Recent content by Charis kai Dunamis

  1. Charis kai Dunamis

    The mistranslation into the English of the act of Faith that saves ...

    While agree with you that faith (or πίστις/πιστεύω) is a particularly complex and multifaceted term (take the reformers' elucidation of notitia, assensus and fiducia for example), your idea that the word is incapable of handling the meaning is somewhat discredited by the usage in James 2:19...
  2. Charis kai Dunamis

    The mistranslation into the English of the act of Faith that saves ...

    I entrust myself to His active and passive obedience. This is the act in which justification is merited - upon the empty vessel of faith which beholds the finished work of Jesus Christ.
  3. Charis kai Dunamis

    The mistranslation into the English of the act of Faith that saves ...

    I believe the English "entrust" is a good translation of the verb.
  4. Charis kai Dunamis

    5 of the more obvious passages about losing salvation

    Well agree to disagree, as it is primarily a prophetic book as per John's thesis in 1:1-3, 19. Further, other than simply stating, you have failed to show that I removed any context that would change the meaning of the quotation. Both Matthew 24:24 and Revelation 13:13 reference σημεῖα μεγάλα...
  5. Charis kai Dunamis

    5 of the more obvious passages about losing salvation

    I took it out of context how? You really mean to tell me that "many antichrists and false prophets" doesn't include THE antichrist and false prophet of Rev 13? Are you telling me that Jesus isn't speaking eschatologically in Matthew 24:24 and that there isn't ANY relation to what is said about...
  6. Charis kai Dunamis

    5 of the more obvious passages about losing salvation

    You talk about context, but can't even determine the context of my post. ZacharyB suggested that many of the elect will take the mark of the beast and be lost forever. I agree with you: "the elect then will not be fooled by false prophets, charlatans, etc." They will not take the mark of the beast.
  7. Charis kai Dunamis


    Just posting a resource for people to read isn't very inviting, hence the reason why I did the same to you. It would be better if you actually wrote something original for the thread, it would likely invoke a better response among readers.
  8. Charis kai Dunamis

    Exegesis of John 3:16

    I don't believe the rest of your post had much to do with my question... but I'm wondering what you mean by this, since it is exactly what I am saying about God's foreknowledge.
  9. Charis kai Dunamis


  10. Charis kai Dunamis

    Exegesis of John 3:16

    I'm going to stop you right there and ask you to explain how this is possible.
  11. Charis kai Dunamis

    Who are called, who are chosen, and who are in Christ?

    I'm not sure how I have been anything but contextual, but okay. Speaking of context, what do you make of v29 being a ὅτι clause?
  12. Charis kai Dunamis

    Exegesis of John 3:16

    That's a terrible definition. God has a perfect free will and He cannot choose to do evil.
  13. Charis kai Dunamis

    Who are called, who are chosen, and who are in Christ?

    I now know that your underlying presuppositions are so far off that we are talking past each other. Good day. :wave:
  14. Charis kai Dunamis

    5 of the more obvious passages about losing salvation

    The strong implication of Matthew 24:24 is that you are wrong.
  15. Charis kai Dunamis

    5 of the more obvious passages about losing salvation

    We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning, but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him. So none of those verses are true of those born of God.