Media added by Greg Merrill


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Back Wall

Back Wall

This is a picture of the wall in my backyard before I enhanced the photograph only (not the actual wall itself).
Dad Touched Up 2

Dad Touched Up 2

Anyone out there have a picture they would like to send me that I might be able to "restore" and send back?
Dad Touched Up

Dad Touched Up

This is an old picture of my Dad, that somehow got spots on it. I am going to post another picture of it where I have removed the spots. I enjoy touching up pictures that have creases in them, spots, stains, or small holes, or unwanted backgrounds.
Face Cloud

Face Cloud

With added labels of the parts of the face I see.
Foreboding Cloud

Foreboding Cloud

Going out into my backyard near sunset, to feed the hummingbirds, I saw this cloud. It was basically the only cloud in the sky. It almost appears as a giant figure's profile, facing left, possibly blowing something from it's mouth. Anybody else read anything into this picture, just for fun?
Flowered Cross

Flowered Cross

On Easter, when I was pastoring, we would use a large, black, ugly, Styrofoam cross to remind us of our past life of sin. The congregation would then come up and pin (or place in the chicken wire covering it) bouquets of flowers upon it, signifying the beauty of our changed lives because of Christ


Another contributor to CF had a similar picture, and I commented about this one. We may not always appreciate all of God's creation, but look at the design of this fly. As a child, I once asked my father to tell me something to draw. He said "A fly." I should have tried.
Diagram Of Trinity

Diagram Of Trinity

This is my favorite way of illustrating the doctrine of the Trinity of God.