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This precious reading from W. Nee ~ The glorious church ~ I wanted to share

In Revelation we find not just one kind of precious stone, but all kinds of precious stones. All these precious stones are a product of burning. Unlike gold they were not formed by God in a moment of time but obtained after being wrought upon after many long years of God working. Precious stone isn’t something that is obtained when we become a new creation, rather it’s formed thru God’s burning, day after day. Certain ways of melting certain metals together produces various kinds of precious metals.

The precious metals represent the work of the Holy Spirit. When we’re saved we obtain God’s nature, but from that time, day after day, the Holy Spirit has been working the nature of God into us so that we may bear the fruit of the Spirit.There’s not just one fruit of the Spirit, there is love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and may others. The Holy Spirit must continually work in us to cause to bear all these different kinds of fruit. When we were saved, God imparted His life into us. But the fruit of the Spirit is not something imparted to us by the Father, His golden gift is salvation. We bear these fruits when the Holy Spirit works within, even so precious stone is something formed in us thru the Holy Spirit by means of many different circumstances.

Not only has God shared His nature with us, but day by day He is making us a certain kind of people who can bring glory to His name. … What the Holy Spirit forms in us by means of the environment will abide forever (foundational to our character)
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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1 John 1:3,7
3 we declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
7 if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.​

The Word, as Christ, when speaking conviction to us, plants the seed. As it comes to the hearer it is the Word, in action, and has the ability to grow. The world is the field and the cultivation is our own working out of our own salvation.

The stipulation given to the growth is the condition of the soil. His seed is always the incorruptible seed, but it’s the flesh that has the ability to corrupt it.

For instance there are the pathway people who’s attention and affections are given to other interests that are placed above the love of the Lord. Their emotions are carried away like a bird in flight.

Others have no deep roots in the faith so they look at things in intellectual semi-blindness.

Or some have their will wrapped up in pride and are always attempting authority over others because of a place of elitism they place themselves at.

So it’s up to the discernment of each believer to rightly divide the Word as it’s presented from others because it’s according to their understanding passed thru many filters. Cultural, political, etc.

The Lord’s Word is pure, comes to us pure and then is left for us to filter thru our environment to where we can put it into an effective means to convey to others.

When our journey is mirrored for others it has the ability to extend His life to others.

Romans 12:6-8 follows the progression of prophesy (a deeper revelation of Christ) in the new testament for the church.

Prophesy in Romans 12:6 is direct revelation from God that speaks for God. Hebrews 1 tells us that in times past God spoke to us thru prophets but in this day He speaks to us thru the Son.

In a change from the old priesthood and into the new it has been scripturally pointed out that the old has passed away, become obsolete. Now prophesy is always related to Christ and a deeper revelation of Him for the edification of His Body.

The mind of Christ is given to His own and all believers should have if they have truly laid themselves out as a living sacrifice Romans 12:1-3 (death to self) and that's just reasonable service.

It's light that is shining in the darkness where once it was chaos.

The next verse, Romans 12:7 relates to teaching, usually that which is revealed prophetically is being taught because of the conviction it has had on the teacher. Teachers then would teach from their conviction of the truth what has been revealed to their hearts, as truth, and according to the Holy Spirit within but never outside of the character of Christ as revealed in scripture.(according to the fruit of the Spirit)

The verse following that Romans 12:8 is exhortation that is based on both of the above.

All 3 are used for building His Body up in stature leading to the fullness of Christ.

And all of them supply life to the saints because the line points straight from the Son to illuminate the Father for the Son’s Body of believers.

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Citizen of the Kingdom

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“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” Hebrews 10:24

The Greek word for spur means to provoke and irritate. So let me irritate you deeply, because we should make it our aim to be mad about the things Jesus was mad about, and to be for the things Jesus was for.

If Jesus ain’t happy . . . ain’t nobody happy.” And He was never less than honest. He was and is very loving and caring Matthew 5:44, Matthew 11:28-29 and He can cut to the core Matthew 23:33

Most of His saying were to commend or condemn someone’s attitude or behaviour. Just as He does to the individuals in the churches of Revelation 2-3

Jesus is more than capable of overturning our corrupt tables and scales while throwing corrupt people out of the Father’s temple. He had no use for those who didn’t love God and blocked the way for others to Love. A giant rock tied to their throats and thrown into the sea would be better for them than … Matthew 18:6

His provision for us is direct access to God Matthew 27:51 He is the only One that can fill the gap between sin and wholeness. To oppose His way is sin. To be sanctified with the sanctifier is wholeness. John 3:16-17 the only way thru propitiation and reconciliation with God the Father. His children denied access to their Father is corruption attempted on the incorruptible seed. If it be possible ….. Rules are never above rest for the children. Only a child of hell would try Matthew 23:15 someone who hypocritically spoke for God, just a bad actor. Invalids. Those who are really in need of healing but refuse it.

“Not many of you should become teachers . . . because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” James 3:1 That’s why we should be very aware of strengths and weaknesses and adjust ourselves accordingly.

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Citizen of the Kingdom

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When I think about the law of the land I’m made aware that the law of grace is so much higher … where else are thoughts deemed criminal? So be at peace within by the mind of Christ for us.

To pursue righteousness is to deal with ourselves, but to be merciful is to deal with others. Toward the Father we must be pure in heart in seeking nothing but His will for us to His glory alone. The reward for being pure in heart is to see God, so the seeker and the sought can continue hand in hand. 2 Timothy 2:22, Hebrews 12:14

Pursueing righteousness within often invites persecution from without. Yet to be outside of righteousness is to be outside of the Kingdom, But being poor in spirit when the flesh is weak brings the kingdom of heaven to us to confront persecution in ways appropriate to the situation because we have our being in Him Matthew 5:10-11, 1 Peter 4:14

That results in influence created by God to retain the earth in it’s original condition because we are the keepers of the garden. It makes me wonder …. was the earth created for mankind or was mankind created for the earth, foodforthought. Matthew 5:13

But the answer to that thought is the light, the Holy Spirit within, that can’t help but shine into the darkness to light the path, be it step by step so as not to get ahead of God or to fall behind, but by His side in leaving worldly cares o Him. Matthew 5:14-16

Father, the term, denotes us as children, male and female He created us, and sets us to work to glorify His Name. Glory is God expressed and we who are of His name can do no better than to work to reflect His character as He works in us. John 1:12

'God rewards those who diligently seek Him' ... "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6

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Revelation 3:18
I council you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire in order that you may be wealthy, and white garments in order that you may clothe yourselves and in order that your shameful nakedness may not be made manifest, and eye-salve to rub on your eyes in order that you may be seeing.​

What is the price of truth? Exodus 25:11 Gold overlaying the wooden nature must be the inner and outer condition, Christ in our being. Galatians 5:6, 1 Peter 1:7 Garments signify conduct approved by the Lord as the Lord Himself lived it. The church’s nakedness is revealed when not so adorned. 2 Peter 1:1 The eye salve needed is the leading of the Holy Spirit 1 John 2:27 for that is true and is not a lie.

Proverbs 23:23
Buy the truth, and do not sell wisdom; also buy understanding and instruction​

The greatest possession of blessedness known to mankind; restoring the conscience to active duty in righteous conduct, loving the things that God loves and doing that which is seen of the Father; harmonizing will and reason by casting out foreign elements, like wood that is cleansed deeply in the rich stream flowing thru and flushing the elements to produce stone from wood in the course of time. We live with Wisdom in Spirit and Truth, thru our worship of the Almighty and we trust in her.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Emotions proceed from the heart. Romans 10:10 the heart, not the mind, justifies.

Feelings are the language of the body, while thoughts are the language of the mind. Emotions are produced when our bodies and our mind communicate and reach agreement. The result is expression.

Iow, feelings, like that of the inner child, and the thoughts of the adult self, join together to ponder the essence in intuition. The expression is then the voice of the soul, which is the voice of the heart.

“For out of the heart cometh forth … “

Intuition is the receiver of the Spirit in the human spirit. New knowledge as truth, is built on previous truths, gained from concepts given and received intuitively. The intellect and intuition are separate functions. Intellect is soulish (soul-life) and intuition is a function of the human spirit.

Feelings, tied to thought, provide a glimpse into our inner and outer realities. Together they form the basis of the ability to reason. Emotions are an important vehicle for self-awareness.

Ephesians 4:17-24

The heart is the conscience of one's spirit plus the mind of one's soul. The heart is the administer for our spirit to express everything that is of the Spirit. And the soul, including what it feels from the outside, connects to the heart where all things are pondered. Yet we do not always do as we ought to do so ..... Therefore at this great 'meeting of the mind of the heart' our true self is revealed to us.

Psalms 4:4

Consider in your heart upon your bed, and be silent.

Proverbs 4:23

Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Bringing a burden to the Lord …

How often we wish and hope that adverse circumstances could be changed .. our burdens lifted. But how does a clay vessel change it’s content?

“Like clay in the hand of a potter, so are you in My hand”

(yatsar Genesis 2 as God fashioned the human creature from the soil) To fashion (yotser the verbal noun for potter)

Being set in our ways leaves little hope for change it would seem. Can a leopard really change it’s spots? Does the snow leave the mountains of a glacier? Well, anything looks possible these days … the leopard not so much.

Have we left the Rock to which we should have clung ?
Did we stop drinking from the waters of Life and have become independent?
The living water is still flowing but are we planted at it’s banks?
Have we left our place of abode to forge a treasure for ourselves not of heavenly means?

Such vanity that lays snares in the paths of others is a great cause for guilt and shame that the land is forced to cry out of the injustice.
Does waiting justice really sleep? Such slander against His government cannot be true!

Burdens carried forward to Him are the answer to the quarrels with those who have dug such a pit for our lives. Standing before Him, laying the burden down, untangling the snares that have been laid for our feet, …. all everyday work for the soldier in His service … the work of carrying our own cross, laid down at His feet, to carry on once again, equally yoked in purpose.

His banner over us is Love.

Have a blessed day! Peace
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