Recent content by 4LivingCreations

  1. 4LivingCreations

    2 Creation Accounts

    For me it's easier if the second account is simply a reiteration of the first. It's my understanding that it's supposed to be simple, cause He told us to become like little children.
  2. 4LivingCreations

    The Exodus: Fact or Fiction?

    For me, it's more important that the story asks and answers if I have been led out of slavery. Am I "Moses", an "Israelite", "Pharoah", one of his cronies, etc., and at what points in my life do I change from one to the other. Or, am I struggling inside the way the people in the story do with...
  3. 4LivingCreations

    The Virgin Mary: Maybe Not

    I believe she was a virgin, and that "almah" is being used to refer to a young girl that has not had sex. I believe otherwise the writer would have referred to her as a woman. I believe the whole reason that virginity exists physically, and the reason that it is a theme in scripture, is to...
  4. 4LivingCreations

    Moses 4:1-4 LDS Satan a Universalist & Free Will Jesus ???

    I'm not trying to support the text source in the traditional sense by saying this, but I would like to offer a reading perspective that is different from the one presented in OP, for comparison. 1. The satan being referenced is the "self" concept inside Moses, and it is "self" that Moses has...
  5. 4LivingCreations

    how many believe the prophets and saints of God that Enoch never died?

    Yeah that's why I said arguably. There's a lot of information in the geographical and personal names surrounding the death. But I'm not preaching it, just saying. You know, cause Moses appeared with Elijah to talk to Jesus, and various people might want to reconcile a dead man walking in...
  6. 4LivingCreations

    how many believe the prophets and saints of God that Enoch never died?

    Arguably, Moses, if Deut 34:1-7 are read as though the death was spiritual, Moses was translated, and that "grave unknown to this day" means the modern reader, being carefully defined as a "man" rather than "Son of man" doesn't see it.
  7. 4LivingCreations

    Post an outrageous lie about the poster before you

    ChetSinger did voice-overs on country guitar instructional tapes in the early 70's, and he only knows the first 7 letters of the alphabet.
  8. 4LivingCreations

    Prove God Exists

    OP, nobody can prove that God exists, though they may know it with all their own being. Having said that, Revelation 3:7 or Habakkuk 1:5 (countless other verses) followed by any "secular" song. Peace.
  9. 4LivingCreations

    Psalms 5:5

    Hate, refuse, abhor, etc... It is a negative feeling that we all understand. Have you considered the idea that the "workers of iniquity" are inside each and every one of us instead of just being specific whole people?
  10. 4LivingCreations

    All possible translations of Isaiah 25:6

    There will be "meat" because it is a metaphor for "a real experience" "fleshly" experience, if one wants to think of it that way. Whether or not we will get to kill a cow and have a cook-out... I'd rather just not care too much. Even though I do love hamburgers.
  11. 4LivingCreations

    Is it actually Him?

    Yes, the only difference in adding the "vav" to the end of one instance of this word is to "nail" or "make one" or "and" it with the concept at hand. Like nailing Jesus to a tree, the error of making Him a simple decision making process. The meat is in the words that escaped translation error...
  12. 4LivingCreations

    YHWH yireh

    To start, always throw out man's vowel points and replace with "schwa", non-letter vowel points have no meaning. R Eh H Sounds like Reh-H' or ReyHuh (I use ' to represent the "schwa" vowel, which is always the assumed non-descript quick vowel that follows every consonant) Root letter meanings...
  13. 4LivingCreations

    The wages of sin is DEATH, not eternal torment in Hell.

    Eternal was translated from hebrew and greek words that originally mean "beyond comprehension", time not being an inherent attribute. But people refuse to hear, refuse to look it up, and refuse to believe even if they look it up. Torment was translated from a word that means "touchstoning"...
  14. 4LivingCreations

    Do you ever misshear a tune for the better?

    Has happened to me plenty of times too, for what it's worth.