Recent content by Tamara224

  1. Tamara224


    I tease my husband about not getting rid of his old, worn-out socks. I told him if I'm doing laundry and I see socks with holes in them, they're going in the trash. It's just socks. Toss them. If he freaks out about something so small, you have bigger problems. Also... did you wash the new...
  2. Tamara224

    Is all sin equal?

    All love is Godly. God is love. Love is from God.
  3. Tamara224

    Wife makes more than me...

    Why was she asking you if she could get her hair cut? What I mean is, was it her asking what your preference was or was it her asking for permission? Because, I'd have to join the nephew in wondering why she needs your permission to spend your (collective) money. Personally, I'd say that...
  4. Tamara224

    Why Social Justice is Marxism, and Why it Applies to Your Marriage.

    Do you punish your kids when they haven't done anything wrong? Why would God?
  5. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    You know what, WolfGate? I'm not going to let this pass. I started a thread very clearly entitled "Egalitarian Marriage" the topic of which is EGALITARIAN MARRIAGE with a link to a post about Egalitarian marriage. Your entire post was a summary rebuttal of the egalitarian position couched in...
  6. Tamara224

    Why Social Justice is Marxism, and Why it Applies to Your Marriage.

    God doesn't chasten when no correction is needed. If you're not being chastened, it could also be that you're already being obedient. If you're being perpetually chastened, it means you're not being obedient.
  7. Tamara224

    Do you have a good marriage

    What metaphors?
  8. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    WolfGate, this thread is titled "Egalitarian Marriage" for a reason. If you want to talk about your position and your opinion about complementarianism, maybe you could start your own thread. But no one asked you to moderate or police my thread and try to tell us how we're allowed to respond to...
  9. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    You are welcome to not come back to this thread if you feel that way. I did refrain from debating you point by point on Scripture. But if you want to show that we can do this respectfully, then you're going to need to not attempt to tell me how to conduct myself in online debates. I would...
  10. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    I don't think you actually read the article in the OP if this is your take-away from it. It actually said that egalitarians differ on whether there are innate non-physical differences between men and women, on what those differences are and whether they're nature or nurture. I don't know...
  11. Tamara224

    Do you have a good marriage

    It's still pretty new, but I have a fantastic marriage, IMHO. I'm not going to say anyone should emulate me, though. I think that would be rather arrogant, tbh. People should live their own lives and look to the Holy Spirit for how exactly they plan to do that.
  12. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    Any two humans have different mentalities, needs, cultural expectations, physical needs. You're not really suggesting that all women have one mentality and all men have another, are you? All your argument really supports is the idea that we should each live alone. You're still missing my...
  13. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    Except that every egalitarian couple I've ever spoken to and every comment on a blog or a forum from egalitarians all pretty much agree: the impasse situation doesn't happen. Some of those commenters over there were saying they've been married upward of 30 years and have NEVER had that occur...
  14. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    Huh? I'm saying that people should live with some of their SAME sex so that they can learn how to cooperate and compromise without hierarchy and then apply that learning to their opposite-sex relationship. The fact that people presuppose that opposite-sex roommates would have sexual tension or...
  15. Tamara224

    Egalitarian Marriage

    Only if you make it completely different by introducing hierarchy into it. I lived with my sister for many years. I lived with my brother for 5 years. It was pretty much the same. Except my sister is a better cook. Why would two people of the same sex need to be family members to live...