Recent content by sweetytweety16

  1. sweetytweety16

    Blessings coming to you!

    have a great day!
  2. sweetytweety16

    First 20 people will receive 500 blessings

    hi!! I love watching it rain and then seeing a rainbow after its soooooo pretty
  3. sweetytweety16

    Favourite Bible Verse

    psalm 117
  4. sweetytweety16

    First thing you think of!

  5. sweetytweety16

    Reps to Random Five!

    repers to random 5!
  6. sweetytweety16

    Alternate Definitions

    to alter a piece of lititure:) BAFFLEGAB
  7. sweetytweety16

    First thing you think of!

  8. sweetytweety16

    My fashion show

    thanks for taking my screen shot!!!
  9. sweetytweety16

    My fashion show

    is it too late??