Anyone have experience operating in the gift of faith?

Richard T

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I've operated in this gift many times.

The gift of Faith most often operates in conjunction with other gifts.

Yes, you can earnestly seek any of the gifts.

Remember we don't operate in the gifts to do what we want, but to do what God wants.
Could you give an example of when you operated in the gift of faith? What did God have you believe for?
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
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Could you give an example of when you operated in the gift of faith? What did God have you believe for?
Here's a fun one. Years ago when I was still fairly new to my faith, I ran video cameras for our service (that was a new thing back then). We were having a baptism service - 2 services - I was running cameras for both. At the end of every baptism service the pastor always make a joke and asked, "anyone else want to go?" (people pre-signed up for baptism). In nearly 20 years he had always made that joke and no one had ever taken it seriously.

My wife and I had (because of my poor choices) had come through a very difficult season. God had done some significant healing in our lives and we had been meaning to get baptized, but kept forgetting to sign-up. When I had got to service that morning and saw that it was baptisms, I was kicking myself for not doing so.

During first service the pastor said his joke again and I heard God say, plain as day, "You are going to say yes to that next service." I had never had God speak to me that clear. I asked Him if I should tell anyone, God said, "No", so I didn't.

2nd service came around and the need to do this thing was so powerful I could barely focus on anything else. I ran the camera, at the end the pastor asked his question and without missing a beat I raised my hand and said, "ME! I want to do it". The pastors looked at me in surprise, but I was already taking off my shoes. One said, "Oh my, he's serious"

Understand that this was something WAAAAAY out of my character at this point in my life. We're talking about doing something unexpected in front of around 500 people. Normally I would have been beyond terrified. But my confidence was through the roof. I got in the water, and said some really profound things which just came to me in the moment... and got baptized.

Then... the pastor, chuckling, asked his question again. My wife stood up, tears running down her cheeks, and he nodded and waved her over and she got baptized as well. So he asked again, and... 11 more people came forward spontaneously one after another. It was a mini revival. I'd never seen anything like it in all my time there.

God had something He wanted to do. He just needed someone to get the ball rolling. I in no way at all had the faith required to do something like that... but He gave it to me. In fact afterwards when it all kinda "wore off" I was terrified. I couldn't believe I had done that.... what had gotten into me? God's faith is what had gotten into me.
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Aussie Pete

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Could you give an example of when you operated in the gift of faith? What did God have you believe for?
I was with a group of people I knew from my military days. We'd been to a friend's wedding. It was Sunday morning. We'd had a meeting in a motel room and it was time to head off. I had about 1,000 miles to get home and I had to work the next day. Two of the guys came by motor bike. One was in agony, could not even get up. He had a bad tooth and there were no dentists open on a Sunday.

His brother said that we should pray for him. I did not say it out loud but inwardly I scoffed. Then God said to me that He was going to heal the tooth. I had a strong anointing and faith rose up. I commanded the tooth to be healed and it was. Instantly. That was 35 years ago. I've not had anything like it since.
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Richard T

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It is great that you could hear God like that and put the faith into action. Could you agree with me or command that my teeth would be pain free? I have gotten some victory but still have some lingering pain at times. Many thanks in advance.
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Just me
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My understanding of the gift of faith is that God can utilize this gift to drop in someone extraordinary faith that goes far beyond personal faith. Some might say it is needed in order to raise someone from the dead. If anyone has experience in this gift could they please share? I assume like prophecy, you can desire this gift. 1 Corinthians 12:31 (NASB)
31 But earnestly desire the greater gifts. And I show you a still more excellent way.

One of the reasons I ask is I believe God could gift someone to shut the virus down for a particular area. Our personal faith hopefully can keep it out of our family, based on Ps 91 and other scriptures. However, if the gift of faith were operating, God (if willing) could have someone hedge their entire county, state, or more. Any thoughts?

When this virus first came, I tried to activate God's healing through a prayer of faith, and sent an email off to our government stating "I believed, healing would happen". However, nothing happened. This is not to say you should not try, if it be God's will he can use you to do it.

For the bible does say "if you ask for anything, he will do it".

There could have been any number of reasons why he did not answer me. I would say start to pray, "God do you have any place, person, etc that you want me to stand in faith for".

What I have done more recently, is just privately pray "God heal those whom it is your will to heal right now, and let them know you are healing them".
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Richard T

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When this virus first came, I tried to activate God's healing through a prayer of faith, and sent an email off to our government stating "I believed, healing would happen". However, nothing happened. This is not to say you should not try, if it be God's will he can use you to do it.

For the bible does say "if you ask for anything, he will do it".

There could have been any number of reasons why he did not answer me. I would say start to pray, "God do you have any place, person, etc that you want me to stand in faith for".

What I have done more recently, is just privately pray "God heal those whom it is your will to heal right now, and let them know you are healing them".

I am sure many have tried to pray or confess this pandemic away, so altering your strategy sounds very good to me. Be sure to see an earlier reply I made on this subject in another thread. Word of faith people, especially those who give words and prophecy have to be careful in their theology concerning such events as if they can't see the big picture, they may not fully see the will of God. One example can be found in 1 John 5:16 (KJV)
16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.
I seem to recall from K.E. Hagin books that this may have occurred on a few occasions. he went to pray for someone but God told him, they were under the sin unto death. Maybe in one case he warned them. What if there is a more corporate sin unto death? Nothing as great as Noah, but yet one that would be as serious as this pandemic. Now of course this would not invalidate a believing individual's faith in their own protection such as found in Ps 91, but believers and non-believers that were not in the secret place?
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Hi everyone. This is my first post in several years, my daughter, in the profile pic is now 10 years old. :)

This topic is something that I have been struggling with for many years. See, I am not aware of any WOF churches in this part of Africa, but I do identify with WOF teaching based on what the Holy Spirit has been teaching me Himself since over 40 years ago. I always used to dwell on this topic until one day, years ago.

It was December, and myself and my loved ones had no proper vacation for a few years. So, this one was very welcome indeed. We arrived at the seaside resort, and admired the beautiful view from the 7th floor. I remember thanking the Lord for this opportunity to have some rest after a long time of hard work.

So, the next day, we were awoken by the incessant "zinging" sound of what they called a Christmas beetle. It carried on, day and night - meaning we were unable to get any rest. It got so bad, that one morning, I prayed and asked the Lord for help. The words of Jesus came to me when He spoke about faith that can move mountains. So, thinking to myself "But I'm not anywhere near that point to be able to declare things into or out of being" So, the Spirit says to me "But my child, there is nothing wrong with your faith." This stunned me. Again, I was reminded of the fact that all believers receive a measure of faith. So, after a lot of considering and praying, I declared silence over this insect. Knowing that things we declare by faith, in the exact will of God and aligned with what His Word says, I believed that reality would catch up with this insect soon enough.

And for sure, a little later in the day the realization dawned on me that there was no sound from that pesky insect anymore. We were able to relax and have a peaceful night's rest.

So, the next morning, the noise started up again. I could sense the enemy wanting to tell me that my faith just isn't strong enough. After again praying for guidance, it dawned on me that my only mistake was in not being specific. What was needed was to declare silence over all those insects - not just one of them. So again, boldly declaring silence over all of them in the name of Jesus Christ, they fell silent an hour later or so. Again, we had a lovely day and slept peacefully.

The next morning it started up again, and a crushing feeling of disappointment came over me. This time, it felt like I was dying inside. I called out to the Lord to protect my faith from the enemy's lies and strengthen me. Right there, it dawned on me that my mistake, again, was not being specific. Without hesitation, I declared silence over all those insects, in the entire state, and from then, into all of eternity, until God the Almighty decides differently. They all were dead quiet for the rest of our stay. Even 7 years later, we went back to the same resort, and never heard them again.

The takeaway from this, for me, is that yes, we can declare things by faith and see them materialize shortly after. There's just some things to keep in mind before doing so:

1. Is what you want to declare lined up with the Bible's teachings, such as love, obedience to God's will, walking in the Spirit and careful consideration of the implications on your fellow man?

2. Is it something that you know in your heart the Lord would want for you, such as rest, peace, protection?

3. Would there be any possibility that what you want would harm or rob anyone else of anything good or valuable?

4. If this thing fails to ever materialize, know that the evil one would try to wreck your faith, and be prepared to stand strong.

So, I believe as Christians that we have that power to declare things into or even out of being, as long as it lines up with God's will and ways. After all, faith cannot be used in contravention of God's will.

PS. I see this thread is a bit old, so mods, if my post violates forum rules, please delete it, as I have no desire to commit thread necromancy.
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I tend to agree with Kenneth Hagin on this.
The gift of faith is where you believe for a miracle and may not see it manifest at that instant. Your faith remains until it does.
The working of miracles receives a miracle instantly. It happens before the eyes of all.
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