What Jesus did for me


Jesus Paid It All
May 1, 2002
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When we read the accounts of the crucification of our Saviour, you
would have to be very hard hearted not to be moved by His passion.

But often we do not see the whole picture. That is another reason
STUDY is so important. When you dig deeper into it, and study all the
scriptures pertaining to it, both in the Old and New Testament in the
original languages, and dig into the secular accounts of it as well,
we often come away with a haunting picture in our minds.

Jesus was not JUST struck in the face by a Roman
soldier. He was actually beaten by many soldiers with their fists
until His face was no longer recognizable. Ever had a black eye, or a
bloody nose? Imagine what this looked like.

They then pulled His beard out by the roots! They spit in His face
until His face looked like raw hamburger meat with blood and SPIT
dripping off His cheeks and chin and nose, or what was left of them.
They then BEAT Him with a whip and gave Him 39 stripes, until His
back was ripped to shreds. Then they made Him drag a heavy tree until
He collapsed under the weight of it. They nailed Him to that hideous
thing using huge spikes through the wrists of both hands and into His
feet! They pressed a crown of Heavy thorns deep into His scalp. They
stripped Him NAKED and stood that horrible thing up with a jaring
thud. By the time they nailed Him to that cross, this God that was
ALL MAN at this time, He was nothing more than a quivering mass of

There He hung for some six hours, naked and humiliated and laughed at
and made fun of, in more agony than our minds can conceive of. He was
so thirsty that His tongue stuck to the roof of His mouth. They
taunted Him with vinegar on a sponge mounted on a spear. They gouged
Him in the side with that spear! Through all that He never made a
sound, not even a whimper, for Jesus was not the little whimp and
sissy that Hollywood portrays Him to be. No Jesus was every bit a
man's MAN!

Yet the worse was yet to come. Those final
three hours He hung on that cross in inpenetrable
darkness, He was made sin.

"But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed;
Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through Ere He found
His sheep that was lost."

Then for a brief moment He was forsaken of God THAT is when He opened
His mouth. He let out a SCHREECH that was not even human in sound. It
was so filled with agony and so loud it rent the rocks! It was a
roaring like that of a wild animal in pain.

He is the only "man" to ever know what it is like to be forsaken of
God. No other living person has ever been forsaken. God has been
forsaken by men, but NEVER the other way around. Any man can ALWAYS
turn to God if he so chooses!

He hung there on that cross and slowly bled to death for me. And its
that spilt blood that washes away my sin. Though my sins be as
scarlet, they shall be white as snow, because of that
blood.What can wash away MY sin? NOTHING, but the blood of Jesus!

Yes He would have gone through all that, even if I had been the only
person ever born. That's how personal it is. Can you imagine? He did
that for ME! And He did it for YOU!

Who would you do it for, if it were even possible, which of course it
isn't!? Your Husband? Your wife? Your lover, or best friend? Not
likely, but perhaps! But would you do it for your vilest enemy? He
did! Now THAT is love!

If He can do that for us, can we not at least obey His command to
love each other? Is it not easy to love a brother or sister in
Christ? Thats all we are asked to do. Just to LOVE our FAMILY, and
then love the lost just enough to simply TELL them about Jesus and
what He did for us. We do not have to suffer such agony and be
forsaken of God! All we have to do is love! Seems like so little
compared to what He did for us.

If we cannot love our brother, whom we have seen, how can we love
God, whom we have not seen?

Father, in the Name of this Awesome Saviour, who demonstrated for us
the ULTIMATE in LOVE, I ask that again You stir our hearts and and
soften them and cause us to see with our hearts the real Passion of
our Saviour, and then Father help us to portray this to the lost in
such a way, that it breaks their heart and causes them to turn to Him
as their Saviour. Amen and Amen!


Jesus Paid It All
May 1, 2002
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Yes, Amen! Jesus was one tough guy! That is why I really resent, in a way, these so called artists conceptions, of Jeus. For the most part the portray Him as some wimp, who just stepped out of a beauty salon. That is not the description given us in the Bible. An it is a fact that to be a carpenter in those day, one had to be plenty rough, tough, powerful, and strong.

Thank you for honoring Jesus with that observation futuresoldier.
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