Recent content by starchild

  1. starchild

    Can't Wait for the NY Times To Go Down!

    I agree that they NYT should go down. For covering up impeachable offenses prior to the 2004 election. Would have made the administration change much more easy.
  2. starchild

    Christians in favor of torture

    And if I say you are a terrorist, are you game to be tortured?
  3. starchild

    Should those responsible for the Valerie Plame leak by punished for treason?

    In spite of the misinterpretation of people outside the field, per the CIA, Plame was not only covert, but had placed herself in much more danger by being under a normal passport. Failure to recognize that Ms. Plame is covert potentially puts every other CIA operative in danger from their own...
  4. starchild

    Scooter Indicted.

    About time. I love that Patrick Fitzgerald... but he's sure frustrating to wait for. And now he's making us wait more for the rest! :wave: Mr. Vice President!
  5. starchild

    Florida Judge Stops Pat-down Searches at Buccaneers Games in response to ACLU

    The "what if" philosophy of protection against terrorism is simplistic, and works only for simple minds. If there is a threat to the stadium, you know what we do? We don't have a football game. Yippee thrill. To illegally search because "what if" is ludicrous. If people *want* to be...
  6. starchild

    PC Stupidity continues in the UK

    My work has a very vague statement about not displaying anything that makes anyone uncomfortable... Of course, my mom taught me that has less to do with being "politically correct" and everything to do with being "polite." All depends on one's spin, I suppose. If you don't want to be...
  7. starchild

    Check me and Sycophant out

    I didn't think that; I knew that. Please let us know how it went.
  8. starchild

    Can't support Bush anymore

    Soupy, this was a great post. And this may sound very stupid from me, but it is sincere: Think about that "taking down the" elephant thing. I respect and admire real republicans - though we disagree on some important issues, the differences are debated with respect and openness, not with...
  9. starchild

    The Democratic Safe House

    I'm off to my nephew's bday party, leaving from there to the airport, bound for the UK and Belgium (next week), then back to the UK. Have a great few weeks. Don't let the administration completely trash the place, please.
  10. starchild

    Should there be an independent investigation into response to Katrina?

    Let's vote it like the senate did. Vote first, then check and see who you voted with: Vote Counts: YEAs 44 NAYs 54 Not Voting 2 Vote Summary By Senator Name...
  11. starchild

    The timeline Bush and Rove don't want you to see

    Republican Talking Points. Say them often enough, and they might come true. The letter requesting the declaration has been linked here. Fortunately, one does not have to reach the ever-vacationing president in person in order to request a state of emergency. The request was made as stated...
  12. starchild

    The timeline Bush and Rove don't want you to see
  13. starchild

    How Bush Blew It

    As the article pointed out, FEMA was improved during the Clinton administration into a capable emergency response unit. That administration also began to reduce the size of the federal government. After 9/11, the current administration created a huge bureaucratic mess called the department...
  14. starchild

    Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor

    You think it was ok that Brown and Chertoff didn't know that evacuees were being held (against their will) in the Convention Center? You weren't in there, apparently.
  15. starchild

    How Bush Blew It

    Very Interesting. Someone believes a president should be responsible for his government's action or inaction.