Recent content by painterly789

  1. painterly789

    Post Your Mood as a Smiley (25)

  2. painterly789

    Words that start with a "J" (3)

  3. painterly789

    Triple ABC (2)

    daffodils delicately displayed
  4. painterly789

    The Word Association Game (3)

  5. painterly789

    Triple ABC (2)

    balefully bellowing barristers
  6. painterly789

    Post Your Mood as a Smiley (25)

  7. painterly789

    Words that start with a "J" (3)

  8. painterly789

    Words That End in "Y" (7)

  9. painterly789

    things not to put on pizza... (3)

    :yum: been painting sweets since last night! digital camera
  10. painterly789

    Your "To Do" List for the Day!

    Finish these tomorrow. Last series of paintings is my new diet plan- if I can't eat them, I will paint them. :P
  11. painterly789

    Your "To Do" List for the Day!

    Always. :thumbsup: :)
  12. painterly789

    Word from a word (8)

    chair theatrically