Recent content by Rjano21

  1. Rjano21

    Authorised King James Version

    99.99% accurate to the TR is what I said. Not once did I say or imply that the entire TR is the infallible word of God, it's merely the best Greek text tradition in existance. The KJV differs with the TR in a few places, but in those certain places they have ample reason to correctly do so...
  2. Rjano21

    Authorised King James Version

    The Jehovah Witness Bible is very similar to the NIV, at least in all the places they both disagree with the KJV. Any scholar can tell you that the text type of the Textus Receptus is the same exact text in the majority of the 5300+ Greek manuscripts in existance. Why do you parrot...
  3. Rjano21

    Scandals in the Roman Catholic Church....

    That is true only to the limited scope of the Roman Empire and only after 313 A.D. The Churches addressed in Paul's epistles weren't servants to the bishop of Rome. They were independent and autonomous, using Paul's teachings and scriptures as their final authority. Of course, that Ethiopian...
  4. Rjano21

    Hell, the Lake of Fire, and Punishment.

    All of your old testament quotes are referring to earthly life. Theres no place for them on earth, he wasn't talking about eternity. Their mortal bodies vanish. According to false teaching such as this, there is no punishment of evildoers. You might as well tell your unbelieving friends to...
  5. Rjano21

    Scandals in the Roman Catholic Church....

    What really happens in these threads is that people will make an absolute statement or a personal belief which leads to replies. For instance, I see posts by Catholics who make assertions that their church is the original Church, or that Peter was the first pope. Now if I disagree with this...
  6. Rjano21

    Scandals in the Roman Catholic Church....

    They can claim this, but there's nothing but tradition and assumptions to back it up. Peter was probably never in Rome, let alone bishop of Rome (but when the Roman church itself writes the history, they can make it say whatever they like). Can you find scriptural evidence for the teaching...
  7. Rjano21

    Post-Tribulation vs. Pre-Tribulation.

    Christians will reign as kings and priests with Christ, and those unbelievers not killed at Armageddon will still be here. "...and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Rev 20:4,6 Isn't it obvious that those returning with Christ in Rev 19 are staying on the earth to reign...
  8. Rjano21

    Authorised King James Version

    Just depends on which "Greek" you refer to. The KJV is a 100% accurate and literal translation of the Textus Receptus, which is the traditional Greek text used by the vast majority of Christians throughout history. The NASB however, is a pretty accurate translation of the modern critical...
  9. Rjano21

    Scandals in the Roman Catholic Church....

    I'm sure my view will be unpopular amongst catholics as well, but I think most of these scandals go back to the issue of priest celibacy. Its pretty safe to say that married men are alot less likely to commit sex abuses than single "celibate" men. I'm inclined to agree with a news article I...
  10. Rjano21

    Post-Tribulation vs. Pre-Tribulation.

    Wait a minute. How can you apply old testament laws concerning human marriages to Christ's marriage to the Church? Those laws do not apply in this situation. Its not the sort of marriage described in the old testament. Christians today aren't required to keep old testament laws because of...
  11. Rjano21

    Left Behind

    Your premise is still unfounded. The "he" is not the Holy Spirit, and Paul never says that. That's your own private interpretation of scripture. Verse 6 gives us a clue: "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time" Time is the withholding factor. My point...
  12. Rjano21

    US troops in Jerusalem

    Better double check your history. The U.S. had nothing to do with forming the nation of Israel, nor did its help come anywhere close to what the Soviets gave to the Arabs. Don't underestimate the power of God to keep his promises, and the resolve of a people with their backs to the sea...
  13. Rjano21

    Post-Tribulation vs. Pre-Tribulation.

    I'd love to see this done. There's not one Bible verse which says Christians will be removed from the earth before the Second Coming. Period. The rest is speculation and interpretations.
  14. Rjano21

    Left Behind

    2 Thess 2:3-8 doesn't say the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth. That's just your assumption of what is meant here... Paul didn't tell us what would be "taken out of the way." Not only that, but if the Spirit was removed from the earth, then wouldn't these "tribulation saints" NOT...