Recent content by zebu

  1. zebu

    Soviet 5 Day Week

    I asked someone from my (very Russian) parish about this, and she had never heard of it. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, since she isn't much older than me, but it does probably mean it's not something that was very widespread or stuck on the collective conscience of modern Russians. If it as...
  2. zebu

    confession before every Communion?

    You actually don't even need another priest to have confessions during vigil! My parish officially has two priests, but one is not there most of the time, and even when he is he isn't that helpful because he cannot speak any Slavonic or English and so he can't really do much in the service. The...
  3. zebu

    confession before every Communion?

    I think it is important to point out that there is a temptation towards legalism and such no matter how frequently you go, and in some ways going more frequently is less legalistic. It acknowledges that we are constantly sinning, constantly at the mercy of God. Going 4 times a year or whatever...
  4. zebu

    confession before every Communion?

    This question depends not only on the priest but the jurisdiction. My parish is ROCOR, and there, you actually do not have to confess every time before you receive the Eucharist, but just within a week of communing. So for example, if you confessed at Vigil last night, you can receive communion...
  5. zebu

    New Metropolitan for OCA

    Well, you still get your wish! Though he may not be an iconographer per se, he does do icons sometimes. His busy schedule limits him getting so much time to do it though, but he has been taught and knows how to write them.
  6. zebu

    Orthodox Phrases in Multiple Languages

    In French: Lord have mercy- Seigneur, ait pitié Glory...- Gloire au Père et au Fils et au Saint Esprit, maintenant et toujours et dans les siècles des siècles. Holy God...- Saint Dieu, Saint Fort, Saint Immortel, ait pitié de nous. Holy Holy Holy- Saint saint saint Glory to God- Gloire à...
  7. zebu

    Baptism in Jesus Name or the Trinity?

    I have always interpreted "in the name of Jesus" to be like "in the same way as Jesus was baptised", which was Trinitarian. Oftentimes if something is done in the name of someone or something else, it doesn't necessarily literally mean you say "I am doing this in the name of X", but rather that...
  8. zebu

    More baptism pictures!

    J'habite à Seattle, et je suis citoyen américain et canadien. J'ai parlé français depuis que j'étais très petit parce que ma mère m'a parlé en français très souvent parce que sa famille est française. Est-ce qu'il y a des lois au Québec qui régente la langue des services des églises?
  9. zebu

    More baptism pictures!

    Hmm...savez-vous pourquoi les églises orthodoxes au Québec utilisent tant d'anglais? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il y a cette aversion à la langue française quand la plupart des habitants de Québec ont le français comme langue maternelle? C'est triste...Est-ce que la communauté orthodoxe comprend...
  10. zebu

    More baptism pictures!

    Just out of curiosity, are you ethnically Québécoise? Was the service in French?
  11. zebu

    "How Starbucks Saved My Life"

    The monastery does in fact still sell coffee! Including their Christmas Blend! However, it being past Christmas, I don't believe that is available anymore. They make several other types though, and those are always available. I live somewhat close to the monastery, and some grocery stores stock...
  12. zebu

    I Make My Mom Anti-Religious

    Pray for your mother. She is probably a very sad, hurt person. It is probably very difficult for her. Remember that. I had a really rough time growing up, and like several other posters above, moving away to college was one of the best days of my life. This won't last forever, you will move...
  13. zebu

    The name Yahweh in Eastern Orthodoxy

    It isn't the same as Yeshua/Jesus though. Yahweh doesn't mean "God". Yahweh is the personal name of God revealed in the Old Testament. It is related to the Hebrew words "Ehyeh", "I am". The generic word in Hebrew for God is "Elohim." I don't know for sure why we don't use the name Yahweh...
  14. zebu


    I also was confused for a long time about who to choose for a godfather. As my baptism drew nearer, and I still hadn't chosen one, the parish women began pulling me aside at coffee hour and suggesting different men, and then they even started e-mailing me suggestions. It was both funny and...
  15. zebu

    5th step to crossing oneself?

    This may help explain it: In many Arab societies, placing ones hand on the chest and giving a slight bow is a sign of deep respect of the other person. Placing the hand on the chest and bowing more deeply is a sign of worship. The tradition seen in some parishes of placing the hand on the...