Sometimes our thinking is a jump to conclusion


Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
Take Peter for example. At the transfiguration, Peter entered into the conversation and said

Matthew 17:4: And Peter answered, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if you will, I will make here three tabernacles; one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

It was at this point Peter was jumping the gun assuming that he knew where this was going and wanted to be apart of it. Just before the Transfiguration, Peter was the one who said

Matt 16:16 You are the Messiah, the Son of the God, the Living One.

Peter clearly knew who Yeshua was and he knew the Messiah was superior to both Moses and Elijah. He was not trying to put Yeshua on equal par with the others or vice versa with his suggestion as some authors have suggested. So the idea that Peter's error was in equalizing the three was not what this is about.

Peter was seeing the glory that the Son of Man will have in His Kingdom also shine through Moses and Elijah. Peter knew from Zechariah 14 that the Feast of Tabernacles was going to be fulfilled by the Messianic Kingdom. Here it was at the timing of the Feast of Tabernacles that this transfiguration occurred. His mind came to the wrong conclusion because during the Messianic Kingdom, it will be obligatory for all to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. Hence his jump to building tabernacles. There is prophetic truth in his conclusion, but this was not the right timing.

Preceding the experience, it is clear that Peter did not yet understand the program of death and resurrection. Now he was seeing the glory that Yeshua would have in the Kingdom and he expected that the Kingdom to be established at this time. He expected the Feast of Tabernacles to be fulfilled at this time, and that is why he wanted to build the three tabernacles.

But because he did not yet understand the program of death and resurrection, he did not yet understand that the Feast of Passover had to be fulfilled before the Feast of Tabernacles could be fulfilled. So his response is not wrong; it was a proper response based upon the knowledge he had at that point and the truth, as he understood it. Although it was a proper response, his timing was totally wrong. For that reason, he was not allowed to build the three tabernacles, because it was Passover that Yeshua came to fulfill and not the Feast of Tabernacles. Therefore, in keeping with the promise of Yeshua, Peter saw the glory that the Messiah will have in His Kingdom.
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