Recent content by HeyJupiter

  1. H

    God making "deals"

    Would God tell someone to give up something that was taking focus away from him and say smething else will work out if you do? Ir is it just my wishful thinking?
  2. H

    Non Christian Music

    I have come to realize that Tori Amos has been put on this Earth to help people. God uses her to help people. She has helped so many....
  3. H

    does anyone else feel comfortable being depressed?

    I understand, like i hate depression, but its probably a subconscious thing...that we are used to feeling this way...
  4. H

    Election 07 Rudd V's Howard!

    Gooood point :) and i realised that my post came across a little snarky, defiently wasn't at all. Just expected to find thread like this in debates or something. :)
  5. H

    Election 07 Rudd V's Howard!

    LOL@ this being in the catholic forum.
  6. H

    Would you date someone with a psychology degree?

    WTH. What sort of question is that anyway??? What is a reason someone might NOT date someone just because they have a psychology degree sorry just seems like such a stupid question to me
  7. H

    Do you ever feel worthless?

    most of the time
  8. H

    Tori Amos

  9. H

    submit to husbands?

    You say your a liberal christian?
  10. H

    Abortion - forgivable?

    of COURSE its forgivable... :groupray:
  11. H

    words that start with F

  12. H

    ABC's of Anything (6)

  13. H

    ABC's Of Song Titles

    under the water