Recent content by ServantOfTheLord

  1. S

    Jesus Christ

    Betrayed, beaten, battered, bruised Bleeding, broken, paid our dues How much more Could He have done To let us know He was the One?
  2. S

    Idol Worship (MDS#171)

    Nonsensical ramblings of earthly ones, bow to Baal and worship the sun. To other gods you incessantly pray, refusing to follow the true God's way. God clearly states to all who will read have no other gods, it's a treacherous deed. Many idols you make from your worldly...
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    Modern Day Psalms #170

    Honor goes to kind and gracious women, mere money to cruel men. God will provide for all your needs if you are faithful to Him. He cares for the birds of the air yet much more He does care for humans.
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    Jesus Dies for YOU! (MDS#169)

    Don't you understand? Jesus died for you! He was thinking of your life as the nails were going through! As the thorns did prick His head and the spear it pierced His side, He did not choose to leave nor to run and hide. He stayed up there and suffered as most looked on with...
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    Can people see Jesus in You? (MDS#168)

    The only Jesus some people may see is the Jesus in you and the Jesus in me. So be very careful how you walk the way that you act and how you talk. You are an ambassador to THE King! You must try to follow His Word in everything. People will judge the things you do. Are you...
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    Forever Faithful (MDS#167)

    As the world presses in and satan does attack, on my sweet Lord Jesus I will not turn my back. He gave His life for me and no matter what the problem He will always be right there to forever help me solve them. To Him I can turn when no one seems to care. Faith in my Lord...
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    My Lord (MDS#166)

    You are my Lord. You are my everything. Without You and Your Word I would not be anything. I am unworthy of the gifts you bestow. Why You love me so much, I do not know. I am so grateful for Your presence in my life. You are always there through good and in strife. I long to be...
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    Hypocrites? (MDS#165)

    Why do they claim to know You, but refuse to follow Your ways? They’ll do what’s convenient for them if it doesn’t interfere with their days. “Praise the Lord!”, are the words that come out of their mouths, in church they seem faithful and true but You see them at home and You watch them...
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    A Song (MDS#164)

    Praises to you Lord God the Almighty! I lift up my hands to give glory to thee! I am set free through faith in Lord Jesus! I am so glad you died for me! You are my Lord the One who I love sent to this earth from Heaven above. I do delight in all of Your ways, rejoicing for all of...
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    Questions (MDS#163)

    What would I do without my Lord? How would I live without His Word? Who would I talk to first thing in the morn? Who would guide me all the day long? Who would correct me when I go astray? Who would help me to keep evil away? Who would assist in the child rearing? Who would know...
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    The Rapture (MDS#162)

    Heard a trumpet way up high. People didn't say goodbye. Many left all confused. Had their fun must pay their dues. Tribulation's here godless ones! Now let's see who's having fun! Pestilence, plagues war and famine. Devastation that you can't imagine! Time...
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    God's Plan (MDS#161)

    Evil abounds and gets worse everyday. We can let it consume us or light the way. Do you not understand? This is all our God’s plan! Read His Word and you’ll know the end’s coming and not slow! God has given many warnings but you choose to keep ignoring. What do you want? A...
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    `~The Psalms~`

    Kookaburra, I pray my children will have such a heart for the Lord so young. At your age praising God was the last thing I was doing. LUKE 6:45 "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his...
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    Lack of finances=lack of faith?

    I have heard Rod Parsely say that if you are not physically healed it is because of lack of faith. Creflo Dollar and Gloria Copeland both preach lack of money = lack of faith. I do not agree with this of course. I have been physically healed from a mass that was in my chest and I do not...
  15. S

    Jesus Christ

    Betrayed, beaten, battered, bruised Bleeding, broken, paid our dues How much more Could He have done To let us know He was the One?