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  1. Q

    Light Dispelling

    What is dark to us is not even dark to You, O Lord. That which is brightened by your Light ushers You in. Dark is dispelled from us. Your Presence--Light occupying the seized. Basking, here is the new creation you’ve made of your shining saints. Change undeniable! This knowledge...
  2. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    ...and "Hang Ten!" sure has more dramatic flair that "Give me five!"
  3. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    ...harder not to whistle when I'm in public. Whether I'm hiking around the neighborhood or in the mall, the sound of birds or a tune from a loudspeaker can put me in the mood. I attend an "expressive" church. Thankfully the music was loud and everyone was into worship. I started to...
  4. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    With you on that one! With all the prompts, I feel like I'm being taken through all those entryways we'd see at the beginning of the TV comedy, "Get Smart".
  5. Q


    The Lord paid the Spirit-bail over my destiny,* to walk on, my soul set free! The old master, sin, wields no whip to make cower. Scars of the past are just that: a past hour. “Done left the plantation”, I have for some time. Each step within Jesus’ will recalls the sublime that New Jerusalem...
  6. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    It’s harder not to laugh at the pharmaceutical commercials that make it look chic and ecstatic to take their meds. Oh, then there’s the weird med names. Do they even use focus groups to select names? I wouldn’t name a pet after them. Oh brother, they’ll read this and start naming...
  7. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    There’s a big, state-of-the-art “Y” near me that feels like an old folks mall. I prefer the mixing of ages to (1) make me feel younger and (2) so I can give youngsters a hint that I can do more push-ups than they can—that they should do
  8. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    Harder to row my boat ashore, but not to say "Hallelujah!"
  9. Q

    God's Rule

    (After reading John 15:1-17) Father, I extend my soul to follow your rules, to befriend your heart, do service for you, because your Son sought you, fulfilled the Law, I seek you, too, demonstrate love. First by the knowing he gave all for me. By this grand mercy, I show grace secondly. Thirdly...
  10. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    …the harder it is to not be stirred by an old hymn.
  11. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    The older I get , the more I turn to look when someone says “That old guy”.
  12. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    The post-it note, for instructions? I ask because the older I get, the more I write how-to’s and to-do’s.
  13. Q

    Things that are getting harder to do

    …harder to have a coffee-less morning!