Boehner plans to file suit against Obama over alleged abuse of executive power


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Jun 29, 2014
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The TYPE of exec orders Mr Obama has been signing are vastly different than other President' the point of ignoring or breaking Constitutional law. Just like his appointing those 7 or 8 illegal positions... though they were replaced they made nearly 1800 changes!

THIS is the issue, not the number of executive orders issued.
Now, agreed, I'm not an expert on the way your system works, but the whole concept is suspect to me. Claiming to be a democracy, but letting the President rule by his own will and by decree, with no regard for Parliament. Very pre-Charles I in my mind. And yes, my scepticism isn't simply because it's Obama, but it does seem that Obama seems to be using it less as a way of clarifying or furthering already established law (as per Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer), and more of a way to get his will without having to deal with the annoyance known as "opposition".
THIS is what is reminiscent of a dictator. Though Obama is no de jure dictator, of course.
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