Recent content by Mark Landry

  1. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    Amen, unless the past is repeating itself in ways that nobody recognizes. But the past never does that, right?
  2. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    White conservatives, much too frequently, fail to see systemic racism against non-whites, and never admit to their own personal bias towards whites. If you're implying that conservatives do a better job with the problem of racism in our country, I can't agree with you.
  3. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    Can't tell you how encouraging that is. So far, the greatest pushback that I've experienced, this thread included, is the strong tendency to downgrade the issue with "everyone's a racist," and "everyone's a sinner." Thanx for your encouragement.
  4. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    When white churches attempt any level of integration campaign, especially the churches that are successful, all manner of racist issues get stirred up. Let's be careful not to downplay the issue.
  5. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    Amen, but when our problems cause bigger problems for large groups of people, they're much more urgent to deal with.
  6. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    My opinion - all races have racism, but white racism is responsible for social/governmental systems that are rigged in favor of whites at the expense of non-whites. If that's true, white racism is much more destructive than the racism of other groups.
  7. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    The research is cited in the article
  8. Mark Landry

    Racism among Evangelicals

    Research seems to suggest that racism is a problem among Evangelicals. Nevermind the "Trump supporters are racist" argument - there's other evidences that we've got some serious work to do. But we're so segregated that this problem doesn't seem apparent. This article takes things a bit deeper...
  9. Mark Landry

    Asking myself what I'm getting out of all this

    Hi, Wanted to chime in with my personal experience in the hopes that this might help. Please don't hear me presuming that you've never tried any of this - these are simply things that "work" for me. I suffered some abuse as a kid as well, so I can frequently feel myself angry, ending...
  10. Mark Landry

    Some thoughts about why there were not important people at the Nativity I'm often struck at the absence of certain people at the Nativity, and the absence of those same people in Jesus' following. The Nativity reminds me of who is a king and who is a "loser" in God's eyes...