Recent content by kaykay537

  1. kaykay537

    OCD In Prayer

    Usually, the treatment is SSRI type anti-depressants, because they regulate serotonin involved with OCD and/or counseling with someone familiar with treating OCD. Your story sounds like mine. It was only about 5 years ago I recognized the problem as struggling with OCD. Actually, a counselor...
  2. kaykay537

    Help For My Mom Please

    There is a section under the website I posted above that is personal testimonies. I think reading that might be helpful if she hasn't. Again, the website is Some of these are pretty powerful from those who believed they had blasphemed the Holy...
  3. kaykay537

    Help For My Mom Please

    Yes, I have had this fear wax and wane over the course of my lifetime. Thankfully, that is one OCD issue I don't deal with much presently, but it can be a real bugaboo! It just so untrue to make sincere people believe they've done something unforgivable...accidentally or any other way. It's...
  4. kaykay537

    Rep Mania..Are You Seeing Stars? (3)

    You too, accidental Christian ...and everybody else too!
  5. kaykay537

    'full armor of God' contest now open!

    Thanks for the contest, the blessings, and the reps!:hug:I have posted an counting thread. I hope that's what you needed. I haven't done that before.:confused: Sorry, more didn't participate. It was a great idea but CF has been kinda slow lately and this contest did require some stuff, some...