Recent content by sugarlady135

  1. S

    Follow the Leader... (27)

    Hello all, this is gail, nice to see you all, you won't see me as much, Starr has been really sick and between that and work, not getting much rest, we have all become burnt out. Your all in my prayers.
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    Who says the last word wins fellowship thread

    no smooze, I win...
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    Wolfman's Man vs. Women! (5)

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    Thee Starr Rep Thread. (3)

    Good morning/ good night for me.
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    Sugarlady135's counting thread (2)

    22222 22222
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    Sugarlady135's counting thread (2)

    22222 2222
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    Sugarlady135's counting thread (2)

    22222 222
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    Sugarlady135's counting thread (2)

    22222 22
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    Sugarlady135's counting thread (2)

    22222 2
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    Sugarlady135's counting thread (2)

    11111 11111