Recent content by Woden84

  1. Woden84

    Is abortion reasonable? (2)

    I asked this in another forum once, and had it completely ignored. For the sake of argument let's say that a fertilized egg or a bunch of undifferentiated cells is a fully sentient human being with all the rights bestowed by the constitution(or whatever equivalent document from other...
  2. Woden84

    What Horses?

    How is it nonsense? You've used the same tactics as Loudmouth has when he's asking for proof that horses exist. And yeah, I have nothing of value to add since others have already addressed your points, and they've probably done it better than I could.
  3. Woden84

    Does the most religious side usually win wars?

    Against Japan maybe, the Soviets did quite a bit more against the Nazi's though. They were already turning it around over a year before the allies even invaded France. "On January 31, 1943, over 90,000 German troops at Stalingrad surrendered to the Soviets. This was a significant turning...
  4. Woden84

    Does lack of religion make people immoral?

    Yup totally true. Which is why Sweden, Denmark, and Norway (the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th least religious countries according to gallup) are consistently rated as being some of the countries with the highest living standards.
  5. Woden84

    Jessica Ahlquist, 16, labelled "evil little thing" by R.I. State Rep Palumbo

    Not pandering to your religion and not giving it special treatment != anti-God agenda.
  6. Woden84

    "Fed court orders RI school to remove prayer mural"

    "Public school may refer to: State school in Australia, Canada, Scotland, and the United States, a school funded with tax revenue and administered by a government or governmental agency" Public school - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is not a private school; it is a public school...
  7. Woden84

    What Horses?

    Astrid, thanks for demonstrating so thoroughly that creationists are just as ridiculous as someone asking for proof that horses exist.
  8. Woden84

    What sort of god(s) would an atheist believe in?

    You mean exactly how Christianity operated for ~1500 years?
  9. Woden84

    Christians give online threats to High School girl

    Well Jesus wouldn't; Jeezus would though. :p It's too bad that so many Christians worship Jeezus instead of Jesus.
  10. Woden84

    "Fed court orders RI school to remove prayer mural"

    Look back at the pictures. It very clearly labels it "School Prayer" it was hung up by the schools authorities. Official 3 a : authoritative, authorized <official statement> b : prescribed or recognized as authorized <an official language> Authoritative 1 a : having or proceeding from...
  11. Woden84

    Jessica Ahlquist, 16, labelled "evil little thing" by R.I. State Rep Palumbo

    Why am I not surprised at all by that? Evil is a bunch of Christians sending death threats to a high schooler and a state representative calling her evil merely for asking that her school follow the law. Evil is not someone telling a school that they shouldn't be breaking the law.
  12. Woden84

    "Fed court orders RI school to remove prayer mural"

    Not having the government endorse your religion in no way abridges your free exercise of it. Endorse: 2. a : to approve openly <endorse an idea>; especially : to express support or approval of publicly and definitely <endorse a mayoral candidate> Endorse - Definition and More from the Free...
  13. Woden84

    Christians give online threats to High School girl

    I can practically feel that wonderful Christian love. It feels an awful lot like virulent hatred. I believe so yes. I've come to expect brutal threats like this from a segment of Christians. “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” Gandhi...
  14. Woden84

    "Fed court orders RI school to remove prayer mural"

    It was the school officials that made the banner, endorsed it as the official school prayer, and hung it up. School officials in public schools count as representatives of the US government while they are doing their job. And the 14th amendment brings those protections down to the state and...
  15. Woden84

    "Fed court orders RI school to remove prayer mural"

    A human being who was acting as a representative of the US government. The US government does not have freedom of speech. Those people can post whatever the hell they want on their own time in their own property. They do not get to shove their religion down others throats while acting as a...