Recent content by DorkiusMaximus

  1. DorkiusMaximus

    Marriage questions/advice.

    I will ask for full forgiveness, I did have an itch it was wrong to do but I ignored it, selfishly and partially because I was confused if it was truly sinful. It's just weird because I can't exactly 'repent' since it's a done deal. I know I can only divorce if he chooses to leave, or adultery...
  2. DorkiusMaximus

    Marriage questions/advice.

    Woops, I'm sorry! I meant the marriage to the unbeliever being a sin. Definitely not the sex. :)
  3. DorkiusMaximus

    Marriage questions/advice.

    I will read that. I appreciate that, and don't feel as crazy. We do have sex when we can, I haven't ran away. I just feel bad for doing it. I pray I will heal and embrace it more. Feelings can be very misleading, but can be very strong.
  4. DorkiusMaximus

    Marriage questions/advice.

    I have. I just feel bad. I know Jesus covers all sin, I just feel bad being selfish and doing what I wanted. Though I'm still unsure if it's a sin.
  5. DorkiusMaximus

    Marriage questions/advice.

    Let me start by saying I did marry an unbeliever. I did know the verse not to be yolked, but I'm foolish and selfish of what I wanted. I love him dearly and we're otherwise fine. He is supportive of my beliefs, and he was prior a Catholic. I do pray for him. I know I can't change him, but to be...
  6. DorkiusMaximus

    Chronic illness and guilt.

    Thank you. I will read and meditate on that, thank you. And yes, yes it is very much. My GI's support it but told me to be careful. I keep small, small amounts at home in my bathroom. They're starting to reduce fines and turn it into a slap on the wrist in my state slowly.
  7. DorkiusMaximus

    Chronic illness and guilt.

    Nutshell: I suffer from a disease called gastroparesis. It causes my stomach sometimes to not be able to digest food. It's very painful, and stressful. I often vomit undigested food consumed hours prior. The vomiting is so severe and violent I often lose my voice for days and can barely...
  8. DorkiusMaximus

    Christian PC Gamers

    I joined the Facebook group. I'm more of a casual gamer ATM but I need to be surrounded by more Christians with similar interests :)
  9. DorkiusMaximus

    I'm a Christian but I can't really stand people.

    A verse in a bible has always struck me. Something along the lines of 'you know you've passed from darkness to light when you love other brethren'. That's fine and dandy, I don't hate people and I'm very kind to people (I see no reason to be nasty or mean, and would always offer a helping hand)...
  10. DorkiusMaximus

    How do I "give it to god"

    I'm currently learning to give it to God as well. To me? I'm telling God to please take whatever it is and trust he has that burden. I trust he will open doors for me to handle things and eventually overcome or resolve said issue. inappropriate content and sexual sin in general is incredibly difficult. I...
  11. DorkiusMaximus

    Christian gaming clan/community

    I did today! I might join the Minecraft server :)
  12. DorkiusMaximus


    So are you telling me someone who is saved, can lose their salvation? It seems there are more verses that support the opposite.
  13. DorkiusMaximus


    So, I'm wondering if it's normal to not feel guilty after sinning all the time and having the guilt strike you later) days or weeks). I sometimes act, think, and do things that are certainly not Christ-like and downright sinful. As I'm lying in bed right now my sins are hitting me upside the...
  14. DorkiusMaximus

    Blood moons?

    Thanks for the replies! I know that I do worry a lot :( I know Christian's will be facing hard times in the future. My faith is small, but it's a work in progress.