Recent content by bathelter01

  1. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    When you say "the unbelief that he is talking about," what exactly is this unbelief? General unbelief, as in rejecting Christ? The reason I ask is because, ultimately, all sin stems from unbelief. If I steal, I show that I don't belie that the Lord is good and will provide for my needs. Or at...
  2. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    I have never seen this verse be viewed through a eschatological lens, but perhaps I'm looking at it through the lens of what I'm experiencing that has caused me to view it the way I do. The way I'm viewing them, as well as the rest of the warning passages in Hebrews, would be concerning...
  3. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    I have heard that as well but I don't agree with it based on Hebrews 10:26-27. 26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the...
  4. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    Thanks for the response. Good distinction. I'm not exactly sure what I mean when I say faith. Maybe if I explain it will make more sense. 2 years ago, after experiencing what I believe to be the Holy Spirit's departure, I was greatly distressed and ran to the Word to seek the Lord. Upon...
  5. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    But what do you do when you have faith no longer? When it has left or been taken away from you?
  6. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    I agree regarding his promises. My struggle is in where they may end. It seems clear to me through 1 John 5 and Hebrews that there comes a time with repeated sin where the sinning "leads to death" and a time when "a sacrifice no longer remains for them." (Speaking of those two verses...
  7. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    It's not that. Of course I believe. Who can know Christ as an intimate friend and then deny his existence. That's like denying your own brother never existed. You would be delusional to do so. (Assuming you have a sibling.) But being a believer is not wrapped up in intellectual acknowledgment of...
  8. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    Thank you for your response. It's not so much that I don't have feelings of being saved that is the problem. I've gone through times of falling into sin and not feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit or feeling like a believer. I understand that. What is so utterly different from those times...
  9. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    Definitely. I think the commentator Henry Alford explains it well: “It is not a particular species of sin which is here condemned”—like, oh, have I done that one thing?—“it is a definite act showing a state of sin, and that state a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy...
  10. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    I agree totally. It is a work of the Holy Spirit in us. So what then does it mean when it is not being produced in us? Because there is a difference between godly and worldly repentance. Godly repentance is produced by the Spirit.
  11. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    Good questions. I want to be clear about the state I'm in. I am not lamenting. Lamenting would signify a brokenness over what is being lamented over. I'm not saying that I do not want to be lamenting. I want to be crying my eyes out over my sin against the Lord. But I am not. I am being honest...
  12. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    What would have to be true for someone to have committed the unpardonable sin? I mean, what would it look like for that person practically? What would their daily existence look like?
  13. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    Thank you for your response. I would agree with what you're saying, however, I see Esau's example and conclude that there is a point of no return. Where Esau sought repentance but it was denied him. I don't think it was because God refused him but because he could not legitimately repent due to...
  14. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    I agree. I've been fighting to continue in prayer and in Scripture reading for the last 2 years. Nothing has changed though. Not a bit. That's why I've been so confident that I've crossed to the point of no return. I'm more so asking what to do now that I have.
  15. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    1. No. My conviction of sin is no more. 2. No. I feel no need to repent but I know that I need to so I have tried my best to continue doing it. But I am not finding restoration when doing so. 3. No. I do not feel grateful. I haven't felt much of anything except anger and hatred since the Spirit...