Recent content by 70x7

  1. 70x7

    The Myth of saying that Jesus Christ died for all men without exception !

    John 3:16? NONE shall perish. He loved the WORLD
  2. 70x7

    Violence as entertainment

  3. 70x7

    Don't all roads led to heaven?

    Absolutley not! "Wide is the path, but narrow is the gate" The ONLY way to the Father is through Jesus Christ and He is only present as the Messiah in Christianity. Part of "The Lie" is to get people diverted from Jesus and what better way to do that then create other religions. If they...
  4. 70x7

    Is he there

    God IS with us. When we become believers not only is He around us, He dwells IN us as the Holy Spirit. Jesus said He would send another who would not leave us. As mentioned before, God is Omnipresent, meaning everywhere at everytime. I see it as one or the other and cannot have both big bang...
  5. 70x7

    Violence as entertainment

    Its just a different flavor icing on the cupcake of sin
  6. 70x7

    What does God say about mistrust?

    Temptations are "whispers from Satan" I guess you could say. Nobody is perfect and everyone has and will sin, whether that be disregarding ones trust or lying or whatever.... God hates the sin and not the sinner and that is what He has called us to do. Even sinners (believers or not) are, by His...
  7. 70x7

    Becoming a Better Christian

    Growing in a personal relationship is what it is about, not going to church or saying grace before lunch. Faith, trust, love. Feed yourself daily with the Word and apply them to actions in everyday life. I know plenty of "faithful" followers that only go to church Christmas and Easter...
  8. 70x7

    Christianity & Evolution Are Compatible...A Reflection

    So since we cannot "prove" the existance of God using our science, He does not exist? "Creationism is full of logical holes and assumptions based on ideological fact, I believe it puts God in a box, a box which he does not belong. It limits God to an interpretation not based in...
  9. 70x7

    Words beginning with'com'

  10. 70x7

    So why do you think someone would leave Christianity?

    People who leave christianity because of an act of a church or a pastor, are doing it for uneducated reasons. Why have your faith of a perfect Jesus be determined by an inperfect man of sin? That makes no sense to me. There are other churches or other pastors if you do not agree with what they...
  11. 70x7

    Words beginning with'com'

  12. 70x7

    Christianity a joke?

    I dont really see why it needs to be 'touched' in the first place. You are making a general observation off of specific events. Not all christians are like you say, just like not all atheists have cold hearts. Jesus calls us to love and aid our neighbors, which we should do to the best of...
  13. 70x7

    How many accept the pre-trib rapture as true?

    so you know this as 100% fact then?