Proof of Jesus witnessing "tidbits and funfacts" to use


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Chuck Colson said: "How could the Gospel NOT be true? How could it POSSIBLY have been a fabrication or a lie? All of the apostles (save John) went to their GRAVES as martyrs fiercely defending the events that they declared for decades! But recently, a handful of men involved in Watergate couldn't keep the deception going for six WEEKS before the truth came out! The ONLY reason that the New Testament participants were such staunch advocates was because the facts were TRUE. They didn't just "believe" it, they KNEW it!"
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Nov 10, 2017
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There is a verse in the bible that says for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1 Corinthians 1.21

Another words the worlds academic intellect and logic ability cant explain God or his creation, so it has pleased God to have his message simply shared with people, and if they humble them selves and believe the good news they can receive salvation.

It is the Holy Spirit that knows what is in the heart of a person, we dont have to have pre-learnt lines and pre-planned lines for the Holy Spirit to provide us with the appropriate words to say to any person or situation.

Remember its not by might and its not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord, another words its not dont by our understanding or in our strength, it is done by the Holy Spirit.
Zachariah 4.6

Jesus uses us to communicate and demonstrate his teachings and the fruit of the Spirit, but we are to reply trust and depend on Jesus for every thing we say and do.

One plants the seed of the good news in someones life for the first time and others water those seeds and it is God that gives those seeds increase.

Which is knowledge and understanding so they may grow util that seed is ready to be harvested which is make a decision for Jesus, and that may take days, weeks, months, or years.

That is only half the of the good news message, after they make a decsion they still need to be discipled supported and guided, you cant just leave it up to the fellowship to give them a book and say we have classes you can attend when your ready.

People always brag about how many people got saved at a meeting, but they never discuss or talk about how many of those people actually followed through and continued to be discipled and walk with Jesus.

10 people got saved and 8 people fell away, so now the 8 people are in a worse position then they were before, because they received Jesus, and now they will be tormented more because they didnt follow through with there decision.

This has been the common cycle for fellowships over the last 30 years or more.

Plant seeds water seeds and than help take care of that fruit until its strong and secure enough to duplicate the same process.

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God was sitting in heaven one day when a scientist said to Him, “God, we don’t need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing – in other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning.”

“Oh, is that so? Explain…” replies God. “Well,” says the scientist, “we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man.”

“Well, that’s very interesting… show Me.”

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil into the shape of a man. “No, no, no…” interrupts God, “Get your own dirt.”
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I agree with Lee. It is the Holy Spirit that knows a person's heart & what they need to hear to bring about faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is what I do when sharing my faith in the Messiah.

It is the Holy Spirit that convicts people of sin & righteousness & judgment.

How do people gain faith so they will repent & believe the gospel?

'Faith comes by hearing & hearing by the Word of God. It is the foolishness of the preaching of the cross that saves people not clever arguments.

It is loving our neighbor as ourself that is the proof: love never fails. A person may not ever remember what you said but they will remember that you cared.

Already two people who don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior of the world & follow Him, have written in this thread & it appears their posts were ignored. They gave you an opportunity to respond.

If people don't see they are lost & separate from our Creator, they will have no need for Jesus. If people think they are good people & that somehow they will be accepted IF there is a God, then again they have no need for the Savior of the world.

That is where the preaching of the gospel comes in. People will go on living the way they want until they are held accountable.

The gospel is the POWER OF GOD for salvation to all who have faith, to the Jew first & also to the Gentile.

Those who believe in nature: time plus chaos plus chance equals ordered complexity produces living for the moment because that is all there is to life.

God put within each person a desire to have meaning in life & made it known to each person that He exists & is real. God as Creator patterned us after His image & man is very creative.

The world has shown there is a real problem with man: very few years of mankind's history on this planet has been peaceful. Mankind faces the biggest enemy: death. How does each person resolve & explain these things? That becomes their philosophy for existence.

Ecclesiastes 11:3 'He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity into man's man, yet so that he cannot figure out what God has done from the beginning to the end.'

Ecclesiastes 11:5 "As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything."

I shared the gospel with a Hindu university student in India while I was there. I explained the difference between between Krishna and Jesus. After I was done, he told me that Krishna & Jesus did the same thing: came down to earth, died for people's sins, etc.

I once again realized it wouldn't be clever arguments that win people to Christ but conviction of the Holy Spirit & speaking the truth in love from the Scriptures. I simply prayed & asked the Lord, who knows the hearts of all people--what to tell him--that will bring conviction. The Holy Spirit told me to tell him the difference was that Jesus is holy.

God opened up his heart when I explained that Krishna was both evil & good. Christ was the only one who is holy. No other of their many gods is holy. Also most of the common people in India have holy men running around & they know most of them are fake & we in America get duped by those who come over here.

Jesus said be holy because the one true God is holy. In order to have a relationship with the one true God, Jesus, you must be as holy as He is. I then stopped. It wasn't long before he said, "But that isn't fair. No one is holy like that. How can God put such a high standard that no one can meet, in order to know Him?"

I then said that that is perfectly fair & just. God gives each person a chance to be holy & have a relationship. But we all find out very soon that we FALL SHORT because we sin & thus we have no excuse. He repeated that wasn't fair. I then said that now you are understanding the difference between your beliefs in Hinduism and Christianity & Christ.

I then was given wisdom to show him he had 3 problems: holding up my index fingers pointing to each other making a parallel line, I then said let's say we start our lives without sinning and level with Jesus who is holy. Soon however, we start sinning and fall short. (I drop one finger down a ways).

The first problem is we fall short of God's standard of holiness. The second problem is we have a debt of sin that needs to be removed. The third problem is how are we brought back up to the level with Jesus again on being holy & are able to stay there.

I said Jesus solved all three for us, explaining from Scripture how He did that.

Another time I was talking to a graduate student who's major was the philosophy of science. My major was biological science/education. But it was soon apparent that arguing science vs creation was getting nowhere. I again prayed, asking the Lord to help me know his heart & what was it that was needed to show him his need for Christ.

The Holy Spirit simply told me to tell him that Jesus loved him & the simple gospel message. I did. He then went on arguing for about five minutes Suddenly he stopped & said, "Can God really forgive you for your sins?" I assured him God could & went on to share the gospel with him.

'One sows, another plants, but God gives the growth.'

Another time I shared the gospel with two hitchhikers on a faith trip. After sharing the gospel with them, they soon talked about wanting to get out of the car and steal some grapes out of a vineyard as they were hungry. It was just as if I had never shared with them. (seed on the path, Satan comes & snatches it away)

I then prayed & asked the Lord to demonstrate His power by convicting them in their hearts of their unbelief & wanting to steal & break your commands. I drove for about another 10 minutes & then suddenly the older man started yelling in my ear, telling me I was beating him with the Bible & I was adulterating the Word of God. It took me a minute before I realized my prayer was answered!

He was under conviction now! I then spotted a roadside vendor who had big watermelons for 33 cents each! We pooled our pennies together & bought one & had a meal & I again showed him a simple illustration that summarizes the whole Bible on one piece of paper. He said that for the first time in his life he actually understood what the Bible was saying.

The Lord knows. We simply need to be hear from Him on what is in a person's heart so that they will see their need for the Savior of the world.

He changes lives not us. But people need to see a changed life demonstrated as well as hearing the message of reconciliation.

Three times I have been around people who swore a lot & took the Lord's name in vain. One of them did it just to bother & irritate me. I didn't say anything but just prayed, asking for wisdom when the time came to share. It did.

They finally got tired of my lack of response & swore loudly & asked if that bothered me. The answer came to me. I said that yes, it did bother me but not in the way you might think. I was more concerned for them & shared Exodus 20:7 with her.

"You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished (guiltless) who takes His name in vain."

I said that you are taking the Creator of heaven & earth's name in vain, treating it as a common swear word. God says you are to treat Him as holy. My concern is that God will not let you go guiltless & unpunished if you continue to do that.

I told her (we were typing on our job in a library) that if i made mistakes on the typewriter & every time I did, I would loudly swear, using her name in vain when I did. I said it wouldn't be long before you would slap me for doing that. Its a wonder God doesn't do that with us when we treat Him with no respect & as a common swear word.

She got mad when I shared & said she would swear whenever she wanted & especially around me! I simply told her she had been warned & that God is big and not to be messed with. About 3 weeks later, she swore & said, "Excuse me." I was shocked. I shouldn't have been as I had prayed & God is faithful to His Word to keep it. She swore again later & did the same thing.

I asked her if God had gotten her attention about using His name in vain. She said that He did but that she didn't want to talk about it. Talk about a change.

Another person swore around me by habit, not maliciously. His son & family lived below me. He would always tell his dad that I was a Christian & to be more careful with his language--but it continued. One day they were down below, cleaning up as the son was moving out. They had forgotten to bring some food & something to drink.

I was busy doing some paperwork but all of a sudden the Holy Spirit spoke to me & said to fix some food & bring something to drink to the son & father. I stopped what I was doing & did so & took it to them. The father was so impressed that I had done that, that from that point on he always was careful not to swear around me.

'Love never fails.'

I have many more stories like that. Pray & depend upon the Holy Spirit to lead & guide you into all the truth & give you wisdom. Preach the simple gospel of the cross & pray the Lord to grant repentance unto the acknowledging of the truth. Pray for the binding of the strongman so the captives can be set free & for the Word not returning void nor Satan taking it out of a person's heart.
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Margot Lugo

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Apr 14, 2022
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List your favorite "Jesus is real because..." witnessing techniques here, please.

I personally like this:

The odds of Jesus Christ being the true Messiah and fullfilling the prophecies he did are equal to covering the entire state of Texas ankle-deep with quarters, marking one with an "X", blindfolding your friend and asking him to find it.

Ok, lets keep this list going, and make them fun, and imaginative, as this can/will help others to witness to strangers, friends and family.

This is my favorite thread so far!!!!
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Margot Lugo

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If anyone wants a full listing of all the prophesies fullfilled, you can read "The new evidence that demands a verdict" by Josh McDowell. But if you don't want to read a 900 page book, read "More than a carpenter" by the same author. It's a compelling summary of the 900 page book and is often used for witnessing. It's a cheap & small book. Just a few dollars each. You can get it in packs of 5 or 10 at your Christian resource centres. It also has plenty of compelling facts about Jesus' ressurection including a listing of what happened to the apostles (11 were executed). This usually works when people claim "Jesus did it for profit of some kind" or "Jesus didnt come back from the dead". If it were for some kind of profit such as to further the Jewish cause or gain something for themselves, then people are in awe to hear all these people got out of it from a worldly point of view was a gruesome death. And as I said it has some good points to bring up in regards to the ressurection.

"More than a carpenter" by Josh McDowell is a must read for all Christians, IMHO.
Thank you for sharing these books. I just ordered 'More Than A Carpenter' I realize this is an old thread, but it keeps on living!!!! God Bless you!
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Kees Boer

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This is more of a creation story, but it relates to Jesus regardless since He was there at the Creation. :)

Two scientists lived next door to each other: one Christian, one atheist. They were good friends and worked in adjacent laboratories. The atheist and Christian frequently talked at length about the origins of the earth. The Christian said that God created the earth, but the atheist insisted that science had proven evolution to be true. They were cordial in their debates, but each tried to draw the other toward his side of the argument. The Christian had an artist create a large wooden globe which had superb detail of the mountains and landscape of the earth. Once the project was finished, the Christian invited the atheist over to show him his new possession. The atheist said "wow! Who made that?!?" The Christian said "No one. It just sort of appeared out of nowhere." The atheist immediately was dumbfounded and realized the point the Christian was making. He finally recanted his disbelief in God, the Creator and was saved.

We see God's power as much larger than we can fathom. To many, it is so omniscient that people disbelieve simply based on that idea. It is like trying to imagine how much room $1 billion dollars in pennies would take up. Sometimes, we need to show a more worldly example for people to understand that the Bible is true. That is why Jesus spoke in parables. He wanted the people to understand completely, so He spoke to them in ways they would understand.

God bless you,
My dad was talking with a hindu aboard a ship from I believe India. The guy told him that there are many ways to go God. His example was 1+4=5, 2+3=5, 4+1=5, etc.... Many ways to get the same result. My dad answered and spoke unto him: "Yes, that's true. Let's talk more. Give me a call!" The hindu said: "Ok, give me your phone number..." My dad said: "Any number, they'll all reach me!" Then the hindu understood what he was saying!
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Feb 10, 2021
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I am not a learned man, but I have in the past confronted learned men and women with that which the Holy Spirit has shown.

The first and second laws (not theories like evolution) of thermodynamics state that nothing can be created from nothing (#1 the Law of Conservation) and nothing is eternal respectively (#2 the Law of Maximum Entropy).

Together these laws militate against the existence of anything by naturalistic means (the cosmos unaided by a supernatural Creator).

Atheistic humanism teaches there is no God, no spirit realm. Just the physical realm and nothing supernatural takes place ever.
But here we have scientific laws of physics stating that nothing can be eternal and nothing can come from nothingness.

So, how'd everything get here?

The Big Bang theory (notice "theory") is essentially, in the beginning there was nothing... then it exploded.

Otherwise brilliant learned men and women believe this tripe with all their might. And granting the theory is correct (that there even was a big bang) you cannot get these people to face the problem of causality.
The laws of physics rest on the fact that cause and effect reign supreme in the universe (from the quantum level to the universe itself). You cannot have a cause without an effect and you cannot have an effect without a cause.
Ask Neil Degrasse Tyson or Michio Kaku what caused the Big Bang and you will get a cop out answer from them. "Time," they say, "did not exist before the Big Bang so the question is irrelevant." ← or something along those lines.
In other words, they refuse to be the scientists they claim to be in this area. They rather resort to blind faith in a failed theory (evolution)... a failed belief system that there is no God... and they refuse to even consider the evidence / reasoning to the contrary.

Others here have said it more simply... the universe itself proves there is a God.

For anything to exist there has to be someone or some thing that exists eternally (existing without beginning or end) and who / which can create the rest of the universe and all that is in it from absolute nothingness.
From there we can demonstrate this eternal thing must have intelligence since the universe is so well ordered right down to the quantum levels. And is therefore an eternal someone (you can't have intelligence without personhood. Even the controversial A.I. has to have a personal creator and supplier of energy, mechanics, and maintenance.

This eternal intelligence who is capable of creating all things created can communicate to and through this creation... and the Judeo-Christian Bible bears the most evidence / footprints of the Divine Author. And it describes that and how God created all things created.
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