Do you believe the KJV is the one and only perfect and divine Word of God?

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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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30 Reasons Why
the KJV

is the Divine and Pure Word of God for Today:

Updated Thread Rule:

I created a new thread rule so as to stop the heated discussion and the personal attacks. I know Anti-KJV Only Proponents have already posted here for about 30 pages since the creation of this thread, but I am hoping to put a stop to it because the discussion has gotten heated. Please, only post here if you are KJV Only. I will try to inform folks of the updated change.​

Important Note to the Reader:
(Please read before posting):

I am not like your average KJV Proponent. While I believe the KJV is the perfect, and divinely inspired Word of God that is without error, I am unlike your average KJV Only Proponent; For many KJV Proponents will say that we should not even read Modern Translations, and that the KJV is not hard to understand. I disagree with both of those conclusions from my fellow KJV advocate brethren. Yes, I believe the KJV is the perfect inerrant Word of God, but I believe Modern Translations can be helpful in updating the 1600's English (as long as the KJV is our final word of authority). If a verse in a Modern Translation looks like it says something different in the KJV, I stick with the KJV. In other words, I use the KJV and an older dictionary (or KJV dictionary) kind of like how people may use Hebrew and Greek to understand the Bible. But there are many verses and passages that I can read normally in the King James. Not all verses are hard to understand. But I do recognize there are many challenging words used in the King James (Which can make it difficult to read at times). So the KJV advocate who says that it is not hard to read is not being entirely truthful with themselves or others (if they say this). There are KJV advocates who favor the 1611, and some favor the 1769, and others favor the Cambridge Edition (circa. 1900) (Which removed the Apocrypha as an Edition) (Side Note: Yes, I am aware that the “American Bible Society” in 1826 dropped the Apocrypha from the KJV they published or circulated, but this was their choice as a publisher, and this was not the result of following the KJV Edition itself). Anyways, I favor the Cambridge circa 1900 Edition (Which removed the Apocrypha and made correct updates) as the final and pure Word of God (Which I believe has been purified seven times - Please see: Psalms 12:6).​

#1. A person will be for "the KJV as their final word of authority alone" if they believe these 3 biblical truths apply today:

(a) Psalms 12:6, (Is your Bible the pure words of the Lord?)
(b) Psalms 12:7, (Is your Bible preserved today?)
(c) Habakkuk 2:2 & 2 Corinthians 3:12 KJV
(Is your Bible using plainness of speech?)
(Note: If you were to speak or write Hebrew or Greek to people today, they would not understand you; Therefore, it does not pass the Habakkuk 2:2 & 2 Corinthians 3:12 KJV test).

#2. Comparing the KJV vs. Modern Translations shows changes for the worse and not for the better.

There is a watering down of many beloved truths in Scripture like: The Trinity, The Incarnation, Deity of Christ, Holy Living, etc.; Thousands of verses are changed and removed to the detriment of that which is good in God's Word. You can check out my beginning study on this in this post here within this thread.

#3. Biblical Numerics confirm both the original languages and the KJV as being the divinely inspired Word of God.

This to me is one of the biggest proofs. I also provided a quick example of this here:
+.............Luke 4:4
+........Matthew 4:4
+ Deuteronomy 8:3
= ..................16:11

1 column (green) added up together in a straight line down = 16.

One column (red) added up together in a straight line down = 11.

This is a total of 16:11 or 1611.

The year 1611 (Which is a major change in human history) with the bringing in of the King James Bible.

Luke 4:4 says,
"And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."

Matthew 4:4 says,
"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

Deuteronomy 8:3 says,
"And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live."
Note: To learn more about how biblical numerics support the KJV, check out my post within this thread here.

#4. The KJV has had more attacks against it than any other Bible.

I have personally witnessed the blind adolescent child like behavior and hatred for the King James Bible. Some try to downplay that others hate the KJV, but this would not be in line with the truth. Some even falsely say that KJV advocates worship the KJV (When this is simply not the case at all).

#5. Certain men who worked on Modern Translations have mysteriously received the frog in the throat plague from the Bible

This was a warning to those not to add to God's Word in Revelation; Note: This plague was not a plague from Revelation. See the following links:

#6. While certain doctrines have been unaffected, there are certain unique major doctrinal changes;

I have listed 7 of them within this thread here.

#7. Modern Translations can on occasion cause confusion in a Bible study

This is similar to the confusion when God confounded the languages at the tower of babel); For there is no nailed down final word of authority; See my example here:
Rick (a Christian) says, “Okay folks, I would like for you to open your Bibles to 1 John 5:7.” “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

Bob (a Christian) says, “My Bible does not say that.” “My 1 John 5:7 says, “For there are three that testify:”

Joe (a Christian) says, “Alright, I think we need to change things up here. Okay everyone, I would like for you all to turn to 1 John 4:3. “but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”

Sam (a Christian) says, “Joe. My Bible says in 1 John 4:3 “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God.”

Joe: “It’s not important.”

Sam (a Christian) says, “But Joe, is not “Jesus coming into the flesh” have to do with Christ’s incarnation.” “Can we deny the Incarnation and be saved?”

Joe: “That’s not what I am saying.” “All Bibles say the same thing.”

Sam (a Christian) says, “While that may be true, why does my Bible deny this truth as a part of testing the spirits?” “Which Bible says the right thing here?”

Benson (an unbeliever) says, “Okay guys. I don’t mean to interrupt here, and I appreciate you all for inviting me to this group to learn the bible, but it looks like you guys cannot agree on what the Bible even says.” “Sorry, I am leaving.”​

Now, some say "We look to the original languages" but there is the Textus Receptus line of manuscripts, and the Codex Vaticanus and the Codex Sinaiticus. So which one do you use?

#8. The Historical Uniqueness of the King James above any other translation.

It had 47 translators, whereby they all double checked each other's work in groups. Many have given their lives leading up to the King James bible coming into creation. Their was even an assassination attempt by other Christians to destroy half of the city with a super bomb. This was all to stop the King James bible from coming forth. No copyright here in the States (not the UK) is on the KJV. No other translation can boast of this level of magnitude or uniqueness in being this special (as if to say the hand of God was upon it). To learn more, I talk a little more on this and provided trailers for two really good documentaries on the history of the King James Bible within this thread here.

#9. An Attack on God's Word by Satan is consistent with his strategies as we read in God's Word.

Clearly it makes logical sense that the enemy would want to destroy God's Word in some way. We remember back in the Garden that the devil (the serpent) merely used subtle words to deceive Eve. The devil just said, “Ye shall not die.” The devil called into question God’s holy command or words. So she bought into the lie. She doubted God’s Word. The same thing is happening today and we can see this attack with the changes we see between the KJV vs. Modern Translations. To say that all Bibles are the same is to ignore the attack on God's Word by the enemy. I have posted 5 of the enemy's strategies against God's Word in this post here (within this thread).

#10. "The Anti-One Perfect Word in Today's Language View" cannot be seen in Scripture.

Nowhere does God's Word teach that we must look to some older and better language in order to understand His Word better. We see God was perfectly capable of translating languages in Acts chapter 2. We also learn that God's Word did not remain in Hebrew but it continued on in Greek. So if God is consistent in this way, this means it is very highly plausible that God would continue His efforts to spread His Word in a similar way (Speaking in a language that people would understand plainly). The KJV Only position is the only view that believes there is a perfect Word that exists in our world language today. Scripture refers to the words of the Lord as pure words. Certainly the men of God during Paul's time thought Paul's writings were divine and from God and were pure words. If not, then how could they trust which words were true or not?

#11. The devil's name is replaced either for a name of Christ, or other holy things in many Modern Translations where they do not belong.

See my post here within this thread.

#12. The Dark Origins of the Modern Translations.

Westcott and Hort's Greek text (Who were known occultists) is the basis of influence upon Nestle and Aland's Greek text (which is the text used for all Modern Translations today). Read the following article here:

Eberhard Nestle rejected the infallibility of the Bible, and he held to the view that it was no more than a normal piece of literature. In 1952, a German named "Kurt Aland" would join the Nestle team, he would produce new editions of the Nestle's Greek Text, his final being the 25th edition. He would eventually be joined by his wife Barbara. He denied the verbal inspiration of the Bible and wanted to see all denominations united into one “body” by the acceptance of a new ecumenical canon of Scripture which would take into account the Catholic apocryphal books (The Problem of the New Testament Canon, pp. 6,7,30-33).

#13. God Translates Things and He does so Perfectly.

Many suggest that no translation is perfect. The variation of the word "translate" occurs 5 times in 3 verses of the King James Bible (translate, translated, and translation). This is interesting because the number five in the Bible is representative of God's grace, and 3 is the number whereby one of it's meanings is the resurrection (or bringing to life). In other words, God translates us by His grace. We see the first occurrence of the word "translate" refer to God translating the kingdom of the house of Saul to set up the throne of David.

Verse #1. - 2 Samuel 3:10, "To translate the kingdom from the house of Saul, and to set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba."​

Saul had forsaken God. So his rule led to death. But it was translated and changed to David. David's rule would be an everlasting kingdom and rule. One of life. So death to life.

Again, we see God translate in His Word with the second occurrence of the variation of the word "translate." (i.e. translated).

Verse #2 - Colossians 1:13,
"Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:"
In Colossians 1:13, we read about how God perfectly translated the believer into the Kingdom of His dear Son.

Verse #3 - Hebrews 11:5,
"By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God."
Three times the variation of the word "translate" appears in Hebrews 11:5. This is in the third and final verse. God perfectly translated Enoch so that he would not see death.

In Acts chapter 2, we learn about how God was able to perfectly translate the languages whereby they all were able to perfectly understand each other.

In addition, the translation of quotations of the Hebrew Scriptures by the apostles were done in Greek. So this proves translations from one language to the next can be perfect. Why? Because we know God translates perfectly, and we know God will continue to translate. Why? Because in the future, He will translate (resurrect) His people (See: Revelation 20:4-5).

#14. The Simple Way of Faith, vs. the Complicated Way of Faith:

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Believers should just simply read and believe the Bible. Oh, but no. No bible is perfect, and yet they all say the same thing. Surely this sounds complicated. How does one know which words are true or not?

There are primarily two positions. One position is that there are those who believe that God preserved His Word in the world language of today (i.e. They believe the KJV as their one and only final word of authority). The second position is that there is no perfect Word in our current language today (with some believing there is no perfect Scriptures ever, and others believing that the originals were perfect (But we don’t have those anymore)). Many in this second position believe you can read any Modern Version and it is fine. So they are reading flawed bible versions with errors. So they are forced to look to the original languages to figure out what God's Word says relying blindly on their own thinking and scholars to give them the meaning on certain words. It's like they are on a hunt for the Word of God and its true meaning and they cannot have it right away. They cannot just read the Bible and believe it simply and plainly.

It's like God's Word is something that needs to be decoded or deciphered in order for them to truly possess the Word of God. Question: If you believe you must study the original languages to discover God's perfect Word: Do you ever get a chance to just read the Bible normally without having to constantly look at the original languages that you are not familiar with? One position sounds like a position of simple belief or faith (the KJV position). The other position sounds like a lot of doubting (the English translations), and hard work (studying the original languages) and then uncertainty (Because one does not truly know Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek). It doesn't sound simple.

2 Corinthians 11:3
"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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#15. The Living Word vs. the Communicated Word:

One must realize that there is a symbiotic relationship between the "Living Word" (Jesus) and the Communicated Word of God (Which today would be Scripture).

See this thread here to learn more with Scripture:

So if the Living Word (Jesus) is perfect, we should realize that there is a perfect Word in existence, as well. Meaning, if Jesus lives inside of us today and He does not live in the past alone, then there must be a perfect Communicated Word (Scripture) that we can hold in our hands today.

#16. The Time in History in Which It Was Translated:

Before I discuss this point, three truths need to be understood.

(a) Living Word vs. Communicated Word.
(b) Seven Purifications of the KJV.
(c) Church Ages in Revelation 2-3.
I. “Living Word vs. Communicated Word.” We already discussed the importance of the point about “the Living Word vs. the Communicated Word.” For if Jesus is perfect and lives in you today, and not the past, then this means that there is a Communicated Word that there is a perfect Communicated Word that we should have in our possession today.

II. “There are Seven Purifications of the KJV.” Psalms 12:6 says, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”
  • The First 1611
  • The Second 1611
  • The 1613
  • The 1629
  • The 1638
  • The 1769
  • The Pure Cambridge Edition (circa. 1900).
The Cambridge Edition (circa 1900) removed the Apocrypha and did the last perfect update of the King James Bible that we have today. To learn more, why the KJV Cambridge Edition is the correct pure KJV, see this brief article here.

III. “The Church Ages of Revelation chapters 2-3.”

I believe the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 speak of real churches that existed during John’s time, and they are real churches that emerged again in the future to show a church age. There are the churches ages of:

1. Ephesus
2. Smyrna
3. Pergamos
4. Thyatira
5. Sardis - Protestant Reformation emerges in history (1517).
6. Philadelphia - Wesleyanism emerges in history (1730).
7 Laodicea - Small emergence of the Ecumenism movement (1867). Major Emergence of the Ecumenism movement (1910).​

Ecumenism date source for 1867:

Ecumenism date source for 1910:
ecumenism | Definition & History

The King James Bible was first translated in 1611. This was the core foundation for what would become the seventh final purification of the 1900 Cambridge Edition that removed the Apocrypha from the KJV (among other slight updates). The “Cambridge edition (circa. 1900)” was not a new translation but it was an edition update of the 1611 King James Bible. The improvement of typographical errors and spelling, etc. are not major changes of what the 1611 says.

The original “King James Bible” (1611) was translated during the “Sardis period church age” (Which was the Protestant Reformation), which was then followed by the “Philadelphia church age” with the “Wesleyan holiness movement” in 1730. Please take note that the Laodicean church age is a lukewarm church that Christ would spew out of his mouth. Faithful men of God in the Wesleyan holiness movement had the King James Bible long before the Laodicean church age came into being. But in 1881, something emerged that was different. It was the birth of the Revised Version by occultists Westcott and Hort. This was also close to the time of the Ecumenism movement that slowly emerged in 1867, and blew wide open in 1910. The Cambridge Edition (the final and perfect KJV) came into being circa 1900. A perfect Bible to meet the dark times that came. I will now quote Scripture:

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light:
they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.” (Isaiah 9:2).

6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God,
The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end,
upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom,
to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice
from henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”
(Isaiah 9:6-7).​

For hundreds of years between the Old and New Testament, there was a period of silence. Like a black (dark) spot in history. When Jesus emerged onto the scene in a manger as a baby, the times were spiritually dark. One man (Herod) in an attempt to kill Jesus had ended up slaughtering a whole bunch of other children. When Jesus was an adult, John the Baptist was beheaded. Jesus was a light in a time of darkness.

As I pointed out before, there is a symbiotic relationship between the “Living Word, and the Communicated Word.” See this thread here (if you missed the Scriptural references that proves this point).

So a New Age Bible came on to the scene, and Ecumenism came on to the scene in 1880’s. So as the times got dark spiritually for the church in the 1880’s (See my side note below), a perfect light emerged onto the scene sometime approximately in 1900 to meet these dark spiritual times. It was a pure and perfect Word. It was the Pure King James Cambridge Edition shining a light in the darkness, just like the pure Living Word (Jesus) was a light that came in a time of darkness.

In approximately 1970, at the same time the New Age Movement hit America, the Modern Translation Bible went mainstream in the churches with the popularity of the NIV (1973). At one point in time before this, church doors were unlocked and most of them all had a King James Bible within them. But that has all changed today. I believe that as a result of not having a final Word of authority in the church anymore, this led to all the spiritually moral problems and abominations that we see in America today unlike ever before. Yes, we still have the church of Sardis among us. We also even have the church of Philadelphia among us (in small numbers), as well (even though we are not in the Philadelphia period or age where they flourished greatly). But today we are under the widespread rule of the Laodicean church age. This is the last church age.

Today we see many lukewarm preachers. Why? There is no more King James Bible in their building anymore. It has been abandoned because they prefer a Bible that is watered down and or lukewarm. This fits the times that we are in (2 Timothy 3:1-9). A Bible that once was a part of a part of a special time in history where the common man first had access to a whole bible for the first time in the 1600-1700's (Sardis/Philadelphia periods) is now something that is being rejected in this current church age (The Laodicean church age).

In other words, the “King James Bible” is the “Word of God” because of the time in history in which it was translated (1611 / Cambridge - 1900).

#17.OAO (Original Autographs Only) Position” Goes Against Scripture & Logic:

  1. “Death for getting one letter wrong.” Judges 12:6 says, “Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan...” An Ephraimite man would die because he did not add one letter to a word that he spoke. So it is true in the saying of Proverbs. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” (Proverbs 18:21). God cares about the details. For Jesus said, “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matthew 5:18). Revelation 22:19 says, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,...” So altering God's Word is very serious to God. For not adding one letter to a word can alter a word and it's meaning. The word in a sense will no longer be there anymore if it is changed. It would be taking away & adding from His Holy word. For example: If I removed the letter “h” from the word “chat” it would say “cat.” The words “chat” and “cat” have two entirely different meanings. One letter changes everything. One word would no longer exist by the simple changing of a letter.

  2. “The Old is Better.” Luke 5:39 says, “No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.” The OAO (Original Autographs Only) Position is basically saying that the Old is better after they have tasted of the new. They want the old autographs that no longer exist. They will even say the manuscripts of the Codex Vaticanus and the Codex Sinaiticus are better than the Textus Receptus manuscripts because they are older. Jesus says of men when they have tasted of the new, “the old is better.”

  3. “Foreign Languages Spoken to Jews Was a Sign of Judgment.” Like Christians, the Jews also regard the story of Babel in Genesis 11 as Scripture or the Word of God. In this story we learn that the reason why God confounded the language of those at the tower of babel was because they were rebelling against God’s command to spread across the globe. These languages were a form of judgment because they disobeyed God’s command. God sent them confusion by them speaking different tongues for their disobedience. When the Jews were conquered by the Babylonians and went into exile, they heard foreign tongues. This was also a Judgment from God for their disobedience. Today, Christians seek after a more spiritual better message of God by looking to foreign tongues (Which is actually symbolic of God’s judgment). If I sent Hebrew or Greek words from the Bible to a group of high school students, and I asked them to read it, they could not do so. If they tried to speak these words, it would sound like the tower of babel with confusion as the result. But if I asked them to read from a King James bible, they could read from it, and in many instances understand it.

  4. “Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken.” (Ezekiel 22:28). The Making of your own Word of God. But God’s Word should change us, and we should not change or create our own Bible. Modern Translations is all about what you think God’s Word says. It’s about searching for something that caters to you. The dangers are numerous with warnings in Revelation not to add or take away from His Word. If you mistranslated God’s Holy Word and created your own Bible, another could come and read your Bible, and say, “Thus saith the Lord God, when the LORD hath not spoken.” Textual Criticism leads to judging or criticizing God’s holy text or words and their validity that they are even God’s holy words or not.

  5. “Nuances of Certain Idioms and Metaphorical Phrases Can Easily Be Lost.” Without taking into account having lived in that culture, etc., many times we may be simply guessing as to what a dead language says sometimes. For example: The word “gay” was once more commonly used to refer to happiness. But today, if you said that word, it conjures up a different meaning or image in people’s minds. Words and phrases can change with the passage of time. Slang, metaphor, sarcasm, the culture of language, etc. are all things that need to be considered in the enormity of learning a language. Do we truly know them? I believe some things may have simply been lost in translation. God concealed it for His glory. But we do have His Word preserved in our world language today. So there is no need to find out the true and hidden meaning of God’s Word in the originals.

#18. In the Bible: We can see a pattern of God preserving copies of His Word, and not the original autographs.

(a) Moses destroyed the original 10 Commandments on tablets of stone (the original autograph) (Exodus 32:19), and yet a copy was perfectly made to replace it (Exodus 34:1-4).

(b) King Jehoiakim burns the scroll of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 36:22-23), but God had Jeremiah make another copy (Jeremiah 36:27-28).

(c) Proverbs 25:1 says, “These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out.” (Proverbs 25:1).​

In the New Testament, Philip heard the Ethiopian eunuch read from a manuscript of Isaiah.

“And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?” (Acts of the Apostles 8:30).​

Although Scripture does not specifically say this was a copy of Isaiah, and not the original autograph of Isaiah, logic dictates that the most plausible explanation is that the Ethiopian eunuch had a copy of a manuscript of Isaiah (and not the original). For the odds of him just happening to have the original would seem highly unlikely.

Philip calls this copy of Isaiah he possessed as Scripture.

“Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.” (Acts of the Apostles 8:35).​

2 Timothy 3:16 says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
So the copy of this Scripture was inspired by God.

So the belief of “OAO (Original Autograph Only) Proponent” that says that we need to look to the original autograph because it is perfect, and the copies are flawed and full of errors is unbiblical. Believers in God's Word can trust that God has preserved a copy of His Word for us today that is perfect (Which would be consistent in the way God operates involving the preservation of His Word). This then leads us to conclude that there must be a perfect Bible that we can find today.

#19. God cannot lie, and The Scriptures cannot be broken:

“Modern Translation Adherents” many times say that there are no perfect Bibles and they are full of errors. They are basically saying my Bible is broken. They are saying the Scriptures are broken. Full of mistakes. But...

Let God be true, and every man be found as a liar. (Romans 3:4).​

God keeps His promises.

“In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;” (Titus 1:2). What did God promise us? “...and the scripture cannot be broken;” (John 10:35); And God cannot lie like men. So if your trust is in a scholar over what God’s Word says, your faith is in the wrong place, my friend. Trust God’s Holy Word and not men who can lie to you. God keeps the promises of His Word. One of His promises is that Scripture cannot be broken. So trust it. Trust the Scriptures in that they cannot be broken or full of mistakes.

#20. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 says that we received the Words not as the words of men, but as the very words of God.

For it is written: “...when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God,” (1 Thessalonians 2:13). Dear believer: Do you believe that the Bible you hold in your hands are the very words of God? If so, then how can it have mistakes in it? If the Bible you have are the very words of God, then we should treat them as perfect and without error. But are there problems with your Bible? Most today admit that no Bible is perfect. Does that sound like they have the very words of God or that they received the very Word of God? What Bible did they listen to when they sought forgiveness with the Lord? Was it from a bible that is not from the very words of God? Think. Sure, certain truths can shine through a Modern Translation, and build up faith for a believer, but did you receive the very word of God? Did you receive a Holy book that is the very word of God? If you have not found it, I would encourage you to seek it out with prayer, and by seeking out the Scriptures diligently. “Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read” (Isaiah 34:16).

#21. God’s Commands are changed:

God warns us in His Word not to change His commands.

“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” (Deuteronomy 4:2).

“What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.” (Deuteronomy 12:32).

“Add thou not unto his words,
lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” (Proverbs 30:6).​

Yet, this is exactly what we see take place in the Modern Translations. You can check out what commands are changed in this post here.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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#22. Modern Bible Versions Are Always Under Construction to Be Fixed.

Creators of Modern Bibles keep changing the same Modern Translations to get closer to the original autographs, but they still will never reach their goal. The same NIV years ago is not the same one today. It’s never good enough. There are 20 editions of the NIV. It’s like a guy who keeps adjusting a piece of artwork on his wall to make sure it is straight and or looks good. It’s never good enough. God’s Word is never good enough. Modern Versions are always under Construction. While men try to improve upon the KJV, no man has yet to successfully do so upon the 1900 circa. Cambridge KJV Edition in a truly faithful manner. Also, there appears to be a new Modern Translation coming out of the woodwork all the time. This of course fits with the OAO (Original Autograph Only) Proponent who believes there is no perfect Bible. Hence, why their many Bibles are always under construction. I believe my Bible is finished and ready to read with the 1900 Cambridge KJV Edition. It is perfect. No construction to fix it is necessary.


#23. Giant Sections of Scripture are Cast into Doubt With Footnotes.

Out of the 9 fruits of the Spirit, we have faith as one of the fruits. Footnotes in your Bible always appear to cast doubt and not faith on what certain verses say. Doubt is not a fruit of the Spirit. God wants us to have good fruit in our life, and faith is one of them. This can only work if there are no doubts of what your Bible says of any kind. It’s even worse when whole giant sections of Scripture are cast into doubt as belonging in the Bible because of a footnote. Two popular giant sections of Scripture where footnotes appear as possibly not being in the text by Modern Bibles are Mark 16:9-20, and John 7:53-John 8:11. Both of these giant sections of Scripture are overshadowed with doubt by a footnote in brackets as possibly not being in the original manuscripts. Is this a problem? Yes. This is problematic for several reasons. I explain more in detail about these problems within this thread in this post here.

#24. Modern Versions make Jesus appear to sin.

In Matthew 5:22, Modern Translations remove the words “without a cause” in relation to being angry with your brother.

The King James correctly includes the words “without a cause,”

“But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” (Matthew 5:22) (KJV).​

Why is this important?

Because Jesus got angry in Mark 3:5.

“And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.”
(Mark 3:5) (KJV).​

But if we are to believe the Modern Translations, then Jesus had sinned by getting angry with his fellow brethren or Jews based on Matthew 5:22. For Modern Translations appear to condemn Jesus for just being angry in general as a sin, when in reality Jesus was specifically referring to being angry without a cause.

In John 7:8, the Modern Translations remove the word “yet” which makes it appear like Jesus is lying.

The King James correctly includes the word, “yet,”

“Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come.” (John 7:8) (KJV).​

I’ve heard a Christian once tell me about how Jesus lied, and they pointed this section of the Scriptures to me. I have heard other Christians say that Jesus sinned, as well. This is just crazy talk. Jesus had to be our spotless Lamb in order to pay the price for our sins. No doubt they were most likely reading or favoring a Modern Translation that made them think this way.

#25. Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men:

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 says, “And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”​

Today, there is an appeal among men for Man’s Wisdom. Among many Christians, this is the higher Education in Bible Schools. I believe it is the Modern Translation movement in Bible colleges that trains men to learn their way of understanding God’s Word and not in the way God teaches. Those who attend Bible college spent the money, the time, and built the relationships, etc.; They struggled hard to get that education and made the sacrifices. But is this the way that God wants us to learn? No. For 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 says, “Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” (1 John 2:27). In fact, Jesus said, “Beware of the scribes” (Luke 20:46). The scribes were those who tran-scribed the Law or the Scriptures. The scholar of our day sometimes does this very thing. Jesus said to beware of them, but OAO Proponents just blindly trust and accept them as if they had the very words of God.

#26. Words of Jesus are taken away by Modern Translations.

Jesus said Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35). But in Modern Translations some of our Lord’s words have passed away (or they are missing).
  1. The words of Jesus on “Fasting so as to cast out persistent devils” is removed in Matthew 17:21. I can personally testify that this works. So obviously it is a method that the devil does not want believers to know about or it is something he wants believers to doubt such words as being true so as hinder in helping them.

  2. Removal of the words “You know not what spirit you-all are of.” (Luke 9:55). The details of the rebuke towards John and James is missing. One problem is that one can think that the neutered Modern Translation version of this rebuke is teaching that our rebukes need to be only a positive and happy manner. Meaning, that we should only speak only good things towards others. Another problem is that it speaks against the NT teaching on Non Resistance. Yet another problem is that it can lead some people to make James and John out to be men who never made any mistakes (which can lead to idolizing them in some way).

  3. Certain words of our Lord in Acts of the Apostles 9:5-6 are removed. The words in Acts of the Apostles 9:5 that say, “it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks” is removed. In Acts of the Apostles 9:6, the words "And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" are removed. The removal of the words on Acts of the Apostles 9:5 is wrong because it can make a believer wrongfully think that God does not have anything to do with us if we have not fully submitted to Him yet. However, we see here that God is actively trying to reach Paul even up until He had His vision with the Lord. The removal of words in Acts of the Apostles 9:6 is problematic because it makes it look like Paul may not have been in fear of the Lord when he had this vision, too. It is also problematic to remove such words because Paul is being polite and correct in asking the Lord in what to do. This means we should be seeking and asking God for the direction for our lives, as well. We have to be polite and humble with God and ask, and not make demands of Him, as well. But we need to ask for God's direction for our life. For the enemy would want nothing more than for a believer to be outside of God's will and not asking the Lord for direction in their life.
This is disturbing that the Modern Translations would remove such precious words from our Lord. For we know that these words can benefit our walk with Him. Some who hold so tightly to the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus manuscripts (along with their Babel bibles) as being the Word of God will of course never see such truths that I speak of here. They will just blindly trust the scholar who holds to the corrupted Alexandrian texts that removes these beautiful words from our Lord Jesus Christ. Little do they fully grasp the entire truth of our Lord's words that say, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35).

#27. Modern Translations Are Not Inerrant:

If there is one mistake in God’s Word then it is not His Holy Word. Modern Translations clearly show a lack of their own inerrancy.


(Note: Click on the image chart above to zoom in closer if desired).

The King James Version is accurate in its use of "prophets" in verse two because Mark is referencing more than one prophetic book (Which is Malachi, and Isaiah). In contrast, the NIV offers a reading that is demonstrably wrong. It says in Mark 1:2-3 (NIV), “It is written in Isaiah the prophet: "I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way a voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.'" According to the NIV reading, both quotations come from the book of Isaiah. However, in reality, Mark is quoting from both Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3. In contrast, the KJV's use of "prophets" is plural thus correctly identifying Mark as quoting from more than one prophet (Compare Malachi 3:1 with the first half of the quote of the prophets words, and then compare Isaiah 40:3 with the second half of the quote of the prophets words). You will see that the Modern Translations are clearly are in error here and the King James Bible is correct instead. Hebrews 3:13, and 2 Samuel 21:19 are other verses that show errors in the Modern Translations compare to the King James, among other verses. This means Modern Translations are not inerrant like the pure Word of God (the KJV).

#28. The Consistency of faith in God’s Word and Romans 10:17.

Is your faith in God’s Word consistent?

Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

We need to believe God’s Word in order to have faith. While there are some aspects of God’s Word that can be proven with evidence, we cannot prove all words in the Bible without some element of faith. For it requires faith on our part to believe God’s Word. We believe the Bible and that is where we get our faith from. So if our Bible is not perfect, then our faith cannot be perfect. When we accepted Jesus as our Savior, and sought forgiveness with Him, and believed in His death, burial, and resurrection for salvation, we did so because we heard the words of God from the Bible. But if we run into other words in the Bible which do not fit our lifestyle or thinking, do we get to then change the Word of God to make it say what we want it to say? Some professing Christians try to justify certain sins like lusting after women, and lying, etc. and so they change or twist the Scriptures on these topics so as to justify these sins in their life. I believe the same can be said for those who think that there are errors in God’s Word. How do they know they are really errors? Does it not require faith to believe in God’s Word in the first place? Is your Bible 100% the Word of God, or only 90% the Word of God or 75% the Word of God? Who gets to decide what percentage is God’s Word or not? Does that sound like a consistent faith? Is that the kind of faith God is looking for? Does not faith come by hearing the Word of God according to Romans 10:17?

#29. The KJV was Prophetically Chosen Ahead of Time in a Language That Fulfills the Great Commission Today:

God knows all things; Especially the future. The Bible was translated into English (i.e. the 1611 KJV) before it became the world language in the late 18th century.

See these articles here on why English is the world language:
World language - Wikipedia
The History of English - English as a Global Language
See this article here on when English became the world language:
English language - Wikipedia

So prophetically speaking, God chose the English language with the King James Bible in 1611 before it became the world language (Thus showing the KJV to be a special prophetic book). In fact, God’s Word being translated into English fulfills the purpose of the great commission because of the great impact English would have on a global level. Only a very small percentage of men today (maybe 5%) supposedly even know Biblical Hebrew, and Biblical Greek. That does not really serve the common man or reach people on a global level. Catholics always wanted to hold the knowledge of the Bible to their highest ranks. Meaning: Only a select few holy men (a small percentage) were to know of the Bible’s sacred knowledge, and the common man was kept in the dark in knowing God’s Word. It’s still happening today. Catholics say you cannot understand God’s Word without the priests interpreting it for you (Which is contrary to 1 John 2:27). God provided His word in Greek (a world language). He did not keep it in the old Hebrew. This shows God wanted His Word to go out to the world. This was to fulfill the great commission. Preaching the gospel, baptizing, and teaching Christ’s commands were to be for all nations. The effectiveness of this mission (or our co-operative mission with God) would be hindered if God chose dead languages that nobody really speaks or writes anymore. But God did not choose for the Word of God to be for a special select few holy men alone who know ancient languages, or the limited ranks of the scholar. God desires all men to know the truth and not to keep them in the dark. In fact, God has chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith.

“Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?” (James 2:5).​

So God chose English wisely before it would become a world language. God chose a Bible that would touch the hearts of many (including the simple poor man, and the common man) so as to have the greatest impact. Think. God wants people to be saved, and to be guided by His Word by faith. God desires this for as many men as possible. This is the purpose of the great commission. English fulfills this very purpose and it was fulfilled when God provided us with the King James Bible.

Granted, Modern Translations also came about in the English, but they came late in the game after English became a world language. Meaning, they were not prophetic like the King James. Also, in order to understand Modern Version Bibles, or discover their mistakes, you need to look to Biblical Hebrew, and Biblical Greek (which are two languages that nobody really knows today). For in Modern Bible Versions: The authority of God's Word is not in the hands of the common man or for all, but only to a select special few who know those ancient languages. But the ancient languages of Biblical Hebrew, and Biblical Greek are not the languages today that would fulfill the Great Commission or for all men to know the truth today. Only a pure Word in the English language (like with the KJV) could God truly fulfill this Great Commission in its entirety.

#30. The Superior Characteristics of the The Translation of the KJV Itself over Modern Translations:

The King James Bible has unique qualities
that set it far apart from Modern Translations.
The KJV has...

  • Distinctions in Personal Pronouns

  • Italicized Words

  • Not Been Influenced by Modernism

  • Not Been Influenced by Copyright Law

  • A Superior Level of Translators

To learn a little more on these different points, check out my post here.
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Bible Highlighter

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A List of Doctrines Changed in God's Word:
(Between the KJV and Modern Translations):

#1. Doctrine of The Trinity is Effected; For the Only Verse (1 John 5:7) That Point Blank Tells Us About the Trinity is Removed:

If I was on an island, and I had no clue about Christianity, the odds of my understanding the Trinity is better if I had a King James bible vs. a Modern Translation bible that removes this valuable truth on knowing the Trinity. So this proves that Modern Translations are less helpful for me to understand the Trinity by using the Bible alone.

#2. The Doctrine of Fasting So As To Cast Out Persistent Demons is Removed:
Matthew 17:21 that tells us that casting out persistent or really strong devils is by prayer and fasting. Yet, Matthew 17:21 is oddly removed in Modern Translations. Mark 9:29 mentions that you can pray to remove these kinds of devils, but it does not mention fasting. So the key doctrine of fasting so as to cast out really strong demons is gone. So the enemy wins if a person only adheres to the Modern Translations and they have a hate on for the KJV. For if you ever encountered strong demonic activity like this before, you know that fasting does actually help greatly, and not just prayer alone.

#3. The Full Version of the Doctrine on Having "No Condemnation" According to Romans 8:1 is Removed:
Romans 8:1 says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Modern Translations leave out the part that says, "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." The KJV says, as a part of having no Condemnation: We have to (a) Be in Christ Jesus, AND: (b) Walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The enemy wants Christians today to justify sin instead of battling against it. So the enemy will do everything he can to give a person a water down version on His holy Word to promote the idea that they do not need to worry about sin destroying their soul.

#4. The Doctrine of Psalms 12:7 that the Lord will Preserve His Words Forever is Altered.
Psalms 12:6 says the words of the Lord are pure words, and in Psalms 12:7, the Psalmist says that the Lord will preserve them forever. It's kind of funny or odd that those who are against a perfect Bible existing in our world language today (i.e. the KJV) just so happen to favor Modern translations that remove and alter this very verse. Some do not even believe there is a perfect Bible out there. So who decides what words in the Bible are the true words of God? Do they decide? Now, some may say the perfect Word exists in the original languages. But Habakkuk 2:2 says write the words plainly so that he that reads it may run. So it's not going to be some gobbledygook language that nobody can understand (like biblical Hebrew, and biblical Greek). In fact, all we have today are copies of the original languages. This is not the case with the KJV. Meaning, His Word is preserved forever. His Word moved with the times. For God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. His Word does not exist perfectly in some dead language, but His Word exists in the English (Which is the world language of today).

#5. In Genesis 3:16, the ESV (Which is one of the most popular Modern Translations) Doctrinally Changes the Nature of the Truth in the KJV by Saying that Eve's (the wife's) Desire is Contrary To Her Husband.


#6. 2 Corinthians 3:12, and Habakkuk 2:2 is Altered by Modern Translations To Eliminate That God Uses Plainness of Speech.

This is important to understand because Modern Translation folk tend to prefer to look to the original languages to understand God's Word as their one and only go to source. This is not the plainness of speech that God employs. While God can speak in metaphor, or parables, He also speaks in plainness of speech, too. This has to be applicable to our life today in some way. Surely it is not a coincidence that these two key verses are eliminated in their favored Modern Translations (that influences their way of thinking).

#7. Philippians 2:7 Changes Doctrine by Removing an Aspect of the Deity of Christ During His Earthly Ministry.
Philippians 2:6-7 says correctly,

6 “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:” (Philippians 2:6-7).
King James correctly says that Christ made himself of no reputation.

Various different Modern Translations say that He “emptied himself,” and the NLT says that, “he gave up his divine privileges;” (Philippians 2:7). This is false and it is a denial of the deity of Christ. God cannot cease to become God. God cannot cut out an aspect of who He is at His core in having divine power and yet still be God. That would be a contradiction. The Modern Translations are teaching a gnostic heresy in denying that Jesus has power as God. Granted, Jesus had grown in wisdom (See: Luke 2:52), but I believe this was not an elimination of His divine powers as God, but it was a suppression of them (See: John 17:5, Habakkuk 2:14). For Jesus needed to be a like figure or type of Adam; For Adam also was limited in knowledge when He was in a right relationship with God before the Fall (See: 1 Corinthians 15:45-47). However, Jesus clearly had power as God as a man before the cross. For...

Jesus had power as God:
(during his earthly ministry):

#1. Jesus said He has power to raise the dead to life just as the Father had power to raise the dead (John 5:21).
#2. Hebrews 1:3 talks about how Christ held all things together by the word of His power when He purged us of our sins.
#3. Jesus said, He would raise up this Temple (His body) three days later (John 2:19).
#4. Jesus had the power to forgive sins and give eternal life (Mark 2:7) (Luke 7:44-50) (John 14:6).
#5 Jesus had power to take away the sins of the entire world (John 1:29).
#6. Jesus Christ said wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them (Matthew 18:20). This was said to the people he was around and not to just us today.
#7. Jesus knew men's thoughts (Matthew 9:4) (Matthew 12:25) (Mark 2:8) (Luke 5:22) (Luke 6:8) (Luke 9:47) (Luke 24:38).
#8. Jesus knew about the lives of others (John 2:24) (John 4:17-18) (John 4:29) (John 6:64).
So Modern Translations are wrong. In fact, many Christians today think Jesus gave up His divine powers; This is because of the wrong teaching (or wrong doctrine) behind Modern Translations.
Anyways, these are just a few of the red flags in Modern Translations.
But there are so many red flags in Modern Translations, it would make one think they were in a Russian airport.

Side Note:

Please keep in mind that I do believe a person can be initially saved with a Modern Translation and even grow in the faith to some level. But I believe that Modern Translations opens the door to confusion & doubt, and it can lead to wrong doctrines and or affect a person's faith or destroy it in certain cases.

The KJV is my final word of authority. I look at Modern Translations sort of like I would pan for gold. I am looking for the nuggets of gold in the KJV when I read a Modern Translation by way of comparison. On my MAC, I use Biblegateway for comparing whole chapters. For select veres I use; For my IPAD, I use the Tecarta bible app.

‎Tecarta Bible
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Bible Highlighter

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The Majesty and Uniqueness of the King James Bible:

What many fail to realize is that the King James Bible was the only Bible around for hundreds of years. So if we lived during that period of time, there would be no debate between the KJV and Modern Translations because the Modern Translations did not exist yet. The KJV existed hundreds of years before they the Modern Translations even showed up.

Men died trying to get the KJV Bible we have today. What if they were living during that time when men were hungry for the Word and they died to protect the KJV?

There are two really great documentaries that I would encourage folks to watch. The first documentary is called “KJB: The Book That Changed the World.” The second documentary is called “Forbidden Book.”

These two documentaries both show how believers gave their lives as a part of the precious Bible we have today (the KJV). There was even a plot by another sect of Christians to kill King James with a super bomb that would have destroyed a giant portion of the city. This was all a part of the plot to stop the King James Bible from coming forth. It will show you uniqueness of the King James in how it is unlike any other translation that came afterwards.

Rent on Amazon: "KJB - The Book That Changed The World."
(Note: I own the DVD for this, and I am glad I bought it because there is no digital version on Amazon that you can own.).

Watch free with Prime Video on Amazon: "Forbidden Book."

Unique Features of the King James Bible That Set it Apart:

  • Translated by the authority of a God ordained king.
  • No copyright (Note: This is in the US, and not the UK).
  • 47 translators worked on the translating committee.
  • They all peer reviewed each other's work in groups.
  • Came Against Heavy Opposition.
  • It has been around hundreds of years long before the Modern Translations showed up.
  • Came at the eve of printing technology to give it to the common man.
  • Emerged at a high point in the English Renaissance, and held its own among some of the most celebrated literary works in the English language (like William Shakespeare).
  • #1 top seller among all other translations here in the United States (a book above all books).

Translated by the authority of a God ordained king:

Ecclesiastes 8:4
"Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?"​

The King James was translated under the authority of a king (Which is not the case with modern translations). What you may find interesting is that the king's first name was called "James," which is the English word for "Jacob."

Genesis 32:28 says,
"And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed."

In other words, Jacob is a special name here because Genesis 32:28 says that Jacob (who was later renamed Israel) had power with God and with men and he has prevailed.​

No copyright on the King James:

A person should not take credit or ownership of God's Word. It is God's Holy Word and not their word. Copyrights also means "money." Are they translating it with the goal of making a huge profit?​

Came at the eve of printing technology to give it to the common man:

The new translation brought the Bible out of the church’s sole control and directly into the hands of more people than ever before. A special time in history.

A Brief Look at
the KJV vs the Modern Translations
in American History:

Abraham Lincoln had used and quoted from a King James Bible.
Old school literary authors quoted from the King James Bible.
It's influence here in America can never be forgotten.

Riots broke out here in America over their desire of having the Catholic version of the Bible in public schools. One took place in 1844 in Philadelphia. Others took place at a later date in Cincinnati, Ohio.

What Bible were Catholics up against being used in school?

The King James Bible.

In 1852, the King James Bible was ruled in court fit for use in public schools since it was common to all Christians.

It wasn't until 1872 that the state of Ohio banned mandatory Bible reading in public schools. However, the United States Supreme Court did not ban the practice of reading the bible in public schools on a national level until 1962.

While these riots were one reason that resulted in the ultimate banning of Bible reading in public schools, another reason was the declining favor for the King James Bible over the slight rising increase of interest in Modern Translations.

In New England: The first major departure from the King James Bible (Textus Receptus) took place in 1881 with Westcott and Hort's Greek New Testament based on two Catholic manuscripts (The Codex Sinaiticus, and the Codex Vaticanus).

This English Revised Translation of the Old Testament done in 1885 (ERV) (Also known as the Revised Version - RV). The ERV or RV (Revised Version) was copyrighted in the United States in 1885 for publication here in America.

Note: No Modern Translation existed here in America before 1885.

The ERV was based on supposedly more advanced scholarship, but it sold poorly here in the United States.

So an effort was created to bring in the American Standard Version (ASV). It was launched in 1901. This version also was faced with a lack of success.

Then the Revised Standard Version (RSV) came out in 1947, and then the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) followed in 1971.

However, the perception of the “New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)” at this time was that it leaned more towards liberalism and ecumenism.

The last in line of these Modern Translations (mentioned here) was an implicit eucumenical translation that was intended to look good to Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians equally.

It was the NIV.

The NIV (The New International Version) released in 1973 was designed supposedly to return to the Protestant distinctiveness of the King James (Which was not true). The NIV was also designed with advances in supposedly trusted Biblical scholarship.

The NIV became the most popular Bibles ever with the American public, whereas all other versions up to this point attempted word for word translation, the NIV relied less on former translations that would be easier to understand for the average reader.

This is why the boom of Modern Bible movement went mainstream in the 1970's. It was because of the NIV. Then all the other popular candy coated Bible versions followed.
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Bible Highlighter

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The Devil Tries To Place His Name in Modern Translations:

A simple side by side comparison of the KJV vs Modern Translations shows us that the devil tries to place his name in the Modern Versions. Have no idea what I am talking about?

Well, many Bible versions say that it is the dragon who is standing on the sea shore in Revelation. This is just evil and wrong.

See Parallel Version for Revelation 13:1 here...

Revelation 13:1 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

See, if you know anything about Bible language, standing on something means that you "own it"; And the devil wants to own you. In the King James, John is standing on the seashore. Yet in many Bible versions the dragon (i.e. the devil) is standing on the seashore.

Why is this a problem?

Let's look at...

Genesis 22:17

"That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;"

Did you catch that? God says to Abraham that He will multiply his seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore where he will then possess the gate of his enemies (i.e. the devil and his kingdom). The apostle John who wrote Revelation was Jewish and he was the promised seed of Genesis 22 standing on the seashore in Revelation 13. It was not the dragon or the devil standing on the seashore.

For certain Modern Versions eliminate the part of the passage in Revelation 13:1 that says that John is standing on the seashore (When he refers to himself as "I").

Also, the devil tries to take out key points in important discussions within the Bible (Which can affect doctrine). For example: In Romans 7 Paul talks from the Jew's perspective in keeping the Old Testament Law (Which leads to problems), and he gives us the climax or heart of his message as a solution in Romans 8:1. Now, certain modern translations have eliminated "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Eliminating this passage destroys the whole thrust of Paul's argument. Walking in the Spirit is the key to being in Christ Jesus. You eliminate that and you destroy Paul's argument. Also, 1 John 5:7 is the only verse in the Bible that is the clearest and most concise teaching on the Godhead (i.e. the Trinity).

In fact, this is not the only time the devil has tried to place his name in the Bible in exchange for something that is supposed to be sacred or holy. We see the devil tries to place his name in Modern Translations in Daniel 3.

In Daniel 3, the Babylonian king says there is one like the "Son of God" in the fiery furnace along with Daniel's three friends. This is Jesus! Yet, in the Modern Translations it says the "son of the gods." In many false religions we can see how certain gods had mated with human females and created a hybrid. This is popular even in Greek mythology. So who saved Daniel's friends? Jesus or some hybrid like Hercules?

Nebuchadnezzar thought this was an angel of God (singular and not plural).

"Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God." (Daniel 3:28).

This was not the "son of the gods (plural) (little "g")!!!
No way Hosea! I mean, "No way José!"
Nebuchadnezzar clearly was referencing the most high God.
The Bible says (even something similar in your Modern Version),

"Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the fire." (Daniel 3:26).

Angels are called the: "sons of God" in Job.

The fourth person in the fire was still Jesus! The son of God. The Scriptures were still correct in their inspiration by God when they say, "and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God." While Nebuchadnezzar did not know it was the second person of the Godhead or the Trinity, the Lord our God who inspired Scripture surely would have glorified the name of the Son of God (Jesus) in this instance. For it was Jesus who was in the fire with Daniel's three friends!

Also, please check out this thread here, as well. It will help to explain this situation a little better, too.

Jesus is the Messenger of the Lord in the Old Testament.
(Please take note: I do not believe Jesus is an angelic being; I believe Jesus is the second person of the Godhead or the Trinity and that He is fully 100% God who took on the flesh of man).

In Isaiah 14:12, the devil's name "Lucifer" is replaced with "Day Star" or the "Morning Star."
Yes, I am aware that "morning stars" are angels in the book of Job.

But Modern Translations also say this is the Shining Star or the Son of the Dawn. Why?

Jesus says,
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (Revelation 22:16).

So Jesus is the BRIGHT and MORNING star!

Yet, the individual in Isaiah 14:12 in Modern Translations is called the shining (bright) and morning star or the Day Star, etc.

So the devil is trying to be like the most high here. He is taking a similar sounding title of Jesus in Isaiah 14:12.

For where is the bright and morning star up in the sky?
It is the sun.
That is why He is called the bright and morning star because the sun is bright and rises in the morning.

Also, Lucifer means "light bearer."
Scripture tells us this is what it means.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14).

The word "angel" also means "messenger." So 2 Corinthians 11:14 is saying that Satan is a light messenger or light bearer. In fact, when Satan is described with having all kinds of jewelry on him, it was symbolic of who he was. Certain gemstones refract light. They are not light themselves, but they merely reflect whatever light is in existence. Gemstones are like little light bearers. So how fitting the name "Lucifer" is for the devil. Yet, Modern Translations seek to give the devil a name that is similar to Jesus. This is wrong (of course).
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Bible Highlighter

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Biblical Numerics Confirms the King James Bible:

Bible Numbers that glorify God and His Word. (Note: This is not like traditional Numerology where a person guides their life by numbers. These are also not equidistant letter sequences or numbers that attempt to get one to have a special dream, or to divine the future in some way; Striving to foretell the future is forbidden in the Bible). Numbers are something that we deal with in our everyday life and all things glorify God. So obviously the numbers in God's Word would naturally glorify Him in some way. What am I talking about? Check out this video on Numbers & the Greek New Testament.

Sevens in the Bible - Chuck Missler:

Also, here is a video series by Mike Hoggard that talks about the number 7 in the King James.

King James Code - Number 7 - Mike Hoggard (Part 1):

King James Code - Number 7 - Mike Hoggard (Part 2):

Now, I do not agree with Chuck's view on Salvation. I also do not like watching Mike's regular sermon videos because they can get a little far out there. But, while I may not agree with Mike and Chuck on everything they teach in the Bible nor on the way they teach the Bible in every instance, their teaching on Biblical numerics are amazing; I have found that they have made some startling discoveries. Discoveries that do not appear in the modern translations but only in the original languages (Chuck) and only in the King James (Mike). Don't believe me? Just watch the videos for yourself.

A Note on Biblical Numerics:

Again, some confuse this with numerology (Which is false). Numerology is about living your life under the guidance by numbers (Which is wrong). I believe biblical numerics helps us primarily to see that God's Word is divine in origin. In this case, it helps to prove the KJV is God's Word. While the following CF thread link on the number 46 in the Bible is not exactly a defense for the KJV in every instance the number 46 appears, it does help to show the validity of the King James Bible being superior over the Modern Translations. For certain instances the number 46 appears only shows up in the King James tying in with the meaning behind the number.

The Amazing Bible Number 46.
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Bible Highlighter

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A Side By Side Comparison With
the KJV vs. Modern Translations
Clearly Shows That They are Inferior:

A simple side by side comparison shows that the KJV is superior to the Modern Translations in regards to the deity of Christ, the blood atonement, God's Word, etc.

Note 1:
The image charts with a white background below
can be zoomed in on if you click on them.​








Here are the sixteen whole verses that are omitted from the Bible (KJV):
  1. Matthew 17:21: "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting."
  2. Matthew 18:11: "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."
  3. Matthew 23:14: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation."
  4. Mark 7:16: "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear."
  5. Mark 9:44: "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
  6. Mark 9:46: "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
  7. Mark 11:26: "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."
  8. Mark 15:28: "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors."
  9. Luke 17:36: "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left."
  10. John 5:4: "For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."
  11. Acts of the Apostles 8:37: "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
  12. Acts of the Apostles 15:34: "Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still."
  13. Acts of the Apostles 24:7: "But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands,"
  14. Acts of the Apostles 28:29: "And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves."
  15. Romans 16:24: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
  16. 1 John 5:7 KJV: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."
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Bible Highlighter

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A List of Commands Changed in God's Word:
(Between the KJV and Modern Translations):

#1. One Aspect of the Great Commission Command Is Changed.
As a part of the great commission: Matthew 28:19 in the Modern Translations slightly alters the command of Jesus to say: “make disciples.” The original words in Matthew 28:19 in the KJV say: “teach all nations,” and not “make disciples. ” We cannot make disciples. Only God can truly do that. For one person plants, another person waters, but it is God that gives the increase (See: 1 Corinthians 3:6). We cannot force a person to be a disciple. We cannot truly mold and make a disciple. It is God who works upon the hearts of men to follow Him. We simply teach (i.e. we plant and water) but it is God that gives the increase.​

#2. The Details of the Command of The True Way To Test a Spirit of Antichrist is Changed:
The command says, “Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1); Many of your Modern Translations fail the details of this test that is explained in verse 3. The KJV says “every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist,” but Modern Translations do not say this. Therefore, they fail to pass this test by not admitting this truth. Why is admitting that Jesus is come in the flesh important? Because it is about the Incarnation. Can a person deny the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and be of God? Modern Translations water down the Incarnation in 1 Timothy 3:16, as well. The King James correctly says "God was manifest in the flesh," and yet the watered down version bibles say "He was manifested in the flesh." Here again, many Modern Translations fail the test of how we check to see if a spirit is of the spirit of Antichrist or not by denying how God was manifest in the flesh (i.e. a denial of the Incarnation). How does this affect us? Well, if I wanted to show forth the truth to a person who denied the Incarnation, my battle would be severely crippled if I had a Modern Translation. Also, if Rick ran into a false spirit claiming to be Jesus, then Rick could test this spirit with the proper test from 1 John 4:3 in the KJV. But if Rick was a Modern Translations fan and he hated the KJV, he could potentially be deceived because he did not have the proper test.

#3. The Command To Study God's Word To Show Yourself Approved Unto God is Changed:
2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Modern Translations are confusing on this point and they say "work hard to present yourself approved unto God." The context is rightly dividing the Word of truth (Scripture). Why is this important? Well, we are living in the last days where men of God are questioning the Bible, or they are looking to something extra in addition to the Bible (like visions, dreams, revelations, prophecies, other holy books, etc.). God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

#4. The Command To Not Exercise Authority Like the Gentiles Do is Subtly Altered.
The Command:
“It shall not be so among you:”
"let him be your minister"
"let him be your servant.”

Matthew 20:25-27 says, “You know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.”
Matthew 10:27 correctly says in the King James “whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.” Modern Translations say, “and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,” Okay. There is a big difference between a ”servant” and a “slave.” One is obligated to do servitude and the other is a servant by choice. I can imagine how this verse could be misused by certain Christian cults, or really bad people, etc.; How is this possible? Because they would be using a Modern Translation as the basis for their authority and not the King James.

#5. The Command “Do violence To No Man” in Luke 3:14 is Changed.
The King James Bible correctly says “Do violence to no man” in Luke 3:14. Yet, Modern Translations say, ““Do not extort money from anyone…”; The Bible already covers the topic of extortioners and how we are not to have fellowship with any brother who is an extortioner (1 Corinthians 5:9-11), for extortioners will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). It is no surprise that when I bring up the teaching of Non Resistance to a Christian today, they are appalled by the idea. I believe this is because most of them (not all) are reading from a Modern Translation, and or they are influenced by their experience in the army, or their use of physical combat, etc.

Bonus: A Doctrine That Relates to the Lord’s Commands is Changed:

#1. A Doctrine on the Lord’s Commands in 1 Corinthians 14:37 is Subtly Altered.
In the King James it is correctly stated, “If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 14:37) (KJV). The King James Bible says “commandments” plural, and Modern Translation Bibles say “commandment” as in reference to a singular command. The Modern Translations are erroneously suggesting that Paul’s most recent discussion is a command of the Lord here when in reality the truth (according to the KJV) is that all of Paul’s writings should be regarded as the commandments (plural) of the Lord (and not just one command based on his most recent discussion). This is important to understand because some Christians today falsely think that Paul writings are not always backed by the authority of our Lord (Note: Yes, I am aware of 1 Corinthians 7. I believe Paul in this instance is merely relaying the difference between the Lord’s specific command that He gave us vs. what Paul commanded us. This does not mean some of Paul’s teachings are not authoritative Scripture).​
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Bible Highlighter

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Satan Seeks To Attack God's Word:

Each of these 5 strategies of the enemy can be seen in Scripture.
Logic dictates that we would be able to see this attack upon God's Word today.

Most will agree that the New World's Translation and Queen James Bible is corrupt. But what about other translations? Have they also been corrupted (or water down) in some way, too? This is where I hope you will be a good Berean and discover the truth for yourself.

Side Note:

For me: I take the words that say "Only Use This" in the picture above as referring to having a final Word of authority.
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Bible Highlighter

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Supposed Contradictions
of the KJV are answered
in this thread here:

A Biblical Defense Against Supposed Contradictions in the KJV.

Some have brought up the idea that if the KJV is the pure Word, then it's not fair that English speaking countries are the only ones that have the pure Word of God. But what they don't realize is that the King James is available in other languages.

The King James Bible
Available In Other Languages:

1. Spanish KJV:
Textus Receptus in Spanish (RVG 2010):ústica-Valera-Spanish/dp/0758907567/

2. French KJV:
King James Francais in French:
Bible King James Française | King James Française

3. Dutch KJV:
Koning Jacobus Vertaling in Dutch:

4. Norwegian KJV:
Bibelen Guds Ord in Norwegian:

5. Thai King James Bible Version:
The Bible (Thai: from KJV)

6. Korean King James Version:

7. Brazillian Portuguese (the BKJ):
Bíblia King James Fiel 1611

8. Russian KJV:
English Russian Bible: King James 1611 -|NOOK Book
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Bible Highlighter

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I believe other, I believe KJV is the divinely inspired word for the english tongue.

I would agree with that, brother.

I believe God divinely inspired His Word in several languages.

  • Hebrew
  • Aramaic
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • English

I believe certain individuals in history who spoke and wrote these languages had a perfect or inerrant Word of God inspired by God.
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Broken Fence

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I would agree with that, brother.

I believe God divinely inspired His Word in several languages.

  • Hebrew
  • Aramaic
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • English

I believe certain individuals in history who spoke and wrote these languages had a perfect or inerrant Word of God inspired by God.
I would agree with that.
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Apr 21, 2020
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I’m not comfortable with the way the Tetragrammaton is translated. Reading Exodus 3:15 from just KJV would give the impression that the phrase “the LORD” is what God gave as his name for ever and his memorial unto all generations.

That isn’t proof that it isn’t divinely inspired but it does add a layer of complexity as to why something previously revealed was later concealed.
  • Agree
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Bible Highlighter

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I’m not comfortable with the way the Tetragrammaton is translated. Reading Exodus 3:15 from just KJV would give the impression that the phrase “the LORD” is what God gave as his name for ever and his memorial unto all generations.

We really cannot know one way or the other. All of God's Word must be ultimately be taken by faith. If there was a difference in the way that it was spelled or pronounced, it would not constitute a contradiction or error, but it merely would be a different growth of God's Word for today. The meaning on some level has to be true for that word that is used today (even if it was not fully reflected in the word used in the original languages). Some semblance of truth has to be in those words. We can see that the Word of God had evolved or grown, as well. The Living Word (Jesus) was made flesh, and dwelt among us (John 1:1-3) (John 1:14).

In post #2 of this thread, I make a point that if there is a perfect Living Word (Jesus) (Which I believe is true), then logic dictates that there is a perfect communicated Word (Written Word). In that post, I provided a link to a good sized list of verses showing the connection between the "Living Word" and the "Communicated Word" (Which at one time was spoken, and today is written). You can check out that link here (if you are interested):

The Living Word & the Communicated Word.

You said:
That isn’t proof that it isn’t divinely inspired but it does add a layer of complexity as to why something previously revealed was later concealed.

Agreed. "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." (Proverbs 25:2).

We know the Jews wanted to prevent from taking the Lord's name in vain, and perhaps God agreed with that idea. So perhaps it was concealed. If so, it is to the glory of God indeed if He did that.
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Elisha McFarland

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The Living Word vs. the Communicated Word:

One must realize that there is a symbiotic relationship between the "Living Word" (Jesus) and the Communicated Word of God (Which today would be Scripture).

See this thread here to learn more with Scripture:

So if the Living Word (Jesus) is perfect, we should realize that there is a perfect Word in existence, as well.
I agree partially, but I also would challenge you on the fact that Scriptural translation has improved by leaps and bounds since the 1600's, and there are SOME translations in the ESV or NIV that are correct, as opposed to some mistranslations in the KJV. I can give examples if necessary but most should know what I am referring to.
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Bible Highlighter

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Proverbs 18:13 says,
"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."

10 "And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts of the Apostles 17:10-11).

"For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
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