T


    Never heard of the 3 wiseguys in tradition. There is something else in tradition relating to Antipas the martyr in Revelation. Only in some Orthodox work like unto Fox's book of martyrs have I read of two possible dates of Antipas' martyrdom. I could never find that work again. The significance...
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    As far as being limited in Canon, no, I am really not - I have Orthodox Study Bible as well as a NRSV with deuterocanonicals - I am an Ecumenical Loose Canon and have read all the books. The Tewahedo church has some extree books in the NEW Testament, not all translated into English yet. I would...
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    I am Protestant, raised Methodist, brief periods in Baptist and Episcopal churches. The United Methodist church I have been to of late still has no real services cuz of corona. My son is Greek Orthodox, I have been to his chrismation and then his wedding in Atlanta, and I don't know where to...
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    Angels, OK. ET' s, no. That was just something from a Neil Young song. Mary is THEOTOKOS, but not a Co-Redemptrix, Co-Mediator, no... So there will always be differences in how Mary is looked at by Prots and Orthodox "No one got into the Guacamole dip until Tra Phull and WanderedHome got to...
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    I don't believe in WE 3 KINGS and an exploding cigar, I believe the Star of Bethlehem was a very special star. My son is Greek Orthodox, I wish I could offer a systematic Protestant THEOTOKOS theology, but I doubt I ever will.
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    True, the Protoevangellium is not canonical. The Bible mentions no "cave" anyhow, and maybe the Star of Bethlehem wasn't a star at all. Maybe extraterrestials guided the Magi. They came from a non-Israelite land, were told by Sanhedrin members that Bethlem was where Messiah would be born, from a...
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    And, yea, thou shalt read other versions of the Bible as well, and thou shalt go on message boards and discuss versions and interpretations til thou art blue in the face! World without end, Amen.
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    And, yea, thou shalt get a KJV, and thou shalt read closely therein, be ye Coptic, Protestant, Orthodox or Catholic. And the Holy Ghost shall guide thee in all understanding, lest thy feet stumble or slip.
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    Even in 1769 version of KJV, there is archaic language "waxed exceeding great" "I trow not" "He wist not" So 1611 version is worse, and can make one exceeding wroth at times.
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    I got a KJV You got a KJV All o God's chillun got a KJV
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    Matthew 2:11-16 The Magi (Wise Men) came to Jesus IN THE HOUSE. The Bible never says there were THREE wise men, only that wise men - plural - brought THREE kinds of gifts.
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    No. Bible says Magi came to Jesus when he was IN A HOUSE. All the manger scenes with Magi present are unbiblical.