
Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
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Psalms 118:1-29 Lord, deliver us we pray. Lord grant us prosperity. In our time of trouble we will call upon the Lord, He will answer and give relief to us. With the Lord on our side, we will not be afraid, what can mortals do to us? With the Lord as our helper, we shall see the downfall of our enemies.

The godless nations surround us on every side, they swarm around like bees, they press against us and commence their attack, their weapons prepared like fire burning brushwood, but in the Lord’s name, they will be defeated. The Lord comes to help His people, He is their Deliverer.

This will be the Day the Lord takes action, a Day for us to rejoice and exult. Listen: shouts of triumph come from the camp of the victors! With God’s Right Hand, He does mighty deeds! His people will live to proclaim what the Lord has done, He will not surrender us to death.

The Stone which the builders rejected has become the main corner Stone. This is God’s doing, it is amazing in our sight.

Open to us the gates of victory, we will go in by them and praise the Lord, for He has answered us and He is our Deliverer. Let those who fear the Lord say: His love endures forever! Ref: REB. Some verses abridged and paraphrased.

Lord, deliver us’, Pray for the Lord to take action against the godless peoples. Psalms 140:1-13, Isaiah 28:21

Godless peoples surround the holy Land’, The current situation. Ezekiel 35:10, Jer. 12:14

they commence their attack’, An Islamic confederation. Psalms 83:1-8, Isaiah 21:2

their weapons like fire’, They ready nuclear missiles for their surprise attack., Jeremiah 49:35, Psalms 37:12-15, Isaiah 22:6

but the Lord comes to help His people’, Ezekiel 7:14, Isaiah 59:18, Isaiah 30:26

He will not surrender us to death’, All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Joel 2:32, Psalms 33:18-19, Acts 2:21 and we are told to take shelter and to be proactive for our own safety. Isaiah 26:20-21

This is the Day the Lord takes action’, The great Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath. Revelation 6:12-17, Zephaniah 1:14-18

God’s Right Hand, the Stone’, The Lord Jesus, rejected by the Jews. Acts 4:11 Now He will instigate a terrible punishment by fire on His enemies. Psalms 110:5-6, Psalms 18:7-15, 2 Peter 3:7 Later, at His Return in glory, He destroys the army of the Anti-Christ by the Sword of His Word.

His people ‘will enter the gates of victory’, that is: all the holy Land where His faithful Christian people will become ‘a light to the nations’, and the Lord’s witnesses to all peoples. Isaiah 66:18b-21


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Psalms 97:1 The Lord reigns, let all the earth rejoice. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne.

Psalms 97:2-12 Cloud and thick mist enfolds Him. Fire goes ahead and consumes His enemies all around. His lightning flashes light up all the world and the earth quakes. Mountains melt like wax at His approach, God, the Maker of all things.
The heavens proclaim His righteousness and all the peoples look to His glory. Those who worship idols will be shamed – worship God, all you gods!

Zion hears and rejoices, all the towns of Judah are glad at your judgements. For You, are the Most High over all the earth.

The Lord loves those who hate evil and He keeps His loyal servants safe. He rescues them from the power of the wicked. Light comes upon His people and joy comes to the upright in heart. Rejoice in your God, all you that are righteous and praise His Holy Name.

Psalms 97 is the story in a ‘nutshell’ of what the Lord plans to do in the immediate future of our world.
Verse 1 – reminds us of His Kingship and His just rule over His creation.
Verse 2-5 – Describes literally and accurately the next prophesied event, the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath. The Lord will use a seemingly natural disaster, a massive CME to destroy His enemies, those who are living in the Holy Land and those who conspire to attack the State of Israel. Psalm 83, Micah 4:11-12

Verse 6-7 – Tells how all the false religions and the idols of our modern age, will be put to shame.

Verse 8-9 All of that area, from the Sea, [Mediterranean] to the Great river, [Euphrates – Numbers 34:1-12] will be cleared and cleansed. Isaiah 66:15-16

Verse 10-12 The Lord will protect and rescue those ‘who hate evil’ and those ‘who call on His Name’. Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21 His spirit will be sent upon them. Ezekiel 36:25-28

They will live in all of that Land promised to the Patriarchs, in peace and prosperity. Isaiah 32:15-20, Ezekiel 34:11-16

Jesus is not present, as He will be later for His Millennial reign. This is clear from Ezekiel 34:30 Thus you will know that I, Y’hovah, your God, am with you and that you are My people.

Isaiah 6:11-13 I asked the Lord: How long? [Before the restoration of His people]
He answered; Until the Land and cities are ruined and deserted, the houses unoccupied. The Lord will drive the population far away and the country will be one vast desolation. Even though a tenth of the people remain, they too, will be destroyed until only a stump remains, but that will become a holy seed.

The current population of the Holy Land are decimated by the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath and of the remainder, only a remnant will survive, to ‘become a holy seed’ of the House of Judah. Their kinsmen; the House of Israel will then join them. Ezekiel 34:11-16 Ref; REB. Some verses abridged.
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Psalms 40:4-11 Happy is the one who puts his trust in the Lord and keeps away from arrogant and deceitful people.
Say to the Lord: Here I am, my desire is to do Your will. Your Law is in my heart and I proclaim God’s faithfulness and His saving power to all the congregation. You Lord, will not withhold Your tender care for me, may Your love and truth forever keep me safe.

Psalms 40:12-17 Now Lord, we are poor and needy, troubles and misfortune assail us from every side and courage fails us. Let all those who seek our downfall be turned back in disgrace. Let all those who think they have got the upper hand, be confounded and put to shame. But let all who seek the truth be jubilant and rejoice in Your saving power, we will forever cry: All glory to the Lord!

Psalms 43:1-5 Uphold our cause, O God, give judgement for Your people against the godless nations, rescue us from those liars and evil men. For we look to You for refuge, why must we wait so long; oppressed by our foes?
Send out Your light and truth to guide us, then we will come to the holy Land, to the place of Your altar and we shall praise our Redeemer with gladsome songs. We will wait patiently for Your deliverance, our Lord and Saviour. Ref: REB.

Every person who desires to do the Lord's will, all those who seek the truth, that is: every true Christian, will be delivered and guided into the holy Land, soon after the Lord's Day of wrath has cleansed it. Jeremiah 31:8-9
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Psalms 31:9-13 Be gracious to me, Lord for I am in distress and my eyes are dimmed with grief. My enemies scorn me, even my friends avoid me. Like the dead, I have passed out of mind and been forgotten, like something thrown away. Now I hear threats from every side, all those conspiring against me and scheming to take my life.
This is the current situation of the State of Israel, surrounded by enemies and deserted by their friends.

Psalms 31:14-18 But in You, Lord, I put my trust, You are my God, my life is in Your hands. Rescue me from the power of my enemies and those who persecute me. Let Your face shine upon Your servant, save me in Your unfailing love. Let humiliation be for the wicked, let them sink into the pit. May their lies and contempt be silenced and their pride and arrogance be shattered.
The Lord will answer these requests at the moment the enemies commence their attack. Deuteronomy 32:34-35, Psalm 83:9-18, Revelation 6:12-17

Psalms 31:19-24 How great is Your goodness, stored up for those who fear you. Everyone will see how You shelter them; You will hide them under the cover of Your presence. The Lord will protect the faithful, as He repays the arrogant conspirators in full. Be strong and stout hearted, all you whose hope is in the Lord.
This is an encouragement for His people, to stay firm in their faith and trust in the Lord’s protection during this terrible time of punishment to His enemies.

Psalms 29:4-5 Sing praises to the Lord, all you His loyal servants, give thanks to His Holy Name. In His anger there is distress, in His favour there is life. Tears may linger at nightfall, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Ref: REB. Some verses abridged.
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Psalms 118:1-29 Lord, deliver us we pray. Lord grant us prosperity. In our time of trouble we will call upon the Lord, He will answer and give relief to us. With the Lord on our side, we will not be afraid, what can mortals do to us? With the Lord as our helper, we shall see the downfall of our enemies.

The godless nations surround us on every side, they swarm around like bees, they press against us and commence their attack, their weapons prepared like fire burning brushwood, but in the Lord’s name, they will be defeated. The Lord comes to help His people, He is their Deliverer.

This will be the Day the Lord takes action, a Day for us to rejoice and exult. Listen: shouts of triumph come from the camp of the victors! With God’s Right Hand, He does mighty deeds! His people will live to proclaim what the Lord has done, He will not surrender us to death.

The Stone which the builders rejected has become the main corner Stone. This is God’s doing, it is amazing in our sight.

Open to us the gates of victory, we will go in by them and praise the Lord, for He has answered us and He is our Deliverer. Let those who fear the Lord say: His love endures forever! Ref: REB. Some verses abridged and paraphrased.

Lord, deliver us’, Pray for the Lord to take action against the godless peoples. Psalms 140:1-13, Isaiah 28:21

Godless peoples surround the holy Land’, The current situation. Ezekiel 35:10, Jer. 12:14

they commence their attack’, An Islamic confederation. Psalms 83:1-8, Isaiah 21:2

their weapons like fire’, They ready nuclear missiles for their surprise attack., Jeremiah 49:35, Psalms 37:12-15, Isaiah 22:6

but the Lord comes to help His people’, Ezekiel 7:14, Isaiah 59:18, Isaiah 30:26

He will not surrender us to death’, All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Joel 2:32, Psalms 33:18-19, Acts 2:21 and we are told to take shelter and to be proactive for our own safety. Isaiah 26:20-21

This is the Day the Lord takes action’, The great Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath. Revelation 6:12-17, Zephaniah 1:14-18

God’s Right Hand, the Stone’, The Lord Jesus, rejected by the Jews. Acts 4:11 Now He will instigate a terrible punishment by fire on His enemies. Psalms 110:5-6, Psalms 18:7-15, 2 Peter 3:7 Later, at His Return in glory, He destroys the army of the Anti-Christ by the Sword of His Word.

His people ‘will enter the gates of victory’, that is: all the holy Land where His faithful Christian people will become ‘a light to the nations’, and the Lord’s witnesses to all peoples. Isaiah 66:18b-21
Psams 2 is the gathering of the nations at Armageddon to make war on Jesus. The destruction of those armies are in Ezekiel 39:17-20 - 7 years after the destruction of Gog's army in Ezekiel 39:4.
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Thanks for reading these Psalms, Dougg and Goatee.
I trust you get some insights from them, they are in our Bibles for that reason.

Psalms 2:7-9 must be the Sixth Seal event. Jesus does not Return in wrath; that is all over after last plague. Revelation 15:1
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Psalms 139:1-6 Lord, You have examined me. You know me in rest and in action. You discern my thoughts from afar. You track my travels and all the paths I take.
For there is not a word that I speak, but You, Lord know all about it.
You keep close guard behind and before me and place Your hand upon me.
Knowledge so wonderful is beyond my grasp; it is so lofty I cannot reach it.

Psalms 139:23-24 Examine me, God, and know my mind. Test me and understand my anxious thoughts. Watch lest I follow any path that grieves You,
Lead me in the everlasting Way.

Psalms 145:18-21 The Lord is near to all who call to Him in sincerity. He fulfils the desire of those who fear Him, He hears their cry for help and saves them.
The Lord watches over all who love Him, but the wicked; He will utterly destroy.

My tongue will declare the praises of the Lord and all people will bless His holy Name for ever and ever.

Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of the Lord; you that revere His word. Your fellow countrymen who are hostile to you and spurn you because you bear My name. They ridicule you, but they themselves will be put to shame.

Psalms 126:1-3 When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like a people renewed in health. Our mouths were full of laughter and we sang aloud for joy. Then, among the nations, it was said; The Lord has done great things for them. Great things, indeed, the Lord did for us and we rejoiced!
Ref; REB. Some verses abridged
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Call upon the Name of the Lord Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21

Psalms 57:1-6 Lord, be gracious to us, we who make You our refuge. We trust in Your protection until the disaster has passed. When we call upon the Name of the Lord to save us, He will send from heaven angels to protect us and our enemies will be brought low. They have many weapons and have prepared a trap - dug a pit, but they themselves will fall into it. Psalms 7:12-16

Psalms 56:3-7 In the Day of terror, I will put my trust in You – the Most High, in God whose promise is my boast, in God shall I trust and I shall not be afraid. What can mortals do? Constantly they speak against us and plan destruction for Your people, in malice they band together and watch for any opportunity to harm us. We cannot avoid their harassment, their devious and wicked ways. God; in Your anger, destroy those evil nations. Psalms 9:17, Ezekiel 32:20-30

Psalms 56:8-13 Lord, You note our grief, our tears are recorded. You will repulse our enemies on the Day that we call to You. Lord, we are Your people, bound to You by our Covenant, you will rescue us from death, in Your power we will walk in the light of life. Psalms 18:28

In the first Exodus of the Israelites, they were tasked to conquer and destroy the heathen occupiers of the holy Land. They failed to completely clear the Land, Judges 1:19-36, but the Lord used their successes and failures as lessons for them and us, 1 Corinthians 10:11, but because of their sins, the Lord used other nations to conquer and exile them. Now, Judah is back, but in unbelief and they will be judged along with all the attackers of Israel. Amos 1 & 2:1-6

It will not be like that again for the great Exodus of the faithful Christian Israelites, as they gather and settle into their heritage of all the holy Land. Psalms 60:1-5 There will not be any ungodly people left surrounding the new nation of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, because the Lord Himself will ‘bring our enemies low’. Amos 5:9, Isaiah 34:2

Many prophecies say how all of that area promised to Abraham, so long ago, will be cleared and cleansed by a ‘Day of terror and disaster’, and all those ‘evil neighbours’, Jeremiah 12:14, will be gone. Then, ‘by the Lords wrath, He will bring His people out from the nations’ Ezekiel 20:33-38, Ezekiel 34:11-31 and ‘in the Lord’s power, we will walk in the Light of Life’. Isaiah 9:2-3

God be exalted above the heavens, let Your glory be over all the earth.
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Psalms 24:1-10 The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. For it was He who built the foundations and established it. Who is it that may go to His Holy place? Those who have clean hands and a pure heart, such will receive His blessings. The Lord, strong and mighty in battle, He is the King of Glory.

Psalms 25:1-13 Lord, to you I give my trust, do not let my enemies prevail over me. No one who keeps their faith in the Lord, will be put to shame, but shame comes to all who transgress without cause. Teach me your ways, that I might walk in the right path. Lord, remember Your tender care and love unfailing as in days of old. You are good and righteous, You guide the humble and those who keep the Covenant in the right path to choose. They will enjoy prosperity and their children will inherit the Land.

Psalms 25:14-22 The Lord confides His plans to those who fear Him, with them He will make His Covenant. I will always look to the Lord, turn now and show me Your favour, for I am desolate and afflicted. Look on me in my misery, my enemies surround me. Forgive my transgressions, let me not be put to shame, for You are my refuge, my trust is in You. Let integrity and uprightness protect me, Lord, deliver Your people from all their troubles.

Psalms 27:1-12 The Lord is my light and salvation, whom shall I be afraid of? When enemies close in upon me, it is them who stumble and fall. Though an army surround me, even then I will remain confident in Your protection.

One thing I have desired of the Lord, that I may dwell in His Land and see Him in His Temple. Lord, do not forsake me, save me from the attacks of my enemies, those who speak lies against me. For He will hide me in His shelter on the Day of disaster, then I will hold my head high above my enemies.

Psalms 27:13-14 Well I know that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Put your hope in Him, be strong and brave – He will help you.
Reference: REB. Some verses abridged.

Escape, Shelter, Refuge, Protection, etc on the Day of Disaster; Psalms 55:4-8, Psalms 60:4-5, Psalms 124:6-7, Proverbs 8:5, Jeremiah 31:2-3, Jeremiah 51:6, Psalms 32:7, Job 22:30, Psalms 17:7, Psalms 18:2-3, Psalms 31:1-24, Psalms 37:18-19, Psalms 91:2-4, Psalms 97:10-12, Psalms 109:26-31, Psalms 121:7, Isaiah 54:17, Jeremiah 30:7, Jeremiah 20:13 Joel 3:16, Nahum 1:7, Habakkuk 3:13, Psalms 61:3-4, Psalms 62:5-8, Proverbs 3:25-26, Zephaniah 2:3, John 17:12, 2 Peter 2:9, Revelation 3:10

Hebrews 12:25 Do not refuse the Voice, those who have refused to listen and obey the Word have no escape.
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Psalms 61:1-5 Lord, hear our cry, listen to our prayers. From the ends of the earth we call to You, with fainting hearts. Lift us up, for You are our shelter and tower of strength against the enemy. We shall make our homes forever under the shelter of Your wings. For You, our God, will hear our prayers and grant the desires of those who revere Your Name.

Psalms 62:5-8 For the Lord alone, I wait silently: my hope comes from Him. He alone is My rock of deliverance, my strong tower, so that I am unshaken. On Him, my safety and honour depend. Trust in Him at all times, you people – pour out your hearts before Him. The Lord is our shelter.

Psalms 64:1-10 Lord, hear me as I make my prayer to You. Keep me safe from the terror of the enemy, protect me from intrigues of the evildoers, they sharpen their tongues like swords to cut down the innocent, suddenly attacking from out of hiding. They hatch plots to ensnare us, saying: who will see us?
But the Lord, with His arrows shoots them down and sudden is their overthrow. He will make them fall, using their own words against them. All who see this will flee in horror, everyone is terrified; this is the work of the Mighty God, they say. They understand that retribution has fallen on them because of their evil ways. The righteous rejoice, all the upright in heart will exult, all those who sought refuge in the Lord.

Psalms 66:8-12 Bless our God, you nations; let the sound of praises be heard. He preserves us in life and keeps us going in the right way. For You, Lord, have put us to the test and refined us like silver. You have brought us into prison and laid burdens upon us. You let men ride over us, we went through fire and water, but You have brought us out into a place of plenty.

Psalms 66:16-20 Come; listen, all who fear the Lord and I will tell you what He has done for me. I lifted up my voice in prayer, His praise was on my tongue. If I had iniquity in my heart, He would not have listened, but in truth He did listen and paid heed to my plea. Blessed is the Lord, who keeps me in His love and care! Ref. REB.
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Psalms 69:13-18 At the acceptable time, I will lift up my prayer to You, Lord: in Your great love, answer me with Your salvation. Rescue me, do not let me sink, deliver me from those who hate me. Do not let the depths of the pit engulf me, in Your great compassion; turn toward me. Come near and redeem me and deliver me from my enemies.

Psalms 69:22-28 My enemies preparations become a trap for them, their eyes are veiled, so they cannot see the punishment coming upon them. Pour out Your wrath upon them, let Your burning anger overtake them. Let their towns be deserted, their houses without inhabitants.
For our enemies have persecuted Your people, those who You sent into exile, enemies have multiplied our troubles and gloated over our trials.
Lord: heap double punishment on them, blot them out of the Book of Life. Let them not share in the salvation of the innocent.

Psalms 69:29-31 Now; I am in pain and distress, may Your salvation protect me. I shall praise God’s Name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving. This will please Him more than a offering of a animal.

Psalms 69:32-36 The poor and humble will understand and be glad. Take heart, you seekers after the Lord, for He listens to you and does not reject His captive people. Let all things praise Him, for the Lord will deliver Zion and rebuild the towns of Judah. His people will settle there and possess the holy Land. The children of those who serve Him will inherit it and those who love Him will live there.

Psalms 70:1-5 Make haste and save me, O God, let our enemies be shamed and confused, may all who desire our ruin be disgraced. May all who think they have the upper hand, be defeated.
But let all who seek the Lord be jubilant and rejoice in their salvation, all those who long for His rescue will shout: All glory to God!!
Now, we are oppressed and poor, Lord come quickly and save us. You are our help and deliverer, Lord do not delay!

Psalms 73:12 & 17-20 The wicked feel secure as they amass wealth and power. But then, I saw what their destiny will be. They are on a slippery slope and they will fall headlong into disastrous ruin. In an instant they are destroyed, completely swept away by Your terrors, You make an end to them. They become as a dream when one awakes, like fantasies of the imagination.

Reference: REB, NIV. Some verses abridged.
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Its amazing how different people can extract different meanings from the psalms.
What is really amazing, is how people are blinded to the plain Words of scripture.
Psalms 69:32-36 The poor and humble will understand and be glad. Take heart, you seekers after the Lord, for He listens to you and does not reject His captive people. Let all things praise Him, for the Lord will deliver Zion and rebuild the towns of Judah. His people will settle there and possess the holy Land. The children of those who serve Him will inherit it and those who love Him will live there.
I posted this. Its a perfectly clear statement of God's intentions for His people. Something that has not yet happened, but be assured: it will.
Who is it that is blinded?
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Dec 19, 2017
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What is really amazing, is how people are blinded to the plain Words of scripture.

I posted this. Its a perfectly clear statement of God's intentions for His people. Something that has not yet happened, but be assured: it will.
Who is it that is blinded?

Lots of people blindy intetpret the words seeing only what they want to see!
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