Rom 10:11-13 Believe and Confess unto Salvation


Mar 17, 2003
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Believe and Confess unto Salvation

Rom 10:11-13 As the Scripture says, "Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame." (Is 28:16) For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile— the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved." (Joel 2:32)

The quote from Isaiah 28:16 was mentioned previously in Rom 9:33 as also Peter mentions it in 1Peter 2:6 The word "trust" (NIV) is literally the word "believe" (pisteuo) Though one who believes in Jesus will likely suffer shame in this life, just as the Lord himself did, they will never suffer shame in the sight of God. But Paul's emphasis in quoting this verse is the "ANYONE", which includes ANYONE. Faith in Christ is the sole requirement for salvation for everyone.

But faith is exercised firstly by prayer as indicated by the quote from Joel, and those who have believed characteristically talk to the LORD Jesus in prayer. Peter also uses the quote from Joel in his first sermon on Pentecost recorded in Acts 2:21, preaching the gospel. But it is not a matter of technique. You'll read many tracts today which end with some version of a sinner's prayer. The downside of including such a prayer is that people may get the impression that it's just a matter of technique. But faith in Christ is not faith in a technique, let alone a matter of ceremony. Nor is having someone pray for you the same as you yourself calling on the Lord. If you believe in Jesus, then talk with him. Don't simply go up to him and read off something someone else has written.

Furthermore some simply pray in a sort of experimental fashion. When you're calling on the Lord for salvation you shouldn't have to use the word "IF". But if you have not yet come to faith, you can nonetheless pray in a Rev 3:20 fashion that you would like to get to know the Lord. Then later after you've gotten to know some about him you may come to trust in him, at which time you can call on him for salvation.

Jesus is the LORD God. And it is necessary to acknowledge that fact to be saved. For the verse in Joel 2:32 "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved." Is preceded with "I am the LORD your God" Joel 2:27

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