Recent content by GreatSpeckledBird

  1. GreatSpeckledBird

    When should a pastor step down?

    Maybe he needs a respite and his wife home. I'm sorry but this post seems like you've swallowed the culture pill of young is better. I think a major problem with our society is younger people are so eager to sideline the elders not understanding they are casting out years of wisdom and...
  2. GreatSpeckledBird

    I need some advice

    advice: devote yourself totally to the study of Gods word and to His service. Seek out Christian fellowship and pastoral support. Go to church if you are able. Fast and pray for your family. Give every care to God in prayer. Ask Him to take you to a better environment so you can be established...
  3. GreatSpeckledBird

    what are you feeling right now? (17)

    It sounds to me like you're a great dad and husband. We all get tired. You're just needing some rest. Maybe he just needed a little firmness. It won't hurt him. I'll pray for you.
  4. GreatSpeckledBird

    The Partial Preterist Believers Safe House

    ebedmelech; I'm a free will preterist. Am I all alone? I'm also partial but I dont' really care for that term, I prefer orthodox preterist or traditional preterist. also, what happened to 1disciple that started this thread? I was hoping to glean a lot from his postings.
  5. GreatSpeckledBird

    2 Unmarried Christians couples living under the same roof

    what she said he said about what Inkachu said , but seriously just get married, the end.
  6. GreatSpeckledBird

    Tall Girls/Women's Club!

    lol that's hilarious I'm 5'9 can i join? i've looked down on other girls my whole life, i should be admitted
  7. GreatSpeckledBird

    Do you still tithe when facing financial hardship?

    Jesus told the pharisees they should be concerned about the weightier matters of the law; justice, mercy and faith and to not leave the other (tithing) undone. We give into God's Kingdom because we love God and want to see His purposes fulfilled. We see it as an honor and a duty to be able to...
  8. GreatSpeckledBird

    Why should I tithe?

    wherever your treasure is there your heart will be. If you love God's Kingdom you will want to do what you can to help God's people and His Pastors are workman worthy of their hire. If your heart doesn't want to help the Kingdom purposes then you shouldn't give until you desire to give...
  9. GreatSpeckledBird

    What is wrong with me?

    God doesn't hate Christians, He died so that we can be Christians. Now the fact that you hate your life is a good thing. Jesus said we must hate our lives so guess what, you're qualified! We hate our lives because we know that this can't be what He has in store for us. He said we have to be...
  10. GreatSpeckledBird

    what are you feeling right now? (17)

    no i think a lot of us are feeling it, that's why the depression forum is so popular BUT Jesus is Lord and nothing happens in this world without Him allowing it. There's purpose we just can't understand it because we're little humans with limited understanding. Just trust in Jesus. That's the...
  11. GreatSpeckledBird


    Christ is my physician.
  12. GreatSpeckledBird

    I have to get this off my chest

    Yeah I've been abused pretty bad too by mine. The UB (unbeliever) I live with literally told me that he wished I'd just act like a normal human being. He apologized later which is amazing, but I knew what he meant. He wanted me to quit being a Christian is what he meant and he knew I understood...
  13. GreatSpeckledBird

    I have to get this off my chest

    ladybug said Dearest LadyBug; Jesus told us our enemies would be those of our own household and take it from me Jesus doesn't lie. I live with an unbeliever too. It can be very painful and depressing because we just want out and can't find a way. Jesus will give you the grace to endure it...
  14. GreatSpeckledBird

    what are you feeling right now? (17)

    brave & determined