Recent content by John42

  1. John42

    Armour of God

    Thanks for your reply. In this case the harasser makes a lot of noise, behaves in an aggressive and almost violent fashion and initiates arguments for the purpose of controlling my emotions, obstructing my intentions and limiting my options.
  2. John42

    Armour of God

    In practical terms, how does the armour of God work? For example, there are people out there who harass others. Christians listen to and follow the Holy Spirit, and the harassers listen to and follow every negative idea that pops into their head. They’re following the Devil. If one of those...
  3. John42

    Is it sinful to be miserable in this life?

    It’s probably not sinful but I can tell you from experience it’s a waste of time.
  4. John42

    Feel losing interest to God and grumble

    Hey man, that’s your right. Nobody’s forcing you to drink it. If it’s not for you, try something else. If you want to keep bangin’ you’re head against it, do that.
  5. John42

    Im sick of hearing this

    I don’t believe the climate change crap either.
  6. John42

    Question (From A Christian Gamer)

    Never played zombies mode bro. Just bought a Nintendo Switch Lite so looking forward to some lighter fare - Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, and Breathe of the Wild. But it’s all about how you feel man. If you don’t feel bad playing it - and you shouldn’t - then play it. I have more concerns...
  7. John42

    I Don't Know How To Live My Life

    You sound very motivated and that’s a good thing. Nothing wrong with being tired at the end of the day. I’m in the same boat trying to achieve goals, only I have a person who opposes them so that’s the obstacle. If your obstacle is a person try to find a sympathetic professional like a...
  8. John42

    I think I did something bad...

    Those commercials are designed to manipulate you into feeling bad so you will give money. You should ignore them. There are lots of ways to express kindness - to your friends, church and other people which you probably already do. Don’t let those commercials play with your feelings.
  9. John42

    Guilty for wanting new clothes

    Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being yourself. Yes, you should buy new clothes. You’re probably better looking than your parents so they’re insecure instead of proud of you like they should be.
  10. John42


    She always wants to know if I'm going to the grocery store as I way of taxing my trip, and she won't do the same for me. She asks so that she can request that I pick up things that she doesn't actually need or want simply to annoy. It was right when I was getting ready for bed, and she knows...
  11. John42


    Really frustrated living with this parent. She has ruined my life - prevented me from developing any kind of support system, financial independence, health. She is a complete con artist. She just interrupted me while I'm typing this to ask if I'm going to the grocery store in the morning - to...
  12. John42

    im confused am i going to hell for this

    I think video games are ok
  13. John42

    Identifying plants

    PlantSnap Plant Identification app... PlantSnap - Plant Identifier App, #1 Mobile App for Plant Identification