Recent content by koilias

  1. koilias

    Shir haShirim and Yohannan--Cycle 1

    Sorry for leaving this study in hiatus. I revisitted CF today to find a reference to an article I referred to here, and I saw this was my last post. At the time I working on my M.Arch thesis...and just forgot I didn't finish the "cycles" of Shir ha'Shirim discussion. If you guys have any...
  2. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    And Yeshua placed it on us.:)
  3. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    Shalom Chokmah, The Epistles of the New Testament are forms of writing which contain a mixture of halakha and midrash. They are not interchangeable in most Rabbinic writing, I agree. The book of Hebrews engages mainly in midrash. I would not consider it Halakhic in the strict sense...although...
  4. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    Yes, and all discussion about the meaning stands it up. So book of Hebrews stands up Torah. Both are important. In regards to your claims, Talmidim, I should clarify that I regard the book of Hebrews to be a halakhic and midrashic writing. The final authority in regards to interpretation...
  5. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    For "inspiration" and "trustworthiness" of a halakhic/midrashic writing, as far as levels of completeness or reliability thereof are concerned, I would say such distinctions are not made ever in Jewish discourse. I would there say that it is a notion completely absent from the first century...
  6. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    Inspiration and trustworthiness are not the issue, Talmidim. They are assumed for each level. I'd encourage you to talk with Chockmah.
  7. koilias

    Please help me understand

    The word gospel comes from "lebaser" (to proclaim good news), and it is probably a reference to Isaiah 61:1, which Yeshua (in Luke 4) claimed was his mission to us. The best expression of the good news, is Yeshua's opus, the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, which is the placing of Torah a...
  8. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    Well, his view makes much sense. Although, many Jews had already become disillusioned with the temple cult. The focus had long been shifting away from the temple towards the Torah. We hear things like the view that the Eben ShetiaH was the foundation that G-d built creation upon...but the...
  9. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    I would put Hebrews in our canon just to make it more rounded and diverse. The more challenging the book the better. :D Quirky books make me happy...just me. There is tremendous value in all of it. Our canon is not monotone. I love the fact that we have four different versions of the same...
  10. koilias

    Rejecting Hebrews?

    Hey Justin! I agree Monte Judah has been out of his chair...perhaps more than once. A flair for predictions, I hear. But he is right to raise questions about Hebrews. I see the book as reflecting a Hellenistic Jewish perspective, following strongly on the tradition of Philo of Alexandria. I...
  11. koilias

    Hebrew translation?

    O good!! Steve-O still haunts this place?:) He'll give it to you in Aramaic probably.;) Meanwhile you can look up the Hebrew in Delitzsch's version:
  12. koilias

    Resources for learning "New Testament" Greek?

    If you are teaching yourself, I recommend "Living Koine for Everyone" by Randall Buth. Look for it in the Greek material section of The CD's alone got me to basic reading and comprehension of Koine in two weeks (I can vouch for it). You will also be taught to pronounce in...
  13. koilias


    Hey Talmidim, it was a great experience knowing you. You are a kind and insightful soul. Your love for sincere learning was infectious...lifted all boats around here. So I'll just say "dang", there departs a true picture of a talmid. I do wish myself I could continue hearing from your...
  14. koilias

    Random Acts of Kindness

    Something like that. He realized he had done the same show for HaShem all his life...he did not do mitzvot because of honest empathy for his neighbors. The shock of that gave him a heart attack. Ah...the lessons of Hassidic tales!!!
  15. koilias

    Random Acts of Kindness

    As they do for the bulk of us. But a Hassid holds up the world in secret. Trouble is, just knowing that his actions "hold up the world", bringing light into darkness, that is enough to open up his heart to pride. Better is the sinner who knows he/she is a sinner and yet does acts of...