Recent content by Doug Melven

  1. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    God is good all the time. And All of the time God is good.
  2. Doug Melven

    Golden Rule living or Holy Spirit urged living?

    What do you mean that verse is secular? Jesus spoke the Golden Rule. To live the Golden Rule all of the time, can only be done by the Power of the Holy Spirit. We must rely on Him. We wish others would forgive us and not point out our faults. But forgiving them as Christ forgave us, which is...
  3. Doug Melven

    Deeper fellowship

    It definitely takes time and experience. You don't fully trust someone in just a day. To get that deeper fellowship you can't have any secrets. And that takes time, learning to trust someone.
  4. Doug Melven

    Picture A Scripture

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate mmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    This video is great. I really like the joy you can see on her face when she sings, "He rose up out of the grave".
  6. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    Recently my Pastor asked me if I would lead a Bible study in our church. The first passage I took was Psalm 1. The first time we managed to get halfway through the 2nd verse in an hour and a half. Last week we made it to the first part of verse 3. "He shall be planted by the rivers of water." I...
  7. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    Christ in you the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 Christ living inside of us gives us a positive expectation of glory. Scriptural hope is not a hope-so-hope, but it is having confidence that God will do as He said He would. This hope we have is an anchor for our soul promised to us by God who...
  8. Doug Melven

    Humor and the Christian Life

    That would be a complete misunderstanding of the NT and God. The verse you quoted says "coarse jesting". Proverbs says "A merry heart does good like medicine". And God Himself has a sense of humor. Just look at what He keeps doing to the devil. He is always turning the tables on him. Do you know...
  9. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    In Ephesians 1:19-23 Paul talks about the exceeding greatness of the power that God has towards us who believe. This power raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand in the Heavenly places which is far above all principalities and power and might and dominion and...
  10. Doug Melven

    (Adult Conservatives only) What brings you the Most Joy?

    For me Bible reading is my hobby, it is my greatest joy as that is where I see Jesus. I don't think of Bible reading as something I have to do, but as something I get to do. I like to read fictional books too. Currently reading the Wheel of Time series, but that doesn't bring joy, maybe a...
  11. Doug Melven


    Do you know why Peter wrote "The devil goes about as a roaring lion"? Because Jesus Christ knocked all of his teeth out when He gave him permanent head damage. PHD The only power he has is deception, don't listen to his lies.
  12. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    I still deal with social anxiety somewhat, not near as much as I used to though. I could be in a crowd of people and all alone. Even sitting at a table with friends I would always find myself between 2 conversating groups and part of neither one. But meditating on Proverbs 14:26 helped me a lot...
  13. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    Peace is what I have been thinking about today. Peace with God and the peace of God. Through faith we are justified and have peace with God. Romans 5:1 Focusing on Him and giving Him all of our cares gives us His peace. Isaiah 26:3, Philippians 4:6-7
  14. Doug Melven

    Nobody knows more about God than Jesus.

    Just like Psalms 16:11 says, "In the Presence of the LORD is fulness of joy". And He lives in us so we can always be full of joy.
  15. Doug Melven

    The daily thread.

    If the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled upon the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the Blood of Christ of Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve...