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This should be a fairly simple and straightforward question, not like some of the ones posted.  =D


I was reading through Mark and it became apparent to me that in Mark 2:19, Mark says that Jesus called himself the bridegroom, and that while the bridegroom is with the disciples, they won't fast but once the bridegroom goes away, then they will fast. 


Why does he use bridegroom?  Is there some OT tradition that I am not aware of that says those with the bridegroom must not fast?  I mean it seems that he is able to use a plethora of other words, and yet he chooses bridegroom.  Just wondering why.  =D


Your brother and His Servant....
I agree with Dan in that Jesus refers to the church as his bride and that is one reason for using the term bridegroom. I didn't look it up I'm going off my memory, but in that story wasn't Jesus responding the the pharisees questioning his disciples for not fasting? I think it has to do with the fact that he is the bridegroom of the church and at that time he was with his bride in Earthly form, so he's saying why should these, my disciples, fast when I'm here with them and they should be celebrating? What's the point of fasting? Generally I think it is to worship God and learn to listen to him, also your physical hunger reminds you of your spiritual need for God etc. and it draws you closer to God. Well the disciples were with Jesus, they had already left everything in their lives behind to follow him, so why would they need to try to get closer to him. I don't know, I'm just typing out some thoughts. But I think he used the term bridegroom to show the pharisees that they were off. He was saying here I am, God in fleshly form, here to save you and instead of paying attention to me you're still fasting trying to be in touch with God in Heaven(even though they probably did it mostly for show) when my disciples have realized I am here and are focused on me as they should be. The pharisees where looking for the bridegroom to come and were fasting, but Jesus was saying YO!!, I'm the bridegroom you should be trying to get to know me, when I'm return to heaven then fasting will be needed, but I'm here with them so why should they fast now? yeah, a long answer that got off topic a little, but I'd be interested on your thoughts
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