Recent content by alancrookham

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    What is the best way to start a home church?

    It may sound simple, maybe cliche, but I really believe the best way to start is by taking some time to seriously pray and seek God on how to do it. It's true that a lot of churches are flashy and man pleasing, but those kinds of churches also usually operate out of old methods and programs...
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    Testimony of Miracles in Guatemala

    Glory to God! Check out this testimony of a breakout of miracles at a hospital in Guatemala! Firesode 2 - Boldness Part 1 - YouTube
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    The Italian Gringo

    Hello fellow Gringo! I just moved to Texas from Panama where I was a missionary for 9 years! I just wanted to encourage you in the ministry. God is awesome and it is such an honor to serve him. Keep up the good work!
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    I Spy

    A stack of papers I need to finish working on.
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    Today I am Thankful to God for:

    I am thankful for His mercy and life! He is such an awesome God!
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    Written vs Audible Word of God?

    No doubt the written Word always takes precedence. There are a lot of different spirits out there both good and bad, and lots of twisted voices, so the written Word is the bedrock of truth and anything anyone says that doesn't line up with that written word is false. Once people start making...
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    How is it done?

    One of the greatest men of God I know is a man named David Hogan. He is pretty famous, especially in the missionary world (which I was for many years). He didn't become famous or powerful in the Lord because of advertising or making big money. He doesn't take offerings when he preaches and he...
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    Healing as a command

    You must be looking in the wrong circle of churches then! There are huge movements in the body of Christ that take Jesus' command to heal and cast out demons as just that, a command that is for every believer, and expected to be a regular part of our lives. I prayed for a man with arthritis in...
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    Hands Shaking During Prayer: Does the Holy Spirit Make you Shake?

    The Holy Spirit can manifest in all kinds of ways, trembling hands is just one of them. Why that specific manifestation takes place is debatable. Some people have likened it to the shaking of the room when the disciples were praying, or of the prison, or other earthquakes that took place in...
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    How to overcome any addiction in your life.

    Sorry about the spacing issues. The forum kept adding all of this extra words in random spaces, so I had to delete them, and it left a bunch of words stuck together. You might be surprised by the bold title I have put on this post, and yet I assure you it is true in every way.If you can let...
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    A Question to Ponder

    He is the same person whether Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is just more old English style, while Spirit is more modern. Also Holy Ghost tends to be used more in the South of the U.S. and Holy Spirit more in the North, that's just because of differing cultures.
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    Can prayer really heal "anything"?

    Absolutely. I have been on the mission field for over ten years, and I have seen God heal AIDs, cancer lots of times, crippled limbs, blinded eyes, and on and on it goes. As a matter of fact, I saw an entire hospital wing healed just a few months ago here in Panama. There we dozens of kids...
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    Are other religions the work of Satan?

    It is a mix of both really. Satan is definitely behind all of them in one way or another, but satan is not creative, man is. Satan puts into someones head, "Did God really say?" or "You can be like God," and put the same lies in slightly different packages, and once he get a human to take hold...
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    Do we listen to the Old Testament? Or not?

    I just want to echo what has already been said here by others. The Old Testament law we do not follow, because we we set free from that on the cross. Now we live in New Testament law, which is the law of love. God left the Old Testament in the Bible for a reason though. One is to show us how...
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    What do yall think of the church of christ?

    The Church of Christ is not a bad denomination. They are wrong on several issues, particularly the belief that if you are not baptized you go to hell, that simply isn't scriptural. The thief on the cross is a clear example. Jesus said he would go to heaven with Him, the thief was never...