Recent content by Catholic Dude

  1. Catholic Dude

    Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does NOT teach Imputed Righteousness

    I'll try to catch up on responses later. Busy today.
  2. Catholic Dude

    Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does NOT teach Imputed Righteousness

    LOL, either you're Trolling me or you really don't know what you're talking about. How do you equate humanity with sin? Sin isn't a 'thing', it's a defect or absence, like darkness being an absence of light or cold being an absence of heat. I also don't see why it's bizarre exegesis when (a)...
  3. Catholic Dude

    Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does NOT teach Imputed Righteousness

    That really shouldn't be your concern, unless you're going to be guilty of the Ad Hominem fallacy. A website dedicated to a cause does not mean the author is automatically not going to be honest with the facts or is going to present a lop-sided argument. The only concern is, are the claims...
  4. Catholic Dude

    Protestants quoting 2 Corinthians 5:21? (Imputed Righteousness)

    Agreed, it's not part of this discussion, because this discussion was about showing Catholics how to respond when a Protestant quotes 2 Corinthians 5:21 as proof of Imputed Righteousness of Christ. If that's not a doctrine you agree with (or even care about), then this thread obviously doesn't...
  5. Catholic Dude

    Protestants quoting 2 Corinthians 5:21? (Imputed Righteousness)

    Not really. To be Protestant in any meaningful sense means you embrace historic Protestantism, otherwise being Protestant is meaningless. It's no different than going around calling oneself a Mormon but believing your own things and having no care for what historical Mormonism taught. What is...
  6. Catholic Dude

    Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does NOT teach Imputed Righteousness

    What was wrong with the Greek and what is the obvious Old Testament parallel? I'm surprised so many people are not bothering to read the article simply because it was written by a Catholic.
  7. Catholic Dude

    Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does NOT teach Imputed Righteousness

    I'm not actually sure what you said, but it's not exegesis. Exegesis asks and answers questions about a text such as "What does it mean to be 'made sin'"? and "What does it mean to 'become the righteousness of God'"? The article shows that 'made sin' means the Son of God took on our human nature...
  8. Catholic Dude

    Protestants quoting 2 Corinthians 5:21? (Imputed Righteousness)

    The article focuses on the Reformed & Lutheran view because these were the 'original Protestants'. Any Protestant who rejects Lutheranism or Calvinism is not embracing 'historic' Protestantism, but rather a 'new' Protestant view. The doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone has a specific...
  9. Catholic Dude

    Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does NOT teach Imputed Righteousness

    I don't really see any exegesis going on here. You quoted a bunch of passages and made some claims about them, but that's not the same as exegesis. For example, you simply posted 2 Corinthians 5:21 and said this refers to imputation, which is simply an unwarranted assumption, despite the fact my...
  10. Catholic Dude

    Protestants quoting 2 Corinthians 5:21? (Imputed Righteousness)

    I totally understand what you're saying, but as I've pondered over the issue for many years, I've come to see the flaw with that approach. Protestants are under the impression that Catholic teaching, especially on salvation, is completely contrary to the plain teaching of Scripture. So from the...
  11. Catholic Dude

    Why 2 Corinthians 5:21 does NOT teach Imputed Righteousness

    I often see Protestants (typically Calvinists / Reformed) quoting 2 Corinthians 5:21 to prove "the Imputed Righteousness of Christ," and yet when you take a careful look at the verse, it doesn't say anything of the sort. THIS ARTICLE covers 2 Corinthians 5:21 and why it shouldn't be read as...
  12. Catholic Dude

    Protestants quoting 2 Corinthians 5:21? (Imputed Righteousness)

    I often see Protestants (typically Calvinists / Reformed) quoting 2 Corinthians 5:21 to prove "the Imputed Righteousness of Christ," and yet there appears to be no Catholic apologetics out there opposing this. Given that this is one of their absolute favorite verses, Catholics should be...
  13. Catholic Dude

    New American Bible - Matthew and divorce

    If I'm reading you correctly, what you're saying is the traditional reading by the Church Fathers and Catholics: in this context, divorce is understood as separation, but any remarriage by either results in adultery.
  14. Catholic Dude

    On the Law and the Atonement

    This link walks you through how THE BIBLE DEFINES ATONEMENT: NICK'S CATHOLIC BLOG: "Atonement" according to Scripture - More Problems with Penal Substitution That's something that most people studying the atonement don't look at, how the Bible uses the term "atonement". It never involves...
  15. Catholic Dude

    New American Bible - Matthew and divorce

    The rational is because the other accounts don't have the 'except' clause and so Our Lord's words have been traditionally understood to mean divorce is never allowed. There is a tendency to read it as "if one spouse cheats, committing adultery, then you're free to divorce and remarry," but...