A look in Deuteronomy at the Ten Commandments and the "Shema"


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PARASHAH; “V’et’ Chanan” (and I pleaded)

DEUT 3:23-7:11……………ISAIAH 40:1-26………………JOHN 6:1-71

Moshe continues to retell the experiences of his life to “Am Israel” as the end of his life is nearing, He is like a father on his death bed, and causes all of his children to come near and listen to their father’s experiences, or rather “all” of their experiences

“V’et ‘Chanan l’Adonai” begins Moshe, “I pleaded to YHVH…” on the account of entering into the promised land. As we remember, Moshe in anger and had struck the “Rock” (Selah) and yet, water still came forth because of the mercy of Adonai, yet now Moshe pleads for mercy, the word “chanun” is a form of the Hebrew “mercy”. One Israeli singer has a song which is; “Avi Chanun” (My father who is merciful). So, Moshe in a way is saying, “I plead for mercy to Adonai” let me see the promised land.

Yet the answer of Adonai was still “No” (Speak no more of this matter). Why? Remember back when Moshe "struck" the ROCK (Selah) when he should have "spoken" to it. The ROCK or "Selah" in Hebrew symbolizes YESHUA who was struck only ONCE for our sins on Calvary's cross. (Struck meaning "died') and striking the ROCK twice misrepresented Adonai, giving the wrong message, Also, remember what his words were; "Are WE to give you water from this rock ye rebels?"

The people saw that water indeed came out, yet they might have thought; "Moshe and Aaron have given us water" thus taking the honor and glory when it should have gone to God, who deserves ALL HONOR and Glory.

We are all destined an “x” amount of years on this earth, who knows if, through actions we do, might “speed up” that time, or even “prolong” the time. King Hezekiah pleaded for more years of life, and he was granted the years, however, during those extra years, there was born to him “Manasseh” who proved to be one of the worst kings in Israel. Should Hezekiah have asked for those extra years?

We should take advantage of the years that God is giving to us on this planet called “earth” and make the best of them. If He has called us into ministry, let us perform that which He has called us to do to the best of our ability, doing it unto HIM who is the author of life, and when he calls for us, we will go, without complaining, or ask for “more years”

In this Parashah, we see the review of the Ten Commandments. What are these all about? They formed the “Ketubah” the contract between Elohim and Israel. They were given on Har Sinai, directly to the Israelites by HaShem himself, the rest of the 603 mitzvoth were given to Moshe who relayed them unto the people, still, they ALL came from Adonai.

(4) “Now, therefore, harken O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them” Moshe was the teacher, taking all that the “Master” charged him to teach, and not “adding to” nor “diminishing” anything, teaching all the details, the “fine print” sort of to say. Teachers of God’s Word, have a unique calling, it is their life, it is their passion, and they will not rest until they accomplish what they have set off to do.

I AM the LORD thy God: “Anochi Adonai Eloheicha” He is emphasizing “I AM” (I MYSELF AM) “Anochi” a very important statement, telling his people, that it was HE who brought them out of Egypt, and out of slavery. Two very important things, therefore, He has every right to be their God, and He has every right to be OUR God, since He has taken us out of the “World of Sin” (Egypt) and out from “Spiritual slavery”

“THOU shall not have any other gods before me” since pagan worship was the norm of Egypt, worshiping and bowing down to false “elohim” this was a reminder to Israel that YHVH is different, He is NOT like the false deities of Egypt, He is UNIQUE (Yachid) and He is ONE (Echad). But when people over-emphasize jobs and work, making money, sports, etc.… making them more important than our worship and attention towards Adonai, those “things” become “other gods” Yes, Adonai is a “Jealous” and “Zealous” God! (El Kanah) and has every right to be so.

“THOU SHALT NOT take the name of YHVH thy God in vain” What is that? It is using our LORD’s holy name in unholy ways, in unholy conversations, making promises using God’s name, like “I swear to God that I’ll…” and then, not fulfilling those promises. We should use HIS HOLY NAME in worship and praise only.

“KEEP (guard) the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy” Where are we on the sabbath day? We should be in God’s House to worship, praise, and learn from his word through teachers of the Word. It is a time of rest, and relaxation, a time for family to get together and worship the LORD, even for the house-wives, turn off the ovens and husbands, take them out to eat, or just whip up some sandwiches.

Enjoy the Sabbath day, it is the LORD’s to rejoice and relax in. The Sabbath day has always been Saturday, it was never changed to Sunday (this will probably create some comments). But EVERY day of the week is a time to study God’s Word and praise Him for all of his blessings.

“HONOR Thy Father and Thy Mother” this goes without explanation. I think it is common sense for children to honor and obey their parents, for they are the ones who raise them up. Yet the Fathers and Mothers have a GREAT responsibility, to raise them in the knowledge of God and his word. If not, then, they will be responsible for possible “rebels” later one in life.

“THOU shalt not kill; THOU shalt not commit adultery; THOU shalt not steal”. Ever wonder why these are listed together? Example, if one commits adultery, takes the wife of another in sex, that person is “killing” that relationship and is “stealing” what does not belong to him. The word “Kill” means “murder” taking an innocent life, it does NOT refer to self-defense or soldiers fighting in a war. There are many ways of “stealing” some rabbis say that “all sins” are a form of “stealing” not just taking money, coming back late from lunch break is “stealing” time from your employer, telling a lie is “stealing” the confidence one might have had in you, and it is “murdering” that trust.

“THOU shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” being truthful to someone is very important, and not telling the whole truth, is in fact, telling a lie, and being false to someone who is close to you, again, it is “stealing trust” and “murdering a relationship” through being “false”.

‘THOU shalt not covet” If Adonai wants you to have what your neighbor has, He will give it to you. We should be content with the much or the little we have, anyway, when we die, ALL will be left behind. So, no need to covet, it just brings about headaches.

(6) This chapter has the “Shema” one of the most important verses in the Torah; “Shema Israel, YHVH Eloheinu, YHVH Echad” “Shema” (Listen to and heed/do/obey) “Yisrael” we are part of HIS people. It started out as 12 tribes, sons of Jacob, then it included those Egyptians who chose to follow Moshe out of Egypt. Adonai did not reject them just because they were Egyptians, they also became part of the nation, through “adoption”.

In the beginning, America consisted of only the indigenous tribes that came from Asia during the Ice Age, but later, European peoples came as immigrants and settlers when it became a nation in 1776, the United States of America consisted of ALL peoples who were living in the land. The 12 tribes of Israel became a great “Adat” (congregation, community) now consisting of all believers in Yeshua.

we have been adopted into HIS Chosen family through Yeshua HaMashiach, it pertains to ALL believers. Adonai is OUR GOD, since we are FAMILY, and He is ONE in Unity (Father, Son, Spirit “Echad” the word for “Adonai Eloheinu” consists of the most sacred letters YHVH, in the ancient Hebrew, those letters symbolize “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”. So, if we looked at the words “YHVH Eloheinu” from an ancient Hebraic position, we could read; “Behold the hand, Behold the nail, who is G-d that instructs (us) and leads us to (eternal) life through the nail that (penetrated) the hand” I guess that is one way one could look at it.

The word “Elohim” has three meanings; One is the Tri-unity of G-d, yet if we spell it “elohim” with a small “e” in English, then it means “gods” in the plural (usually false gods) yet it also means “ambassadors” or “representatives” of “Adonai-Elohim” Remember that Yeshua when He addressed the Prushim (Pharisees) said, “No ye not that ye are gods?” (John 10:34; Psalm 82:6)

“You shall love…” (vs 5) Yes, with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This includes “teaching” His word to our children, at all times, to others who have the ears and willingness to listen

Be the person in our house, Be the person “walking with us on the “way” at bedtime and at morning time, the time for God’s Word and teaching it is at ALL TIMES, provided, of course, that the other person wished to hear it. God’s Word is to be shared and taught, NEVER to be forced upon another!

Binding upon the hands and frontlets between our eyes, using Tefillin are symbolic in that God’s Word is to be in our minds and put into action using our hands, in performing mitzvoth (good works)

Writing them and putting God’s Word on our doorposts and gates using “mezuzot” is symbolic to let people know that “living here is a family who honors God and His Word”

Moshe reminds the people again and again to “Keep the commandments of the LORD thy God and his testimonies and statutes” in many verses. Just keep in mind that “keeping the commandments does not “save a soul” Salvation comes only from accepting Yeshua (Jesus) as LORD and Savior, that and that ONLY saves a person from eternal condemnation. Obedience to the commandments comes “after” as a sign that we are now part of HIS family, and we now have new desires to follow HIM in HIS ways. There is “Yeshuah Kadosh” (Righteous Salvation) and “Mitzvoth Kadoshim” (righteous works) both are separate yet both go together. The later is a result of the first.

ISAIAH 40:1-26

The prophet comforts Israel that their sins have been forgiven, the punishment is over. YHVH again is compared to a father who must punish his children for sins and disobedience. The father will chastise, yet not forever. Darkness has passed and the light has come.

“The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of YHVVH, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Yochanan the Baptizer fulfilled these words. AS we know, he prepared the way for Yeshua, his cousin and his LORD, preparing peoples’ hearts and minds

“He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young” (vs 11) Doesn’t this sound like our Savior and LORD? We are HIS flock and He feeds us with His WORD. His word guides us and leads us all.

He has sent shepherds to teach his word and to guide us. There are many “old sheep” and “young sheep” those that are young are young in the word, yet through the right guidance, the young will mature into older and wiser sheep.

As a shepherd leads his sheep, allow us LORD to be led by YOUR Word, and by your shepherds who have been sent by You to lead, guide, and teach ALL of your people. Amen”

JOHN 6:1-71

This starts out “After these things…” what things one might ask? In the previous chapter it talks about Yeshua going up to Yerushalayim after the feast of the Passover and he healed a lame man at the pool of Siloam. Yes, he was criticized by many, as even many of his believers and followers were and still “are” criticized, made fun of, and even murdered, all in HIS name.

“After these things, Yeshua went over the Sea of Galilee, which is of Tiberias. I have been in the city of Tiberias. In July, it is “Hot” very much so, but the Sea of Galilee is very refreshing, but watch out, there are a lot of fish that come by to nibble at your feet. This is where the crowd comes to hear Yeshua, he goes to a nearby mountain and has the people to sit down. The number was about 5000. Yeshua knew that the people were hungry, so, he turns to Philip and says; “Where shall we buy bread so that these may eat?”

Didn’t he know? Yes, of course, He was just waiting for Philip’s response. Perhaps, He was waiting for an answer such as; “We can’t possibly buy so much bread, so…YOU feed them LORD!” but he didn’t say that. It was Andrew who came with the boy who had 5 loaves of barley bread and 2 fishes.

We need to know that first, the boy must have come forward to offer his lunch. Of course, the boy knew that 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes would not be enough for the whole crowd…BUT…with a little bit of faith…ANYTHING is possible. I mean, if Yeshua could heal the lame man, he could also feed this crowd.

We have the offer, 5 pieces of bread and 2 fishes. We have the blessing and thanks, Yeshua lifts the loaves and fishes, (probably found a basket to put them in) and then, the distribution. There was enough for ALL. With the faith of a little boy, the faith of a mustard seed, we see a “mountain” of pieces of bread and a whole bunch of fish. The result, 12 baskets full were left over. One wonders who got the baskets of bread and fish. Probably the boy, to redistribute the blessing to his family and friends.

We look at the numbers, “5” and “2” “5” is the number of grace, and “2” is the number of a covenant. It takes “2” entities or parties to make a covenant. Yeshua shows “grace” to the people, and makes a small covenant, “blessings to this crowd, for the faith of a small boy” When we add 5 + 2 we get the perfect number “7” which is the number of God.

Yeshua, who is the “Bread of Life” who has made his followers “fishers of men” has made a covenant in heaven, His life and blood for our salvation. The Word of God is also the “Bread of Life” which comes from the Father for all of us to eat and digest. Let us all go forth and be “fishers of men (and women) to reach and teach them the Words of the Master so that ALL might have eternal life through HIM who died to set us free.

Shabbat Shalom…Ben Avraham

Sabbath Eve lights


walking with the Shekinah
Apr 29, 2015
United states
United States
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PARASHAH; “V’et’ Chanan” (and I pleaded)

DEUT 3:23-7:11……………ISAIAH 40:1-26………………JOHN 6:1-71

Moshe continues to retell the experiences of his life to “Am Israel” as the end of his life is nearing, He is like a father on his death bed, and causes all of his children to come near and listen to their father’s experiences, or rather “all” of their experiences

“V’et ‘Chanan l’Adonai” begins Moshe, “I pleaded to YHVH…” on the account of entering into the promised land. As we remember, Moshe in anger and had struck the “Rock” (Selah) and yet, water still came forth because of the mercy of Adonai, yet now Moshe pleads for mercy, the word “chanun” is a form of the Hebrew “mercy”. One Israeli singer has a song which is; “Avi Chanun” (My father who is merciful). So, Moshe in a way is saying, “I plead for mercy to Adonai” let me see the promised land.

Yet the answer of Adonai was still “No” (Speak no more of this matter). Why? Remember back when Moshe "struck" the ROCK (Selah) when he should have "spoken" to it. The ROCK or "Selah" in Hebrew symbolizes YESHUA who was struck only ONCE for our sins on Calvary's cross. (Struck meaning "died') and striking the ROCK twice misrepresented Adonai, giving the wrong message, Also, remember what his words were; "Are WE to give you water from this rock ye rebels?"

The people saw that water indeed came out, yet they might have thought; "Moshe and Aaron have given us water" thus taking the honor and glory when it should have gone to God, who deserves ALL HONOR and Glory.

We are all destined an “x” amount of years on this earth, who knows if, through actions we do, might “speed up” that time, or even “prolong” the time. King Hezekiah pleaded for more years of life, and he was granted the years, however, during those extra years, there was born to him “Manasseh” who proved to be one of the worst kings in Israel. Should Hezekiah have asked for those extra years?

We should take advantage of the years that God is giving to us on this planet called “earth” and make the best of them. If He has called us into ministry, let us perform that which He has called us to do to the best of our ability, doing it unto HIM who is the author of life, and when he calls for us, we will go, without complaining, or ask for “more years”

In this Parashah, we see the review of the Ten Commandments. What are these all about? They formed the “Ketubah” the contract between Elohim and Israel. They were given on Har Sinai, directly to the Israelites by HaShem himself, the rest of the 603 mitzvoth were given to Moshe who relayed them unto the people, still, they ALL came from Adonai.

(4) “Now, therefore, harken O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them” Moshe was the teacher, taking all that the “Master” charged him to teach, and not “adding to” nor “diminishing” anything, teaching all the details, the “fine print” sort of to say. Teachers of God’s Word, have a unique calling, it is their life, it is their passion, and they will not rest until they accomplish what they have set off to do.

I AM the LORD thy God: “Anochi Adonai Eloheicha” He is emphasizing “I AM” (I MYSELF AM) “Anochi” a very important statement, telling his people, that it was HE who brought them out of Egypt, and out of slavery. Two very important things, therefore, He has every right to be their God, and He has every right to be OUR God, since He has taken us out of the “World of Sin” (Egypt) and out from “Spiritual slavery”

“THOU shall not have any other gods before me” since pagan worship was the norm of Egypt, worshiping and bowing down to false “elohim” this was a reminder to Israel that YHVH is different, He is NOT like the false deities of Egypt, He is UNIQUE (Yachid) and He is ONE (Echad). But when people over-emphasize jobs and work, making money, sports, etc.… making them more important than our worship and attention towards Adonai, those “things” become “other gods” Yes, Adonai is a “Jealous” and “Zealous” God! (El Kanah) and has every right to be so.

“THOU SHALT NOT take the name of YHVH thy God in vain” What is that? It is using our LORD’s holy name in unholy ways, in unholy conversations, making promises using God’s name, like “I swear to God that I’ll…” and then, not fulfilling those promises. We should use HIS HOLY NAME in worship and praise only.

“KEEP (guard) the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy” Where are we on the sabbath day? We should be in God’s House to worship, praise, and learn from his word through teachers of the Word. It is a time of rest, and relaxation, a time for family to get together and worship the LORD, even for the house-wives, turn off the ovens and husbands, take them out to eat, or just whip up some sandwiches.

Enjoy the Sabbath day, it is the LORD’s to rejoice and relax in. The Sabbath day has always been Saturday, it was never changed to Sunday (this will probably create some comments). But EVERY day of the week is a time to study God’s Word and praise Him for all of his blessings.

“HONOR Thy Father and Thy Mother” this goes without explanation. I think it is common sense for children to honor and obey their parents, for they are the ones who raise them up. Yet the Fathers and Mothers have a GREAT responsibility, to raise them in the knowledge of God and his word. If not, then, they will be responsible for possible “rebels” later one in life.

“THOU shalt not kill; THOU shalt not commit adultery; THOU shalt not steal”. Ever wonder why these are listed together? Example, if one commits adultery, takes the wife of another in sex, that person is “killing” that relationship and is “stealing” what does not belong to him. The word “Kill” means “murder” taking an innocent life, it does NOT refer to self-defense or soldiers fighting in a war. There are many ways of “stealing” some rabbis say that “all sins” are a form of “stealing” not just taking money, coming back late from lunch break is “stealing” time from your employer, telling a lie is “stealing” the confidence one might have had in you, and it is “murdering” that trust.

“THOU shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” being truthful to someone is very important, and not telling the whole truth, is in fact, telling a lie, and being false to someone who is close to you, again, it is “stealing trust” and “murdering a relationship” through being “false”.

‘THOU shalt not covet” If Adonai wants you to have what your neighbor has, He will give it to you. We should be content with the much or the little we have, anyway, when we die, ALL will be left behind. So, no need to covet, it just brings about headaches.

(6) This chapter has the “Shema” one of the most important verses in the Torah; “Shema Israel, YHVH Eloheinu, YHVH Echad” “Shema” (Listen to and heed/do/obey) “Yisrael” we are part of HIS people. It started out as 12 tribes, sons of Jacob, then it included those Egyptians who chose to follow Moshe out of Egypt. Adonai did not reject them just because they were Egyptians, they also became part of the nation, through “adoption”.

In the beginning, America consisted of only the indigenous tribes that came from Asia during the Ice Age, but later, European peoples came as immigrants and settlers when it became a nation in 1776, the United States of America consisted of ALL peoples who were living in the land. The 12 tribes of Israel became a great “Adat” (congregation, community) now consisting of all believers in Yeshua.

we have been adopted into HIS Chosen family through Yeshua HaMashiach, it pertains to ALL believers. Adonai is OUR GOD, since we are FAMILY, and He is ONE in Unity (Father, Son, Spirit “Echad” the word for “Adonai Eloheinu” consists of the most sacred letters YHVH, in the ancient Hebrew, those letters symbolize “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”. So, if we looked at the words “YHVH Eloheinu” from an ancient Hebraic position, we could read; “Behold the hand, Behold the nail, who is G-d that instructs (us) and leads us to (eternal) life through the nail that (penetrated) the hand” I guess that is one way one could look at it.

The word “Elohim” has three meanings; One is the Tri-unity of G-d, yet if we spell it “elohim” with a small “e” in English, then it means “gods” in the plural (usually false gods) yet it also means “ambassadors” or “representatives” of “Adonai-Elohim” Remember that Yeshua when He addressed the Prushim (Pharisees) said, “No ye not that ye are gods?” (John 10:34; Psalm 82:6)

“You shall love…” (vs 5) Yes, with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This includes “teaching” His word to our children, at all times, to others who have the ears and willingness to listen

Be the person in our house, Be the person “walking with us on the “way” at bedtime and at morning time, the time for God’s Word and teaching it is at ALL TIMES, provided, of course, that the other person wished to hear it. God’s Word is to be shared and taught, NEVER to be forced upon another!

Binding upon the hands and frontlets between our eyes, using Tefillin are symbolic in that God’s Word is to be in our minds and put into action using our hands, in performing mitzvoth (good works)

Writing them and putting God’s Word on our doorposts and gates using “mezuzot” is symbolic to let people know that “living here is a family who honors God and His Word”

Moshe reminds the people again and again to “Keep the commandments of the LORD thy God and his testimonies and statutes” in many verses. Just keep in mind that “keeping the commandments does not “save a soul” Salvation comes only from accepting Yeshua (Jesus) as LORD and Savior, that and that ONLY saves a person from eternal condemnation. Obedience to the commandments comes “after” as a sign that we are now part of HIS family, and we now have new desires to follow HIM in HIS ways. There is “Yeshuah Kadosh” (Righteous Salvation) and “Mitzvoth Kadoshim” (righteous works) both are separate yet both go together. The later is a result of the first.

ISAIAH 40:1-26

The prophet comforts Israel that their sins have been forgiven, the punishment is over. YHVH again is compared to a father who must punish his children for sins and disobedience. The father will chastise, yet not forever. Darkness has passed and the light has come.

“The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of YHVVH, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Yochanan the Baptizer fulfilled these words. AS we know, he prepared the way for Yeshua, his cousin and his LORD, preparing peoples’ hearts and minds

“He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young” (vs 11) Doesn’t this sound like our Savior and LORD? We are HIS flock and He feeds us with His WORD. His word guides us and leads us all.

He has sent shepherds to teach his word and to guide us. There are many “old sheep” and “young sheep” those that are young are young in the word, yet through the right guidance, the young will mature into older and wiser sheep.

As a shepherd leads his sheep, allow us LORD to be led by YOUR Word, and by your shepherds who have been sent by You to lead, guide, and teach ALL of your people. Amen”

JOHN 6:1-71

This starts out “After these things…” what things one might ask? In the previous chapter it talks about Yeshua going up to Yerushalayim after the feast of the Passover and he healed a lame man at the pool of Siloam. Yes, he was criticized by many, as even many of his believers and followers were and still “are” criticized, made fun of, and even murdered, all in HIS name.

“After these things, Yeshua went over the Sea of Galilee, which is of Tiberias. I have been in the city of Tiberias. In July, it is “Hot” very much so, but the Sea of Galilee is very refreshing, but watch out, there are a lot of fish that come by to nibble at your feet. This is where the crowd comes to hear Yeshua, he goes to a nearby mountain and has the people to sit down. The number was about 5000. Yeshua knew that the people were hungry, so, he turns to Philip and says; “Where shall we buy bread so that these may eat?”

Didn’t he know? Yes, of course, He was just waiting for Philip’s response. Perhaps, He was waiting for an answer such as; “We can’t possibly buy so much bread, so…YOU feed them LORD!” but he didn’t say that. It was Andrew who came with the boy who had 5 loaves of barley bread and 2 fishes.

We need to know that first, the boy must have come forward to offer his lunch. Of course, the boy knew that 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes would not be enough for the whole crowd…BUT…with a little bit of faith…ANYTHING is possible. I mean, if Yeshua could heal the lame man, he could also feed this crowd.

We have the offer, 5 pieces of bread and 2 fishes. We have the blessing and thanks, Yeshua lifts the loaves and fishes, (probably found a basket to put them in) and then, the distribution. There was enough for ALL. With the faith of a little boy, the faith of a mustard seed, we see a “mountain” of pieces of bread and a whole bunch of fish. The result, 12 baskets full were left over. One wonders who got the baskets of bread and fish. Probably the boy, to redistribute the blessing to his family and friends.

We look at the numbers, “5” and “2” “5” is the number of grace, and “2” is the number of a covenant. It takes “2” entities or parties to make a covenant. Yeshua shows “grace” to the people, and makes a small covenant, “blessings to this crowd, for the faith of a small boy” When we add 5 + 2 we get the perfect number “7” which is the number of God.

Yeshua, who is the “Bread of Life” who has made his followers “fishers of men” has made a covenant in heaven, His life and blood for our salvation. The Word of God is also the “Bread of Life” which comes from the Father for all of us to eat and digest. Let us all go forth and be “fishers of men (and women) to reach and teach them the Words of the Master so that ALL might have eternal life through HIM who died to set us free.

Shabbat Shalom…Ben Avraham

Sabbath Eve lightsView attachment 282085
Shalo'yom rishon
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Christian Forums Staff
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Oct 29, 2017
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It is a time of rest, and relaxation, a time for family to get together and worship the LORD, even for the house-wives, turn off the ovens and husbands, take them out to eat, or just whip up some sandwiches.

I wouldn't visit a restaurant on Shabbat. By doing so would create a market for the owner to pressure his employees to work on that day. Even if they don't believe; I wouldn't create those stumbling blocks, to lead them to sin. Even our animals should not be put to work on Shabbat.
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Christian Forums Staff
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May 22, 2004
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I wouldn't visit a restaurant on Shabbat. By doing so would create a market for for the owner to pressure his employees to work on that day. Even if they don't believe; I wouldn't create those stumbling blocks, to lead them to sin. Even our animals should not be put to work on Shabbat.

Does the book of Nehemiah not say that buying and selling of any sort profane that day? That's why I quit eating out.
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Christian Forums Staff
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Oct 29, 2017
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Does the book of Nehemiah not say that buying and selling of any sort profane that day? That's why I quit eating out.

(CLV) Ne 10:31
As for the peoples of the land who are bringing their wares or any food-grain on the day of the sabbath to sell—we shall take nothing from them on the sabbath or on a holy day. We shall forgo the produce of the seventh year, and every outstanding debt.
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Jewish Magen Am
Jul 20, 2019
Pacific Northwest
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Does the book of Nehemiah not say that buying and selling of any sort profane that day? That's why I quit eating out.
Do you realize that this is an example of oral Torah? Both the prophets and you are doing the same thing.

The prophets through Ruach HaKodesh where given insight to interpret and further reveal the heart of the written Torah. This is one such perfect case.

Where in the written Torah does it describe there shall be no buying or selling on the Shabbat? (Nehemiah 13:15 & Amos 8:5) So, why is it mentioned only in the prophets?

Torah says no adding or subtracting, but they were given insight through Ruach HaKodesh to what the Torah means. Which is a perfect example of Torah Shel Baal Peh, oral Torah.
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Do you realize that this is an example of oral Torah? Both the prophets and you are doing the same thing.

The prophets through Ruach HaKodesh where given insight to interpret and further reveal the heart of the written Torah. This is one such perfect case.

Where in the written Torah does it describe there shall be no buying or selling on the Shabbat? (Nehemiah 13:15 & Amos 8:5) So, why is it mentioned only in the prophets?

Torah says no adding or subtracting, but they were given insight through Ruach HaKodesh to what the Torah means. Which is a perfect example of Torah Shel Baal Peh, oral Torah.

Do you hold the Oral Torah to the same status as the Prophets? Yahshua said that all of the Prophets must be fulfilled; but he rebuked holding the traditions of men over the Torah.
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Do you realize that this is an example of oral Torah? Both the prophets and you are doing the same thing.

The prophets through Ruach HaKodesh where given insight to interpret and further reveal the heart of the written Torah. This is one such perfect case.

Where in the written Torah does it describe there shall be no buying or selling on the Shabbat? (Nehemiah 13:15 & Amos 8:5) So, why is it mentioned only in the prophets?

Torah says no adding or subtracting, but they were given insight through Ruach HaKodesh to what the Torah means. Which is a perfect example of Torah Shel Baal Peh, oral Torah.

If it is recorded and upheld as right in Scripture, I would consider it best to follow it, be it Oral Torah or not. Where I would agree with you is in the line of thinking that says we shouldn't do commerce because others would have to work. To me, that concern only applies to people who are not already working. The people serving restaurant meals, selling groceries, or pumping gas on Shabbat do not get to rest for even one moment simply because we do not show up to be served by them. If it isn't us, it's going to be someone else, and I really don't see one iota of difference.
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I wouldn't visit a restaurant on Shabbat. By doing so would create a market for the owner to pressure his employees to work on that day. Even if they don't believe; I wouldn't create those stumbling blocks, to lead them to sin. Even our animals should not be put to work on Shabbat.
Amen Hark, I'm the same way. No establishment is going to cook for me on Shabbat
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Does the book of Nehemiah not say that buying and selling of any sort profane that day? That's why I quit eating out.
Yep. My Grandmother forbids us to eat out or even buy candy on that day when I was growing up
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If it is recorded and upheld as right in Scripture, I would consider it best to follow it, be it Oral Torah or not. Where I would agree with you is in the line of thinking that says we shouldn't do commerce because others would have to work. To me, that concern only applies to people who are not already working. The people serving restaurant meals, selling groceries, or pumping gas on Shabbat do not get to rest for even one moment simply because we do not show up to be served by them. If it isn't us, it's going to be someone else, and I really don't see one iota of difference.
Yes Mikha'el. You are right, but i don't want the guilt on my head for making them go to work on my behalf
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Messianic Ger Toshav - not christian
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Yes Mikha'el. You are right, but i don't want the guilt on my head for making them go to work on my behalf

Precisely right. Making anyone work for you on Shabbat is not good. I have a zero tolerance for the "Shabbos goy" policy, because it's an intentional attempt at a loophole.
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Precisely right. Making anyone work for you on Shabbat is not good. I have a zero tolerance for the "Shabbos goy" policy, because it's an intentional attempt at a loophole.

Apparently an entire industry had developed, in the time of Nehemiah, for commerce with Israel on Shabbat. That seems like a slap in the face, to our father, to me.

He said don't even put your animals to work. He's resting. We're resting. Our animals are resting; but we're going to put a potential brother to work? What kind of example does that project for them?

I've spent a lot of time in the Northeast. I respect the Amish; but it would bother me that they felt that it was wrong to use a machine; but that it was OK to pay someone to use a machine for their benefit. I would compare that behavior to hiring a hit man.
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Jewish Magen Am
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Do you hold the Oral Torah to the same status as the Prophets? Yahshua said that all of the Prophets must be fulfilled; but he rebuked holding the traditions of men over the Torah.
Maybe you misunderstood me. All prophecy is a function of receiving oral Torah.

Torah says al pi Adonai beyad Moshe (Deut 4:44), which means 'at the command of HaShem, through Moshe's hand'. Or from G-d's mouth to Moshe's hands. Meaning the Ruach Elokim spoke to Moshe and he wrote it down. The first existence of oral Torah.

Then you have the prophets who operated in the same way. After them you had the men of the great assembly, who started with Ezra and Nehemiah who in turn established our beit mikdash, beit din, and beit kenesset, our synagogues. They were the ones who codified the Torah we have today, through the Rishonim and the Mishnah and Gemarah. Then, in the same function, operating through Ruach HaKodesh we have the Zugot ending with Hillel and Shammai of Yeshua's day.
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Jewish Magen Am
Jul 20, 2019
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Now tell me, if Zechariah can be used as an example of a righteous Jew being led by the Ruach before Shavuot, why can't you entertain the fact that the Ruach has been leading our people throughout time. It's a real misnomer to assume that Ruach HaKodesh has been given to you at the behest of the Jewish people. And that we have not had Ruach HaKodesh (the holy spirit) leading us throughout our generations. Romans 11:4 not only speaks of the talmidim of Yeshua it also speaks of HaShem keeping myriads of men throughout our generations from bowing to Ba'al and our yetzer hara.

Romans 11
4 But what is the divine response to him? “I have kept for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” 5 So in the same way also at this present time there has come to be a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. 6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer by works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.
From generation to generation his mercy endures, and his love endures, and his kingship and throne are firmly established. Truth: the G-d of the universe is our King, the Rock of Jacob is our shield of our salvation.... Why would I believe he has removed his Ruach from us forever without hope except to be fed it from strangers who do not even know our King? No, I know he has never left us, nor forsaken us. And I know his mercy for the Jewish people is eternal as is his love. It is a misnomer to believe that Jews have not had the Ruach leading them throughout time, even now after Yeshua. He calls on an unfaithful people to restore them to wholeness and purity. He has always been there for us. Even in our pit. Even in our sin.

I marvel at the understanding that the G-d of Yisrael can save the nations of the world from their sins and yet those very nations can not seem to grasp how G-d will do the same thing for Yisrael. As a people and a nation.
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Now tell me, if Zechariah can be used as an example of a righteous Jew being led by the Ruach before Shavuot, why can't you entertain the fact that the Ruach has been leading our people throughout time. It's a real misnomer to assume that Ruach HaKodesh has been given to you at the behest of the Jewish people. And that we have not had Ruach HaKodesh (the holy spirit) leading us throughout our generations. Romans 11:4 not only speaks of the talmidim of Yeshua it also speaks of HaShem keeping myriads of men throughout our generations from bowing to Ba'al and our yetzer hara.

Romans 11
4 But what is the divine response to him? “I have kept for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” 5 So in the same way also at this present time there has come to be a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. 6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer by works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.
From generation to generation his mercy endures, and his love endures, and his kingship and throne are firmly established. Truth: the G-d of the universe is our King, the Rock of Jacob is our shield.... Why would I believe he has removed his Ruach from us forever without hope except to be fed it from strangers who do not even know our King? No, I know he has never left us, nor forsaken us. And I know his mercy for the Jewish people is eternal as is his love. It is a misnomer to believe that Jews have not had the Ruach leading them throughout time, even now after Yeshua. He calls on an unfaithful people to restore them to wholeness and purity. He has always been there for us. Even in our pit. Even in our sin.

I marvel at the understanding that the G-d of Yisrael can save the nations of the world from their sins and yet those very nations can not seem to grasp how G-d will do the same thing for Yisrael. As a people and a nation.

Was this directed toward me? I believe that the Ruach comes to all people who have a heart for YHWH.
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Messianic Ger Toshav - not christian
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I marvel at the understanding that the G-d of Yisrael can save the nations of the world from their sins and yet those very nations can not seem to grasp how G-d will do the same thing for Yisrael. As a people and a nation.

I believe it comes from a long-time fallacy that, for some un-Scriptural reason, the branches of the cultivated olive tree must be grafted into the wild tree to be accepted by HaShem. This, of course, is nonsense, as the Scriptures repeatedly say the exact opposite.
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