Recent content by Hiscosmicgoldfish3

  1. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    I believed in dinosaurs as a child. I remember that I had a rubber triceratops and stegosaurus. I also had a small rubber octopus called crabby. I went to St Joseph's catholic primary school. I was foolish, as I took crabby with me to school. One day, another boy threw my beloved crabby up onto...
  2. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    All birds, including chickens and kiwis, are avian dinosaurs. They survived the end-Cretaceous extinction event. The non-avian dinosaurs are not birds, none of them. And none of them survived the end-Cretaceous extinction. What is so difficult to understand about that? What the hell is that...
  3. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    junk. its not English, it's trailer trash speak, and I don't speak trailer trash, I speak the Queens English, and you should try it.. we gave you the English language, so please don't abuse our language. If it wasn't for us Englishmen, you lot would still be living in yurts. There are a lot of...
  4. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    You surprise me, but I suppose statistically you were eventually going to get something correct. Really. If you refer to the second line in my signature I note that lack of comprehension on the part of the reader is my responsibility. However, even I draw the line here. You are either trolling...
  5. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    I can talk about Hashem, the God of Israel, I still believe in God, and I will never disrespect my upbringing and heritage, even as I now choose to leave Christianity. I am not going to agree with Christians or atheists, on religion. I have my own beliefs. Jesus said that the Kingdom is within...
  6. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    There's a woman on YouTube who makes all these videos.. Christians against dinosaurs. I can't tell if she's serious, and is actually a Christian against dinosaurs, trying to be funny, or just a schmuck. Is there really a group called Christians against dinosaurs? or it it just this one...
  7. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    Even I know that a chicken is a bird. Chickens are birds. Birds are avian dinosaurs. All other dinosaurs that are not birds are non-avian dinosaurs. You have it bass ackwards. I can't understand what you just wrote. Its gibberish. What does bass ackwards mean? All other dinosaurs that are not...
  8. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    There is a mystery to dinosaurs. It's not just that scientists might be faking a lot of them. I have been to Lyme Regis in Dorset, and I have walked up the beach, and have seen the giant ammonites. I have done the fossil hunting in the soft shale rock, and found ammonites. No one can fake that...
  9. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    crude oil. from dinosaurs.
  10. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to wreck our profession. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, is my philosophy. It's just that it might prick the conscience, knocking out triceratops skeletons, and hadrosaurs, and all that.
  11. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Righteous indignation and Dinosaurs.

    I am outraged. I have righteous indignation, at the very suggestion that dinosaurs didn't exist. There are some people, who suggest that scientists make dinosaur skeletons, to sell them to museums. They fabricate these various dinosaurs out of fibreglass, plastic and plaster. I am an expert in...
  12. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    2 thess 2:3 "Falling Away"? is it Blasphemy

    falling away can be the drift into atheism, agnosticism, neo-pagan - as in the UK. Might happen in the US if there is enough time remaining.
  13. Hiscosmicgoldfish3

    Is the Earth flat or round???

    myth - Newton sits under a tree, Buddha sits under a tree - both get enlightened.