Recent content by Rebekah30

  1. Rebekah30

    Word Association (3)

  2. Rebekah30

    Alphabetical Animals (6)

  3. Rebekah30

    Word Association (3)

  4. Rebekah30

    Girl Kissing Catholic Media Priest becomes Episcopal

    I agree, that would be the only solution. It would also apply to all the wrongs and sins committed by us today.
  5. Rebekah30

    Our Lady of Fatima

    I wasn't going to dignify this with a response, but I came back in case other peeps are reading. for you must know full well that God commands us to give honor to other people. Honor thy mother and father rings a bell. I will list them all if you like. Co-redemptix is not a dogma in the...
  6. Rebekah30

    Rep the one above you

  7. Rebekah30

    ABC's of ing words (8)

  8. Rebekah30

    Stick to the Subject!

  9. Rebekah30

    Our Lady of Fatima

    She says to pray and repent in her appariations. If you know that little about the messages then you shouldn't be discussing them. You are also toeing the protestant handbook answers evidenced by your posts. If you want to discuss this continue without them.
  10. Rebekah30

    Girl Kissing Catholic Media Priest becomes Episcopal

    I wish him well also, that being to repent.
  11. Rebekah30

    Fill in the blanks (8)

    ahead of you
  12. Rebekah30

    Post up to 10,000 for 10,000 blessings!

    I never had oatmeal pancakes before. I may give them a try :)
  13. Rebekah30

    Fill in the blanks (8)

    time to go
  14. Rebekah30

    Animal Names A-Z (3)
