Recent content by cantata

  1. cantata

    Biblically speaking

    But also hot.
  2. cantata

    Is it moral to pay problem parents not to have kids?

    This is a ridiculous suggestion, LN. Firstly, if only the people currently using a service pay taxes for that service’s upkeep, then it is not a tax, but a fee. Secondly, you are advocating taking more money from parents rather than supporting them—a marvellous way to punish children and make...
  3. cantata

    Is It Moral To Pursue Someone In A Relationship?

    Personally I think I’d rather avoid getting involved with someone who was lying to another partner about their relationship with me, primarily because that doesn’t sound like a very trustworthy person to have as a partner. If they’re willing to be dishonest with someone they...
  4. cantata

    abortion and euthanasia - whose choice?

    In many countries, one doesn’t have to pay for abortion. [citation needed] Let’s be clear here: when we talk about making abortion harder or impossible to legally obtain, we are talking about the systematic violation of women’s bodily autonomy by the state. Just imagine for a moment that you...
  5. cantata

    Homosexuals Adopting

    The norm is that the couple are of the same race, too. Very few families are normal in every way. And children are remarkably resilient.
  6. cantata

    Homosexuals Adopting

    Okay. Will you pay for a deposit on a flat and for me to do an MA? :)
  7. cantata

    Homosexuals Adopting

    But I’m not gay.
  8. cantata

    Homosexuals Adopting

    Aw, that sounds like fun!
  9. cantata

    Open your heart to make the connection.

    We need to eat, ur mom is edible and nutritious. We do not need to justify the decision to act on that. …
  10. cantata

    Family size limits

    What a strange thing to say.
  11. cantata

    Homosexuals Adopting

    Mincing words in this case is important, because a) not all same-sex couples are composed of two homosexual people, and b) it draws a bizarre degree of attention to the sexual orientations of the prospective adoptive parents, rather than merely to their sex, which is the issue at stake. Calling...
  12. cantata

    Open your heart to make the connection.

    Because it’s produced by people who want to make a profit like anyone else? What a bizarre question.
  13. cantata

    Family size limits

    Sure, if you like that sort of thing. Other options (for your information) include anal sex, manual sex, sex toys, erotic massage, spanking, light bondage, and the liberal application of jam. Or whatever else floats your boat.
  14. cantata

    Christian assumptions about atheist morality

    God is good because God says God is good? How do we know we can trust God to be honest about God’s goodness? (Remember that at this stage of our reasoning, we don’t know God is good yet!) A moral compass that you claim God made! But you say that God made our ability to recognise goodness...
  15. cantata

    Homosexuals Adopting

    I think it should be considered by the couple, for sure, but not by the state.