Recent content by Nato12

  1. Nato12

    Eating swine & other unclean animals is a work of the flesh

    Sorry man, but I would have to take issues with two things you've said here. 1) Christ obeyed God's law . . but was He not caught doing work on the Sabbath? (Mark 2:23, Luke 6:1-11). And another time, he intentionally did not wash His hands before eating (mentioned somewhere earlier in...
  2. Nato12

    Eating swine & other unclean animals is a work of the flesh

    Case in point The Korowai tribe who live in tree houses in Indonesia | Daily Mail Online
  3. Nato12

    Eating swine & other unclean animals is a work of the flesh

    Wow, what an interesting post! Clearly there is no simple, bright line rule for christians. Then again, Jesus commanded his disciples to spread the Gospel. Does the Gospel include the law? Are we imposing the Hebraic law and covenants upon the whole world? Or spreading salvation through...