Atheistic Darwinist Creationism and It's Just a Sack of Chemicals

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Not so Mystic Mog.
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Jun 13, 2015
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God forbid we talk about religion on a Christian Forum, if we are not careful people might even start to think about what it is they believe and we couldn't have that.
The issue is that this is the physical sciences, creation/evolution part of the site, and yes I would like to discuss general apologetics but one should respect the rules of the site you are debating in.

This particular thread should also be in ethic/morality since that is what its core subject is about.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2015
The issue is that this is the physical sciences, creation/evolution part of the site, and yes I would like to discuss general apologetics but one should respect the rules of the site you are debating in.

This particular thread should also be in ethic/morality since that is what its core subject is about.
I would be grateful if you could tell me how to discuss a religious belief and science together? one deals with an imaginary being and is called a faith because there is no evidence backing it up [unless you can show otherwise that is] and the other deals with reality and is backed by mountains of evidence.
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Not so Mystic Mog.
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Jun 13, 2015
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I would be grateful if you could tell me how to discuss a religious belief and science together? one deals with an imaginary being and is called a faith because there is no evidence backing it up [unless you can show otherwise that is] and the other deals with reality and is backed by mountains of evidence.
True, I think the answer is tactfully and on topic, avoiding the traps. Don't let yourself get round up.
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Jun 18, 2006
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Why do you quote bible verses at atheists AV1611VET?
[VERSE=Isaiah 55:11,KJV]So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.[/VERSE]
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Jun 18, 2006
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I would be grateful if you could tell me how to discuss a religious belief and science together?
Employ Boolean standards.

Need a couple?
  1. If the Bible says it, but Science disagrees: go with the Bible.
  2. If the Bible doesn't say it, but Science does: go with Science.
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Not so Mystic Mog.
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Jun 13, 2015
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Employ Boolean standards.

Need a couple?
  1. If the Bible says it, but Science disagrees: go with the Bible.
  2. If the Bible doesn't say it, but Science does: go with Science.
Or, 1. if science says it and religion agrees: shrug ones shoulders.
2. If science says it and religion disagrees: go with science.

Or something like that.
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Teller of tales, writer of poems, singer of songs
Mar 1, 2015
Following a Jewish Carpenter
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I have a better idea.
Stop trying to find science in the Bible.
God never intended the Bible to be a technical manual on how to create a universe in six short days, or even how to construct a man from the dust of the ground.
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May 21, 2004
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The Bible doesn't deal with science but the heart of the scientist where all science comes from. Materialism tries to use science to explain how the universe created itself and how man is created by the product of his own intellect , man's evolution.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2015
The Bible doesn't deal with science but the heart of the scientist where all science comes from. Materialism tries to use science to explain how the universe created itself and how man is created by the product of his own intellect , man's evolution.
Gods are a product of mans intellect but evolution was happily doing it's thing for billions of years before man spotted it had been doing it's thing for billions of years.
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Jun 18, 2006
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I have a better idea.
Stop trying to find science in the Bible.
God never intended the Bible to be a technical manual on how to create a universe in six short days, or even how to construct a man from the dust of the ground.
As I'm fond of saying:

Trying to use the Bible as a science book is like trying to use Bill Gates' diary as a computer manual.
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Ben West

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Jun 2, 2015
I have a better idea.
Stop trying to find science in the Bible.
God never intended the Bible to be a technical manual on how to create a universe in six short days, or even how to construct a man from the dust of the ground.

IF God told us the Truth in Genesis, then that Truth MUST agree with every other discovered Truth of mankind OR we have the wrong interpretation. Genesis shows that we live in a Multiverse, composed of at least 3 other Heavens or Universes. Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4

Genesis also shows that the Big Bang of our Cosmos was on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4 and the first Stars did NOT light up until the 4th Day Gen 1:16. This was recently confirmed by Space Telescopes showing that it was Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the Big Bang BEFORE the first Stars lit up.

Can you explain HOW ancient men (who you suppose wrote the Bible) knew those scientific Facts thousands of years before Science? Of course not, since it's empirical evidence of the Literal God. Amen?
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Sep 10, 2002
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ORLY? Since I haven't seen any scientific discussion from you, but lot's of talk about Jesus, God, Bible verses out the kazoo on a forum allegedly for scientific discourse, you will just have to understand why I'm rather incredulous of your claim here.
why all the animousity towards the barrd?
Awww....she strikes me a fully capable of looking after herself and you can get over yourself, IOW you don't get to tell me what to do here.

question for you, do you have any evidence at all that there isn't some kind of supernatural influence when it comes to life and the universe?

sorry, phrases like ridiculous and nonsense isn't evidence.
ROFL! Speaking of the "ridiculous" and "nonsense":
  • Let's see we have stories about talking snakes/other animals, burning bushes, the parting of large bodies of water, walking on water, people surviving for days in the belly of a "great fish",etc.
  • Fabulously powerful entities such as Jesus who's supposed to be

    a) virgin-born (can't happen, would be a female, but ~poof!~miracle, here! miracle there! no evidence ever~)

    b) Son of the One TRUE God™ (another alleged entity for which NO evidence is given, let alone any evidence that would establish the exclusive claim of being the one and only TRUE God)

    c) who rose from the dead (no EVIDENCE of anyone ever surviving death with people dead for days as Jesus was alleged to have been, staying dead) and YOU demand I disprove tales like this?​
Goodness, me, but the monumental DOUBLE-STANDARD of your demand (considering the extraordinary claims from God-botherers who present NOTHING that comes any where close to supporting them!), the hypocrisy on your part is mind-boggling...

Guess what, the burden of proof is square only you/TheBarrd and here's why.....

It seems that you are demanding that people to provide evidence for a "non-existent thing" (God doesn't exist). I find the demand that someone provide evidence for a non-existent thing to be ridiculous and illogical, here's why:

1. A thing that does not exists can't possibly leave ANY evidence to be found ==> That is why your demand that someone offer evidence of non-existence for "X" is ridiculous and why the burden of proof is on those who make claims that "X" does exists.
  • IOW, if something exists, then it's possible for such a "thing" to leave evidence of its existence behind to be found. This might not always be so, so "absence of evidence" is not absolutely reliable "evidence of absence".
  • However, the only evidence for non-existence often consists of persistent and unabated arguments from silence (no evidence, hence the "silence"), UNLESS one can actually come up with evidence that disproves/contradicts a particular claim (evidence that contradicts existence).
  • The "silence" (no evidence) with regard to alleged entities like fairies, unicorns and leprechauns is usually considered sufficient "evidence" to disprove their existence, BUT the "silence" when it comes to God(-ies?) is not considered sufficient evidence to rank them along side those fairies, unicorns and leprechauns.
  • The question here is why is the "silence" used to discard such things as unicorns from the "realm of the REAL™" but not God(-ies?)?
That said, here's why the burden of proof does NOT fall equally on both positions (God exists vs God does not exist)....

2. Why the Burden of Proof is yours..
Now consider that from the standpoint of gathering empirical evidence, there is no way to know for certain that somewhere is this universe there does not exist empirical evidence that would verify the existence of god(s?==>why no creation by Divine Committee™?). Let's assume that there was indeed a "prime mover (s?)" of some sort that initiated the Big Bang (creation of the universe):
  • Why couldn't this prime mover(s?), having started the universe, simply moved on the next one, in other words, god(s?) existed in this universe at one time, but is (are) no longer here in this time, so even if we searched the whole universe at this point in time we would not find god(s?).
  • That possibility then exists that god(s?) might return at some point in the future.
  • The point is that not only would one have to search the entire universe for evidence of god(s?) and come up with nada, but one would also have to be able to travel in time to conduct a really thorough search for evidence of god(s?).

3. This is why it is impossible to disprove the existence of god(s?), i. e., god(s?) do not exist . It is also why the burden of proof falls on those making the positive claim that "god(s?) exist", all they have to do is come up with a single piece of evidence that verifies the positive claim. (Not all negative claims are impossible to prove. If they have a limited scope then it is possible, but not in this case). What do I mean by this.......
A. Negative statements (the is no God, no soul, there are no white crows) are hard to prove because they make predictions about things are not practically observable in a finite real time: What this means, step by step:
  • For instance, "there are no pink unicorns" means "there are no pink unicorns in this or any universe," and unlike say, my closet, it is not possible to look in every corner of every universe, therefore, we can't completely test this proposition.
  • We can only look around within the limits of our ability, time, resources and knowledge to prove that where we have looked so far, that there are no pink unicorns.
  • In such a case we have proved a negative, just not the negative of the grandiose, existential proposition in question.
  • In other words, what does it mean when people say that "you can't prove a negative"?

    Proof Negative? (from ZhurnalWiki)
    It's often said, "You can't prove a negative." Ha! For starters, that statement itself is a negative --- so if it's true then it must itself be unproveable. But no such luck ... it's simply false. There are plenty of easily-proved negatives ranging from the quasi-definitional ("There are no odd numbers divisible by 2") to the finite-specific ("This deck of cards has no Queen of Hearts").

    When somebody sensible says "You can't prove a negative" what s/he really means, most of the time, is "This is a complicated open-ended problem & you can't claim complete knowledge of all possibilities." That's reasonable.

    To demonstrate rigorously that "There are no white crows" would require examining every crow in the universe and confirming that not one of them is white.Not an easy task

  • "The answer is really boils down to the often pesky problem of induction".
  • Since we can't test a proposition in every place and time, we can never be absolutely certain that the proposition remains true in all times, under all possible conditions, and in all places--->We can only infer it."
  • Therefore, we adopt a simpler rule:
    • Given insufficient evidence, then no belief
    • Given sufficient evidence, then belief," (since insufficient evidence is the same thing as sufficient evidence for denial") .
  • The real practical problem is breadth of the assertion and not the fact that the assertion is negative.*Ex.there are no pink unicorns, there is no god, no soul) that makes a proposition difficult to prove.
4. So the truth is simply this==>It is easier to prove that there ARE such entities as pink unicorns than to prove there aren't simply because we only need to find one of them or evidence that one of them existed (besides finding a unicorn, verifiable unicorn skeletal remains, unicorn coprolite, etc.) to accomplish our proof without having to look everywhere!!!! Here is another way to look at it:
The burden of proof is belongs to the claimant. So far theists haven't done anything but ASSERT something to be true WITHOUT giving any credible evidence (unless one really lowers the bar in this particular case when it comes to defining evidence..a case of " special pleading"). Abuses of logic, maybes, perhaps, what if wafflings, threats of hellfire, trying to play it "safe" by taking Pascal's Wager aren't proof. Here are a set of rules on critical thinking that I abide by in making decisions and evaluating evidence:

5. Furthermore, the "burden of proof" is not the two-way street i.e., it falls squarely on the theist making the god-claim. Therefore, it is theists who must bring forth evidence that god(s?) exist(s). Since theists have failed to do so, doubters, at the minimum, are perfectly within their rights to reject theistic claim (no need to adopt the agnostic "wait and see" position) One would even be within his/her rights of going so far as to call your claim a falsehood (really too strong since that could imply lying on your part). However, even if one went so far as to call your claim falsehood, he/she could easily update his/her understanding, i. e., accepting the reality of the Christian god (many other god-beliefs, how can we know if yours is the correct one?), if and when, you provide sufficient evidence for believing your claim.
A. Let's look at this another way.....For a moment, let's imagine the existence of everything around us is evidence of a god ==> Why would one assume it's "evidence" for the Christian god?

B. After all, anyone from any theistic religion can come up with the same "argument". This is the real problem with such non-falsifiable claims...there is simply no evidence that allows one to say X-theistic claim is true, but Y-theistic claim is false. Any religion that has fallen by the historical way-side has

  • had empirical evidence that shows it to be bogus (Ex. no abode of the Greek Gods on Mt. Olympus)
  • and/or its' adherents become few and far between or there are no large, powerful politcal groups claim affiliation (the more ususal course).

C. There is no reason to connect God(s?) as a cause of a particular with everything that exists. If you have such a connection, then where is that connection? Everything that exists could have been created by really smart aliens. Or everything may not have been created at all. All we know with any degree of certainty is that it is here.

D. However, whereas "one's idea" of what constitutes evidence for the existence of a god may well be subjective. Unfortunately, actual evidence is purely objective and it's the only kind that could convince me.

E. As I see it, the biggest problem with this common theistic argument is that one must simply presupposes a supernatural deity exists. Upon making that presumption, one then looks at everything around him/her as evidence to support that presupposition. In other words, they are FIRST making a conclusion and THEN trying to characterize the evidence to support that conclusion, in lieu of examining the evidence FIRST and THEN formulating a theory that seems to support the evidence.("seems" because we can't be absolutely certain of anything).

F. I see no compelling reason to presuppose the existence of the supernatural, other than an argument from ignorance(we don't known therefore God(-s?)-did-it! The supernatural MUST exists!). The "evidence" requested is NOT to support the concept that a god exists, it is to establish a compelling reason to even consider the concept in the first place.

6. In addition, there is a profound lack of demonstration for anything supernatural. Other than unverifiable, personal claims, that are often shown to be nothing more than hoaxes or misinterpretations), there is no compelling reason to believe any force exists outside of nature. The supernatural looks like a convenience hiding place, invented by theists for the sole purpose of preventing anyone from examining their claims, because the supernatural by theistic definition is NOT perceptible to the only things we have for evalutated reality, namely our 5 senses. Just too pat and too convenient IMO...

7. Here's this chapter from Carl Sagan's Demon-Haunted World that is an apt description of such theological thinking.
"A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage"

Suppose (I'm following a group therapy approach by the psychologist Richard Franklin) I seriously make such an assertion to you. Surely you'd want to check it out, see for yourself. There have been innumerable stories of dragons over the centuries, but no real evidence. What an opportunity!

"Show me," you say. I lead you to my garage. You look inside and see a ladder, empty paint cans, an old tricycle--but no dragon.

"Where's the dragon?" you ask.

"Oh, she's right here," I reply, waving vaguely. "I neglected to mention that she's an invisible dragon."

You propose spreading flour on the floor of the garage to capture the dragon's footprints.

"Good idea," I say, "but this dragon floates in the air."

Then you'll use an infrared sensor to detect the invisible fire.

"Good idea, but the invisible fire is also heatless."

You'll spray-paint the dragon and make her visible.

"Good idea, but she's an incorporeal dragon and the paint won't stick."

And so on. I counter every physical test you propose with a special explanation of why it won't work.

Now, what's the difference between an invisible, incorporeal, floating dragon who spits heatless fire and no dragon at all? If there's no way to disprove my contention, no conceivable experiment that would count against it, what does it mean to say that my dragon exists? Your inability to invalidate my hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true. Claims that cannot be tested, assertions immune to disproof are veridically worthless, whatever value they may have in inspiring us or in exciting our sense of wonder. What I'm asking you to do comes down to believing, in the absence of evidence, on my say-so.

The only thing you've really learned from my insistence that there's a dragon in my garage is that something funny is going on inside my head.

8. Finally, please spare us the equivocation of trying to equate religious faith (often the blind, fear-ridden kind) with the "faith" in the loyalty of friends, logic, the validity of scientific concepts, etc. The latter form of "faith" is really trust based on some kind of evidence that such things, i. e., true friends, good science, sound logic, are true. Also of no value is the flowery quote from Hebrews 11:1:

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…"

So what? Something "unseen" (usually not just imperceptible to sight, but to any other sense, even any sense assisted by instruments) and "hoped for" (meaning that it doesn't exists, otherwise why just hope) will by their very nature offer no evidence for evaluation (how very, very convenient and again just too pat).

also, please be advised this is primarily a christian site, so take your "anti religious, anti god" crap elsewhere.
I was not aware you were an administrator or mod (your authority for attempting to order me around is?) so you don't get to tell me what I can and cannot post.

IOW, you're NOT the boss of me, whois, so I highly recommend that you get over yourself ==>I'll post what I like and if you don't like it, that's just too darned bad (do feel free to ignore me, it won't phase me one little bit)
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Jun 18, 2006
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IF God told us the Truth in Genesis, then that Truth MUST agree with every other discovered Truth of mankind OR we have the wrong interpretation.
Discovered truth (Psalm 19:1-6) must always agree with revealed truth (Psalm 19:7-14), or discovered truth needs reinterpreting.
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Teller of tales, writer of poems, singer of songs
Mar 1, 2015
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Awww....she strikes me a fully capable of looking after herself and you can get over yourself, IOW you don't get to tell me what to do here.

ROFL! Speaking of the "ridiculous" and "nonsense":
  • Let's see we have stories about talking snakes/other animals, burning bushes, the parting of large bodies of water, walking on water, people surviving for days in the belly of a "great fish",etc.
  • Fabulously powerful entities such as Jesus who's supposed to be

    a) virgin-born (can't happen, would be a female, but ~poof!~miracle, here! miracle there! no evidence ever~)

    b) Son of the One TRUE God™ (another alleged entity for which NO evidence is given, let alone any evidence that would establish the exclusive claim of being the one and only TRUE God)

    c) who rose from the dead (no EVIDENCE of anyone ever surviving death with people death for days staying dead) and YOU demand I disprove tales like this?​
Goodness, me, but the monumental DOUBLE-STANDARD of your demand (considering the extraordinary claims from God-botherers who present NOTHING that comes any where close to supporting them!), the hypocrisy on your part is mind-boggling...

Guess what, the burden of proof is square only you/TheBarrd and here's why.....

It seems that you are demanding that people to provide evidence for a "non-existent thing" (God doesn't exist). I find the demand that someone provide evidence for a non-existent thing to be ridiculous and illogical, here's why:

1. A thing that does not exists can't possibly leave ANY evidence to be found ==> That is why your demand that someone offer evidence of non-existence for "X" is ridiculous and why the burden of proof is on those who make claims that "X" does exists.
  • IOW, if something exists, then it's possible for such a "thing" to leave evidence of its existence behind to be found. This might not always be so, so "absence of evidence" is not absolutely reliable "evidence of absence".
  • However, the only evidence for non-existence often consists of persistent and unabated arguments from silence (no evidence, hence the "silence"), UNLESS one can actually come up with evidence that disproves/contradicts a particular claim (evidence that contradicts existence).
  • The "silence" (no evidence) with regard to alleged entities like fairies, unicorns and leprechauns is usually considered sufficient "evidence" to disprove their existence, BUT the "silence" when it comes to God(-ies?) is not considered sufficient evidence to rank them along side those fairies, unicorns and leprechauns.
  • The question here is why is the "silence" used to discard such things as unicorns from the "realm of the REAL™" but not God(-ies?)?
That said, here's why the burden of proof does NOT fall equally on both positions (God exists vs God does not exist)....

2. Why the Burden of Proof is yours..
Now consider that from the standpoint of gathering empirical evidence, there is no way to know for certain that somewhere is this universe there does not exist empirical evidence that would verify the existence of god(s?==>why no creation by Divine Committee™?). Let's assume that there was indeed a "prime mover (s?)" of some sort that initiated the Big Bang (creation of the universe):
  • Why couldn't this prime mover(s?), having started the universe, simply moved on the next one, in other words, god(s?) existed in this universe at one time, but is (are) no longer here in this time, so even if we searched the whole universe at this point in time we would not find god(s?).
  • That possibility then exists that god(s?) might return at some point in the future.
  • The point is that not only would one have to search the entire universe for evidence of god(s?) and come up with nada, but one would also have to be able to travel in time to conduct a really thorough search for evidence of god(s?).

3. This is why it is impossible to disprove the existence of god(s?), i. e., god(s?) do not exist . It is also why the burden of proof falls on those making the positive claim that "god(s?) exist", all they have to do is come up with a single piece of evidence that verifies the positive claim. (Not all negative claims are impossible to prove. If they have a limited scope then it is possible, but not in this case). What do I mean by this.......
A. Negative statements (the is no God, no soul, there are no white crows) are hard to prove because they make predictions about things are not practically observable in a finite real time: What this means, step by step:
  • For instance, "there are no pink unicorns" means "there are no pink unicorns in this or any universe," and unlike say, my closet, it is not possible to look in every corner of every universe, therefore, we can't completely test this proposition.
  • We can only look around within the limits of our ability, time, resources and knowledge to prove that where we have looked so far, that there are no pink unicorns.
  • In such a case we have proved a negative, just not the negative of the grandiose, existential proposition in question.
  • In other words, what does it mean when people say that "you can't prove a negative"?


  • "The answer is really boils down to the often pesky problem of induction".
  • Since we can't test a proposition in every place and time, we can never be absolutely certain that the proposition remains true in all times, under all possible conditions, and in all places--->We can only infer it."
  • Therefore, we adopt a simpler rule:
    • Given insufficient evidence, then no belief
    • Given sufficient evidence, then belief," (since insufficient evidence is the same thing as sufficient evidence for denial") .
  • The real practical problem is breadth of the assertion and not the fact that the assertion is negative.*Ex.there are no pink unicorns, there is no god, no soul) that makes a proposition difficult to prove.
4. So the truth is simply this==>It is easier to prove that there ARE such entities as pink unicorns than to prove there aren't simply because we only need to find one of them or evidence that one of them existed (besides finding a unicorn, verifiable unicorn skeletal remains, unicorn coprolite, etc.) to accomplish our proof without having to look everywhere!!!! Here is another way to look at it:
The burden of proof is belongs to the claimant. So far theists haven't done anything but ASSERT something to be true WITHOUT giving any credible evidence (unless one really lowers the bar in this particular case when it comes to defining evidence..a case of " special pleading"). Abuses of logic, maybes, perhaps, what if wafflings, threats of hellfire, trying to play it "safe" by taking Pascal's Wager aren't proof. Here are a set of rules on critical thinking that I abide by in making decisions and evaluating evidence:

5. Furthermore, the "burden of proof" is not the two-way street i.e., it falls squarely on the theist making the god-claim. Therefore, it is theists who must bring forth evidence that god(s?) exist(s). Since theists have failed to do so, doubters, at the minimum, are perfectly within their rights to reject theistic claim (no need to adopt the agnostic "wait and see" position) One would even be within his/her rights of going so far as to call your claim a falsehood (really too strong since that could imply lying on your part). However, even if one went so far as to call your claim falsehood, he/she could easily update his/her understanding, i. e., accepting the reality of the Christian god (many other god-beliefs, how can we know if yours is the correct one?), if and when, you provide sufficient evidence for believing your claim.
A. Let's look at this another way.....For a moment, let's imagine the existence of everything around us is evidence of a god ==> Why would one assume it's "evidence" for the Christian god?

B. After all, anyone from any theistic religion can come up with the same "argument". This is the real problem with such non-falsifiable claims...there is simply no evidence that allows one to say X-theistic claim is true, but Y-theistic claim is false. Any religion that has fallen by the historical way-side has

  • had empirical evidence that shows it to be bogus (Ex. no abode of the Greek Gods on Mt. Olympus)
  • and/or its' adherents become few and far between or there are no large, powerful politcal groups claim affiliation (the more ususal course).

C. There is no reason to connect God(s?) as a cause of a particular with everything that exists. If you have such a connection, then where is that connection? Everything that exists could have been created by really smart aliens. Or everything may not have been created at all. All we know with any degree of certainty is that it is here.

D. However, whereas "one's idea" of what constitutes evidence for the existence of a god may well be subjective. Unfortunately, actual evidence is purely objective and it's the only kind that could convince me.

E. As I see it, the biggest problem with this common theistic argument is that one must simply presupposes a supernatural deity exists. Upon making that presumption, one then looks at everything around him/her as evidence to support that presupposition. In other words, they are FIRST making a conclusion and THEN trying to characterize the evidence to support that conclusion, in lieu of examining the evidence FIRST and THEN formulating a theory that seems to support the evidence.("seems" because we can't be absolutely certain of anything).

F. I see no compelling reason to presuppose the existence of the supernatural, other than an argument from ignorance(we don't known therefore God(-s?)-did-it! The supernatural MUST exists!). The "evidence" requested is NOT to support the concept that a god exists, it is to establish a compelling reason to even consider the concept in the first place.

6. In addition, there is a profound lack of demonstration for anything supernatural. Other than unverifiable, personal claims, that are often shown to be nothing more than hoaxes or misinterpretations), there is no compelling reason to believe any force exists outside of nature. The supernatural looks like a convenience hiding place, invented by theists for the sole purpose of preventing anyone from examining their claims, because the supernatural by theistic definition is NOT perceptible to the only things we have for evalutated reality, namely our 5 senses. Just too pat and too convenient IMO...

7. Here's this chapter from Carl Sagan's Demon-Haunted World that is an apt description of such theological thinking.

8. Finally, please spare us the equivocation of trying to equate religious faith (often the blind, fear-ridden kind) with the "faith" in the loyalty of friends, logic, the validity of scientific concepts, etc. The latter form of "faith" is really trust based on some kind of evidence that such things, i. e., true friends, good science, sound logic, are true. Also of no value is the flowery quote from Hebrews 11:1:
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…"

So what? Something "unseen" (usually not just imperceptible to sight, but to any other sense, even any sense assisted by instruments) and "hoped for" (meaning that it doesn't exists, otherwise why just hope) will by their very nature offer no evidence for evaluation (how very, very convenient and again just too pat).

I was not aware you were an administrator or mod (your authority for attempting to order me around is?) so you don't get to tell me what I can and cannot post.

IOW, you're NOT the boss of me, whois, so I highly recommend that you get over yourself ==>I'll post what I like and if you don't like it, that's just too darned bad (do feel free to ignore me, it won't phase me one little bit)

The Barrd says:
It is not my responsibility to prove or disprove God to you.
You have decided for yourself what you choose to believe...or not to believe...and that is your prerogative.
What I'm not going to do is to let your abuse phase me at all. I have no idea why you are so angry, and while I'm sorry for you that you have these issues, I don't intend to let you continue to take it out on me.
Therefore, I intend to take the very good advice that you gave to WhoIs, and hit the ignore button. You may seethe all you like, in the privacy of my iggy bin....
And I will, of course, pray for you.
Meantime, I am very grateful to WhoIs for stepping in to defend me from, as far as I can make out, a wholly unprovoked attack from a total stranger...
It is very good to know that not all atheists have some kind of psychotic need to lurk in Christian forums to bait and attack unsuspecting Christians with a blast of fire from nowhere...
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2015
Religious people forget that if they can show that their god exists so can the people who believe in all the other gods.
All any religion has are words in books and nothing more.

Once upon a time every church, abbey and cathedral in the UK and possibly Europe had what was said to be a piece of the cross,
no one stopped to think that if they really did all have a piece of the cross it would need to be as big as Noah's ark for them all to have a piece.
Religion is and always has been a scam, when Henry VIII made himself leader of the English church in order to get a divorce they got rid of all
the relics and con tricks that were played on believers to make them give more money.
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Let me very gently remind you that you are in something called "Christian Forums".

What is the likelihood that you are going to meet Christians in a place called "Christian Forums", do you think?
Since you seem to have a problem with Christians, I have to wonder why you would come to a place where you know you are going to meet Christians? You obviously aren't here to discuss our faith...
Oh brother, when you're called out on what you posted as documented HERE in my response and obviously have NO counter-argument, you resort to playing the "persecution card".

Just because you're a Christian on a Christian forum does NOT absolve you from supporting your claims with this laughable but predictable dodge (how DARE YOU, an atheist, question my unsupported pronouncements>>I can't possibly be wrong so YOU must be attacking me because I'm a Christian and I don't need no stinkin' evidence!!!!), but never fear, your WAHHHmbulance has been called.

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Teller of tales, writer of poems, singer of songs
Mar 1, 2015
Following a Jewish Carpenter
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IF God told us the Truth in Genesis, then that Truth MUST agree with every other discovered Truth of mankind OR we have the wrong interpretation. Genesis shows that we live in a Multiverse, composed of at least 3 other Heavens or Universes. Gen 1:6-8 and Gen 2:4

Genesis also shows that the Big Bang of our Cosmos was on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4 and the first Stars did NOT light up until the 4th Day Gen 1:16. This was recently confirmed by Space Telescopes showing that it was Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the Big Bang BEFORE the first Stars lit up.

Can you explain HOW ancient men (who you suppose wrote the Bible) knew those scientific Facts thousands of years before Science? Of course not, since it's empirical evidence of the Literal God. Amen?
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Jun 18, 2006
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Religious people forget that if they can show that their god exists so can the people who believe in all the other gods.
Uh ... they would be religious too, wouldn't they?
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The Barrd says:
It is not my responsibility to prove or disprove God to you.
You have decided for yourself what you choose to believe...or not to believe...and that is your prerogative.
What I'm not going to do is to let your abuse phase me at all.
An unsupported accusation>>>Do catalog this alleged "abuse" (any instance where I've attacked you personally? anything at all?)

If you don't produce any such instance that means that you are are simply guilty of bearing false witness, now doesn't it? (just love all these examples of how crawling in God/s?FEAR is such a failure at producing moral human beings, despite all the claims that one can't possibly be so with such "moral accountability")

Why is it that I suspect disagreement with your totally unsupported pronouncements/claims is regarded by you as "abuse"?

The Barrd says:I have no idea why you are so angry, and while I'm sorry for you that you have these issues, I don't intend to let you continue to take it out on me.
Again the wagging the "persecution card">>>do give a single instance where you document any such thing (again I suspect disagreeing with your claims and supporting that disagreement with actual evidence is going to be regarded as being "angry" and "abusive")

The Barrd says:Therefore, I intend to take the very good advice that you gave to WhoIs, and hit the ignore button. You may seethe all you like, in the privacy of my iggy bin....
I'm soooo crushed (NOT! ROFL!)

It always amuses me that some Christians can be so conceited as to think this is going to stop me posting or in any way hurt my go right ahead <<<Points and laughs!

The Barrd says: And I will, of course, pray for you.
I take that as the threat that I usually found that to be as in this invocation of ""imprecatory prayer" and HERE (funny thing how many Christians never tell you what they're "praying" or is that "preying" for!).

However, I'm not worried, prayer has been shown to be a FAILURE in the Getting-Results Department (just a single instance document the EPIC FAIL), so you can mumble your incantation to your no-evidence Cosmic GODfather (the Author of Original-Deal-You-Can't-Refuse™>>My WAY or the HELL-HIGHWAY!) and "rattle" your Bible at me all you want!

The Barrd says:Meantime, I am very grateful to WhoIs for stepping in to defend me from, as far as I can make out, is a wholly unprovoked attack from a total stranger...
Again an accusation ("wholly unprovoked attack on a total stranger") that you don't support with a single, solitary instance.

Again, disagreeing with your pronouncements is not an attack, but when you've no valid counter response to anything I posted banging the "but you're persecuting/attacking me" drum is "as good as it gets" in Christian Apologetics-ville)

The Barrd says:It is very good to know that not all atheists have some kind of psychotic need to lurk in Christian forums to bait and attack unsuspecting Christians with a blast of fire from nowhere...
Wow, here you are bleating about "unprovoked attacks" and it's actually YOU, who's resorting to personal attack with this accusation that I'm some kind of "psycho" as insinuated by this "charming" screed, " not all atheists have some kind of psychotic need to lurk in Christian forums to bait and attack unsuspecting Christians with a blast of fire from nowhere" goodness but IMO it does look like you are in need of a radical PLANKECTOMY (hypocrisy, MUCH!)
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